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Write A Story

So, the way this works is someone writes a sentence, then someone else continues it on, then someone else, one sentence at a time.

Have Fun,


DistortedPosted 20-02-2023 01:17 PM


Funny_catPosted 15-03-2023 09:46 PM

Once there was dude named Jack! Jack enjoyed...

Blake_ROPosted 03-03-2023 01:12 PM

The sound of my alarm goes off waking me from my dream, I roll over and think about pressing snooze but instead I jump out of bed as I remembered what today was.

ObsidianPosted 05-03-2023 10:19 AM

Giddy with excitement, I almost trip as I rush to freshen myself up in preparation for everything the day held in store.

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 06-03-2023 10:37 PM

Today was going to be perfect, it just had to be...

rainstorm22Posted 08-03-2023 02:24 PM

i walked through into the living room.


HLO9Posted 09-03-2023 11:52 PM

made breakfast and danced to the sound of rain

Mulberry_ButterflyPosted 12-03-2023 10:28 PM

I love rain. The pitter-patters on the roof make life feel like it's going to be ok. As my dancing skills were hitting peak I noticed...

CarliPosted 30-03-2023 02:39 PM

that the rain had turned into skittles and they were EVERYWHERE...

BlondeBarbiePosted 30-03-2023 03:09 PM

The skittles were everywhere. Everywhere I looked, was an explosion of color! Reds... greens... yellows... then all the sudden... the skittles came to life. They formed faces. I saw noses, eyes, mouths. They started talking! I wondered if i was going crazy. I turned to my left, and the purple skittle said to me.... 

Sunset_FerretPosted 16-04-2023 10:18 AM

"Don't fear child, for I am here to protect you from....

Lee101Posted 22-04-2023 11:02 PM

... a villain named Jack who was so evil, he enjoyed waking you from your pleasant sleep with a blaring alarm.

ayrc_1904Posted 23-04-2023 09:26 AM

The skittle rain then stopped... and original Jack stood there very still in the living room, confused, stunned, and unsure of what to do next. 

AnzelmoPosted 23-04-2023 10:00 AM

The Skittles with faces rolled around original jack, and then combined together to form into a SKITTLE MAN that looked like... 

CrazyJellyPosted 05-05-2023 02:41 PM

... Barney the dinosaur. Remembering my childhood trauma, I run like a chicken without a head. I loose my footing and slip on some rose petals, unexpectedly I meet face to face with a....

AnzelmoPosted 06-05-2023 08:30 PM

Firefighter! They have come save the day - or so I thought, but something about them is off, they tell me to follow them to the ...

Little_OwlPosted 10-05-2023 09:05 AM

... basement. Worried, I briefed myself to take one foot after the other as I descended to the basement. A frosty breeze sent shivers down my spine, and when I reached the final step of the staircase, I found myself paralyzed. Not because of the frosty breeze but because I saw...

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