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LIVE GR: The Stigma of Struggling (17th of February 7:30PM AEST)

One in five Australians aged from 16 to 85 experience a mental health issue in any given year. While support seeking is growing, with around half of people seeking treatment, we still have a long way to go.



It's hard enough trying to get through the day when we're not feeling our best. But a lot of us have had to deal with stigma too.

Anyone can perpetuate stigma. You might hear a negative comment about people who are struggling by a passerby, be told something condescending by a medical professional or your parents might be critical of you for seeking help. It's not difficult to see why stigma can be so damaging, but it is something that is so widespread in society that it can be hard to avoid.
We are often bombarded with messages about the importance of help-seeking, but sadly, many of us struggle to find support and validation. It can be a challenge to raise your voice when it feels as through the rest of the world is saying, 'Don't make a sound'.

This Wednesday, the 17th of February at 7:30pm AEST, join us for a much-needed chat about the challenges resulting from stigma, and ways that we can combat and cope with it.
See you all then!

WheresMySquishyPosted 12-02-2021 08:57 PM
HozzlesPosted 17-02-2021 10:04 PM

Goodnight all! I'll be sure to come back and try to answer some of the earlier questions later! Smiley Happy

HozzlesPosted 17-02-2021 08:58 PM

@featuringme wow that sounds so hard to deal with Smiley Sad you're completely right mental health needs to be spoken of freely everywhere, because when you don't speak about it it can easily manifest into something terrible! 

HozzlesPosted 17-02-2021 08:47 PM

Oops, have completely lost track of time recently and forgot this was on! I'll try and get to the other questions later! Smiley Very Happy

Have you (or someone close to you) ever encountered stigma because you (or they) were struggling? How did it affect you? What did you do?

I'm not sure it's like... an active stigma but I definitely feel like I've faced it a lot when I might suddenly start struggling again and everyone around me is like 'ugh, again? I thought she was getting help for that, I thought we went through this and it was fixed, doesn't she ever learn?'. It feels so bad Smiley Sad

I know a lot of people who have felt abandoned by their friends because they're struggling and they're too anxious/depressed/stressed to hang out. It's so sad and annoying. Smiley Sad

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 17-02-2021 08:50 PM
oh my gosh yes @Hozzles Like once I relapsed and my friend was so angry at me thinking I had gotten past things and was better and was mad at me for lying 😞 Like, we're doing the best we can..
HozzlesPosted 17-02-2021 09:01 PM

@Lost_Space_Explorer5 that's the worst... like what do you even say when someone accuses you of lying but you're not? Smiley Sad Everyone else is allowed to have some good days and some bad days, but the moment you're struggling it's supposed to be all bad or, if you're recovering, all good. Smiley Frustrated

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 17-02-2021 09:06 PM
Yeah.. I think I really had been doing better for a little bit. But relapse happens @Hozzles 😞

Thanks @featuringme 🙂

@hunginc that's tough, I often doubt medical professionals too 😞
Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 17-02-2021 09:07 PM
Haha I love the supportive mental health part of tik tok lol that tells everyone they're valid. Although yeah some social media can have the opposite effect. It's a bit of a gamble
HozzlesPosted 17-02-2021 09:15 PM

@Lost_Space_Explorer5 oh yeah, definitely! There's good and bad parts of social media and it's honestly an effort sometimes to stay in the good parts ahah.

hungincPosted 17-02-2021 09:09 PM

@Lost_Space_Explorer5 That Elisa Lam "documentary" on Netflix doesn't help 

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 17-02-2021 09:18 PM

Next Question!! 😄


What brings about stigma? What kind of emotions does it generate both in society and in those that fall into stigmatised groups? How does the cycle of stigma keep going?


Image result for mental illness help seeking gif

hungincPosted 17-02-2021 09:25 PM

What brings about stigma? What kind of emotions does it generate both in society and in those that fall into stigmatised groups? How does the cycle of stigma keep going?


Stigma arises from a lack of awareness, lack of education on the nature and complications of mental illnesses etc.




Stigma perpetuates in society through a lack of education and exposure to such mental illnesses etc.



Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 17-02-2021 09:28 PM
I think the cycle keeps going because some things are so inbuilt that we don't pick up on as easy. It can literally be how people say things like 'oh I'm so ocd' or 'you're crazy' or it can be more subtle like how people are portrayed in the media or even in fictional cases. Like groups of people can be displayed as violent when they aren't. What else could be keeping the cycle going is that people can internalise the stigma so much that they believe society is 'right'
HozzlesPosted 17-02-2021 09:48 PM

@Lost_Space_Explorer5 yes, recognizing the subtle things is so important! Even the little, every day things contribute to greater forms of stigma by making it seem okay and 'normal'.

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 17-02-2021 09:33 PM

The Sane website has some interesting stuff about stigma (e.g. reducing stigma and self-stigma) and I think they try and tackle stigma in the media

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 17-02-2021 09:25 PM
Mm I agree with @Hozzles I think it's fear of the unknown or possible threat. It generates hostile and avoidant behaviours in society for the people who agree with the negative views. Probably fear for those who disagree and are scared to say anything. For those who are stigmatised probably anger, sadness, and shame?
HozzlesPosted 17-02-2021 09:21 PM

What brings about stigma? What kind of emotions does it generate both in society and in those that fall into stigmatised groups? How does the cycle of stigma keep going?

Fear, at the very heart of it all, and ignorance. Fear for all kinds of things: fear of being seen as weak, fear of the unknown... etc. Like I said before, if you don't talk about things they twist into ideas darker than themselves. If no one talks about their problems or tries to start a conversation the cycle keeps going.

featuringmePosted 17-02-2021 09:41 PM

@Hozzles this is so true. I feel like society has designated certain situations and characteristics as "normal". Anyone who presents different circumstances or features may then be met with fear, leading to ignorance and stigmatising.

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 17-02-2021 09:12 PM
I haven't heard of that one @hunginc, what's it about?
hungincPosted 17-02-2021 09:17 PM

@Lost_Space_Explorer5 TW: Death. 21 year old woman who was diagnosed with a mental health condition and was unmedicated which led to her death 

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 17-02-2021 09:20 PM
Oh wow that sounds intense @hunginc 😮
HozzlesPosted 17-02-2021 08:56 PM

Next question! Smiley Very Happy

How can people get help or help others who are facing stigma? Has anything  ever helped you or someone you know deal with stigma around struggling?

featuringmePosted 17-02-2021 09:03 PM

How can people get help or help others who are facing stigma? Has anything ever helped you or someone you know deal with stigma around struggling?

On Instagram, I see a lot of posts that validate struggles and provide positive affirmations. I enjoy reading them, as it normalises struggles and approaches them in a more positive manner. It helps to break down the stigma.

If someone is facing stigma, I think it's important that we show them our support, and that we validate their struggles. We could probably try to educate others about stigmas as well, so that people can change their attitudes. Psychologists and therapists are trained to be non-judgemental, so we can approach them if needed.

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 17-02-2021 08:45 PM

Have you (or someone close to you) ever encountered stigma because you (or they) were struggling? How did it affect you? What did you do?

I have, by my family mostly. Telling me I was making things up about my mental health and wanted attention. And that I had no reason to feel how I did. And then when they do believe I'm sick they treat me like I'm going to blow up and can't take care of myself. Also they've told me I was faking being in pain regarding my chronic pain and that all I needed to do was x, y or z.


Also I've been called names by my friends in the past, based on how I look, or jokes have been made at my expense, or I've been told to be more optimistic. I felt sad and shut down in response to all this 😞

featuringmePosted 17-02-2021 08:57 PM

@Lost_Space_Explorer5 I'm so sorry you went through that Smiley Sad

HozzlesPosted 17-02-2021 08:49 PM

@Lost_Space_Explorer5 yes, I was thinking more of mental health but physical health is a whole other story, lol. Even with health professionals it's so hard to be believed and feel heard sometimes. Smiley Sad

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