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Where's a good shop for woman/girl clothing

So since I've been wanting to crossdress I wanted to know if anyone knows a good shop for girls/woman clothes (can't use card) I can't be bothered explaining it to my mother, last time I came out about something it was a barrage of questions that I tried to avoid lol.

GenderthiefPosted 15-07-2022 01:25 AM


ayrc_1904Posted 17-07-2022 11:55 AM

Hey @Genderthief 


I know General Pants Co. and Universal both have oversized tees and skirts! Hopefully those are somewhat what you're looking for style wise? 

Portia_ROPosted 15-07-2022 02:07 PM

Hey @Genderthief, what kind of clothes are you into? I'm sure that plenty of community members will have some awesome recommendations! I often shop online, but if I'm ever around David Jones in the city, I can usually find some super cool outfits. Big department stores like that have loads of different brands so it's pretty easy to find something that fits my style. 


I can definitely understand not wanting to explain things to your mum, sometimes it's nice to just explore your self-expression without having to explain yourself to someone and answer all their questions! Do you have any friends or other family that you've spoken to about wanting to try out some different kinds of clothing? 

GenderthiefPosted 15-07-2022 09:08 PM

I like the look of skirts and oversized shirts/jumpers, anything like that is really cute. I have a few friends who can help aswell, only one of them I've came out to about it, edit: I had a look at David Jones and JESUS ITS SO EXPENSIVE lol

AnzelmoPosted 17-07-2022 10:16 AM

Hi @Genderthief !


Yeah from my experience, unless there is a big sale - places like David Jones and Myers are generally best left for window shopping (at least for me 😅) since they have huge range of stuff in their stores, but theyre quiet pricey. 


From what I can recall my SO usually shops at glassons, city beach, or supre and she usually finds them decently priced - maybe they'll have some of what youre looking for? 

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