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originally posted on 14-08-2017 9:32 PM

Meditation sounds great @meesha! Goodluck with that! 🙂
Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 14-08-2017 9:33 PM


Thanks! 🙂

originally posted on 14-08-2017 9:17 PM

Whoa @FootyFan26 with the epic list of answers! 

originally posted on 14-08-2017 9:23 PM

I know that a lot of people have left at the moment but I'll pop up a last question that people can answer now or later:

What is something that you may be able to do this week to increase your level of self-care? This can be absolutely anything!

For example, my plan is to take out one afternoon this week to have a warm bath and read my book, as I know I have a lot of uni work and I know that this may stress me out a bit, so it'll be important to take care of myself 🙂

originally posted on 14-08-2017 9:27 PM

What is something that you may be able to do this week to increase your level of self-care? 


Try to aim to do one piece of self care a day even if it's really small.

originally posted on 14-08-2017 9:29 PM

Starting small is the best way to go @FootyFan26

originally posted on 14-08-2017 9:33 PM

Well it is 9:30 which means it is time to wrap up for tonight!  It has been a lovely chat and I reckon I've learnt a lot tonight!  Thanks for your contributions everyone and I hope you have a great night!

Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 14-08-2017 9:36 PM

you too have a great night @FootyFan26 ! 🙂

originally posted on 14-08-2017 9:20 PM

That last question really got me thinking that I'd love to write a list of things that I find awesome about myself and keep adding to it over time. That way, when I have bad days, I can read over it and see the things that I know are awesome about myself. Maybe that'll resonate with someone else and their self-care plan? 🙂

originally posted on 14-08-2017 9:24 PM

@basketofmonkeys this is a cool idea
Another one I've done before is list all the good things you have done that day (it could even be something really simple, like letting someone in front of you in traffic, or made a nice lunch for yourself). It really helps to make you feel the self love! Good to remind yourself that everybody does good things every day.

originally posted on 14-08-2017 9:22 PM

I really like that idea @basketofmonkeys along with having another go at a Diary! 

Uber contributor

originally posted on 14-08-2017 9:23 PM

Oooh i could combine the two and make a list in my new diary! 


originally posted on 14-08-2017 9:25 PM

@Ben-RO yeah! journaling is so good. I've dabbled in it but haven't completely committed to doing it yet, but I love the idea. Maybe that'll be another good thing to add to anyone's self-care plan 🙂
Uber contributor

originally posted on 14-08-2017 9:25 PM

What is something that you may be able to do this week to increase your level of self-care? This can be absolutely anything!


I kind of answered this already, I'm going to have a go at a diary in the morning when i wake up 🙂 

originally posted on 14-08-2017 9:30 PM

I love the idea of combining the two @Ben-RO!

I've never tried that one @Meowkins but it sounds really good as well!

originally posted on 14-08-2017 9:27 PM

Maybe I will have to start journaling too!

originally posted on 14-08-2017 9:19 PM

@Ben-RO Which my cat made disappear!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank goodness for drafts 😛
Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 14-08-2017 8:52 PM


hehe sorry don't have much experience on journaling.. did like 10 years ago when I was a kid but that's about it

Uber contributor

originally posted on 14-08-2017 8:37 PM

@Ben-RO hehe I would suggest buying a really nice journal that is both aesthetically pleasing and formatted in a way that you like/works for you! And find a spot for it that is easily accessed at times when you think you might want to journal! 🙂
I have journals from about the age of 6 - 18 and sporadic entries over the past few years. It is pretty strange to read back and a great reminder of how much you might have changed over the years 🙂
Uber contributor

originally posted on 14-08-2017 8:41 PM

Hmmm sounds good @May_ have you ever tried journaling with an app? I am a huge nerd so i kind of want to type... but maybe writing is better, hmmm okay we should probably make a thread about this so i don't accidentally distract everyone from this conversation 😛 

originally posted on 14-08-2017 8:49 PM

Alright, last question!!


In the spirit of self-love, name 5-10 things you love about yourself, or things about yourself that you find awesome

Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 14-08-2017 9:15 PM

In the spirit of self-love, name 5-10 things you love about yourself, or things about yourself that you find awesome


1. I truly care about others

2. I love to help people

3. I have some talents/skills that I am truly passionate on

4. I am still up and running despite loads of failures in life

5. ability to stay positive in a negative situation

6. I have a couple of friends whom I think I can truly trust 


originally posted on 14-08-2017 9:10 PM

I know you've all said goodnight, but I wanted to answer the last question!
1. My compassion for others
2. My creativity
3. My sewing skills
4. My dessert making skills
5. My confidence in myself - I have a good body image and acceptance of self
Uber contributor

originally posted on 14-08-2017 9:12 PM

Haha i am on for another half an hour at least @Meowkins so is @basketofmonkeys i think so feel free to chat to us 🙂 


They are some great skills and qualities you have there 🙂 

originally posted on 14-08-2017 9:16 PM

Oh well I'll add some more!

6. My good memory (makes studying and learning things easy!)
7. My supportive and kind nature
8. As @Ben-RO said, I don't freak out about things that others would (I work in a pathology lab and see body parts all the time!)
9. I have come to love that I'm short
10. I quite like my personality hehe