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Would You Rather

WOULD YOU RATHER . So how this works is that you answer the question above you and then continue to write your own would you rather for the next person and lets see how long this can go on for and some of the funny questions and answers .

Would you rather   -Never eat chocolate again or  - Never eat cheese again?

rachiePosted 09-03-2015 12:35 AM

Comments (34 pages)

Emily-ROPosted 06-10-2021 12:35 PM

Never eat cheese I think! Chocolate is too good 😊



Would you rather drink your tea that got cold? Or go make a new one?

Watermelon_HornetPosted 25-08-2021 01:01 PM

I love them both but I love chocolate more so I would choose not to eat cheese. Not sure if this counts but I could cheat by eating cheese substitutes like ones not made of dairy haha

Emily-ROPosted 25-08-2021 01:11 PM

Hahaha I love that @Watermelon_Hornet ! Cheese substitutes is such a great strategy 😉

Do you have a "would you rather" question that you'd like to share?

MB95Posted 25-08-2021 08:59 PM

Swim underwater I reckon.. still so much to be discovered! And imagine being able to swim with the dolphins and whales 😮



Next one: Would you rather watch a TV series or read a book series? 

Emily-ROPosted 27-08-2021 10:04 AM

TV series for me! I'm a very visual person and I love the variety of TV shows. I especially love animated shows where artists get to show their talent 😊



Next one: Would you rather fly on a plane or sail on a boat?

Andre9Posted 27-08-2021 10:54 AM

At this point, I am desperate for any kind of travelling, but if I had to choose I would go sailing on a boat! Rushing through the ocean waves while the wind breezes through your hair have always been one of my favourite experiences 🙂 Plus you are not as enclosed on a boat as you would be on a plane! 



Next one: Would you rather live longer days or longer nights?

Emily-ROPosted 27-08-2021 12:04 PM

I feel you @Andre9 ! I miss the ocean breeze! And oh my gosh that gif is perfect for what you said


I'd rather live longer nights! I'm an absolute night owl. I feel more at peace at night, and also more productive weirdly



Next one: Would you rather be an eagle or a lion?

MB95Posted 31-08-2021 10:51 PM

Totally get the desperate need to be travelling!! I'd take any transport option right about now to get the hell outta here!! 😂

Feels. I feel like night time is the only time I'm productive @Emily-RO 😂


Hmm.. an eagle so I can fly my way on out of here 👌



Next one: Would you rather find out if you had the genetics for a terminal illness that you can't change the fate of or would you rather not know in the first place? 

Emily-ROPosted 01-09-2021 09:50 AM

Yes!! I'm absolutely with you there on the Eagle 😊



I think I'd rather know 😊 it's good to be aware of, especially if I decided to have kids at some point!


Next one: Would you rather only eat your favourite food forever, or never eat your favourite food again?


Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 02-09-2021 12:08 AM

I suppose never eat my favourite food again- I'd find something else!


Next one: Would you rather go skydiving or bungee jumping?

Emily-ROPosted 03-09-2021 02:19 PM

Skydiving! I feel safer with someone else with me and usually skydiving is with an instructor! 😅



Next one: Would you rather be a fish or a bird?

MB95Posted 04-09-2021 12:46 AM

Oooh.. I love seeing things from above but I also love seeing what's below the surface of the ocean!! This is a tough one.. imma go fish. 



Next one: Would you rather lose your sense to feel or sense to taste? 

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 04-09-2021 11:02 PM

Ooh that's a tough one... I'm going to have to say lose my sense to taste!


Next one: Would you rather shave your head or not be able to get a haircut (or cut your own hair) for 5 years?


MB95Posted 05-09-2021 11:13 PM

Hmm.. so of I'm being honest I'm lucky if I cut my hair once a year lol I'm pretty lazy when it comes to the whole self care shite lol But I reckon I'd notice the split ends by 5yrs for sure! So imma go with shave! I have really long hair and have always wanted to raise some money and shave it off for the World's Greatest Shave so that's what I'd do! 


Next one: Would you rather go out for ice cream or coffee?

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 06-09-2021 02:07 AM

Ice cream definitely! Oh no if you let it grow for 5 years maybe it would reach the ground 😛


Next one: Would you rather take a train or a bus?

Emily-ROPosted 08-09-2021 10:03 AM

A train! It's nice to not have to wait for traffic 😄 Plus, I love the ones that go through countryside and nature!



Next one: Would you rather eat a chili or a lemon?

MB95Posted 13-09-2021 09:48 PM

Me too!! I'd love to do the Harry Potter train route 😍


Hmm.. I think I'm gonna go with lemon. Don't particularly fancy burning my mouth off!! 



Next one: Would you rather cry or scream?

Emily-ROPosted 15-09-2021 12:36 PM

Cry I think! I love a good cry with someone! Especially happy ones! It's so healing 😊



Next one: Would you rather dance or sing?

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 08-05-2021 04:03 PM

That's a tough one @Maddy-RO 😕 Would a world without an ocean have no water? If so I'd have to forgo the mountains and forest


Would you rather never be able to wear deodorant/perfume (or anything to cover up scents) again or only be able to wash your hair with water for the rest of your life?


Taylor-ROPosted 08-05-2021 09:04 PM

I really like having clean hair, I think I could live without deodorant or perfume hehe @Lost_Space_Explorer5 


Would you rather be able to change your hair colour everyday or be able to speak a different language everyday?

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 09-05-2021 01:31 AM

Oof @Taylor-RO, would I be able to still speak English and each language would be an addition or would I speak a different language every day because I feel that could get really confusing! 😂 I'd go with different colour hair if that was the case!


Next one: Would you rather never be able to put a book down (you have to do everything while reading and rereading the same book) or never be able to stop watching and rewatching a movie (same rules apply)?

MB95Posted 21-08-2021 02:20 PM

Never be able to put a book down. 


Next one: Would you rather be chased by a bear or attacked by a crocodile?

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 21-08-2021 05:53 PM

Hmm I guess chased by a bear?


Next one: Would you rather have the same song stuck on loop in your head forever or never be able to listen to music again?

MB95Posted 21-08-2021 06:54 PM

Same song for sure. 


Next one: Would you rather be house bound for the rest of your life or be able to leave the house whenever you want but with a 10% chance of survining? 

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