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originally posted on 16-05-2016 9:17 PM

I like that @ryvb3, it can be confusing though- budgets are rigid... but also need to be flexible! *Mind Blown*


How would you tell someone that you need to stick to your budget instead of blowing hundreds on an extravagant night out?


I suppose I'd be honest with my friend and say something like "look I'm really sorry but I need to save some money this week. Maybe we can do something more low key- how about a coffee?" Or something like that 🙂

originally posted on 16-05-2016 9:24 PM

Yeah i think I'd do that too @Lahna, when i was younger i really didnt feel comfortable saying that because all my friends worked quite a lot and i guess i thought that was how i was meant to be too. Now it's different, I think the people I spend time with would understand! Especially since i decided to go back to uni, but even now i sometimes find it really hard


-- example! I went out with some friends and we went to get ice cream but it was cash only and i was the only one who had cash so they were like, can you pay and i'll pay you back, so i did but it was like $5 each and they didnt pay me back but in my head i was like that's $10 that's a lot for me but i felt awkward asking each of them for $5.. 😕

originally posted on 16-05-2016 9:28 PM

It sounds like your friends weren't thinking about the money too much.. It must've been really yummy ice cream though.


Hopefully they will shout you an icecream sometime soon!


It's great to hear that the people you know now understand a bit more than when you were younger- perhaps they have similar concerns about work and budgeting? 

originally posted on 16-05-2016 9:30 PM

Yeah, and to make that up I have to skip something that id do for me like maybe getting myself a coffee or something. Just annoying but when you have money I guess you don't think about it as much? It's made me more conscious of other people too though which is a positive like I always pay people back straight away!


Yeah, it really makes a difference if they are still studying/living out of home/working full time. They all make a difference to how much money they have to blow.

originally posted on 16-05-2016 9:36 PM

I agree, it certainly makes a difference.

originally posted on 16-05-2016 9:39 PM

Strategies are pretty tough!


I find that i tend to just hang out with the people that wont pressure me to spend money haha just because i cant be bothered dealing with it which is kind of annoying. I just tell them though, i cant afford it sorry. I think being honest is a big part of a friendship but i can see how in group situations that can get a bit awkward and hard to do cause you want to fit in!

originally posted on 16-05-2016 9:27 PM

@Stealth_ninja I know what you mean, situations like that are awkward and leave you thinking you've just blown all this money
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Star contributor

originally posted on 16-05-2016 9:29 PM

What a great way to get into our next question:


6. Sometimes our friends don't understand that we have a limited amount of money and peer pressure can make us feel like we HAVE to spend money, what kinds of strategies could you use to help deal with this? Have you got any experiences you could share?

Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 16-05-2016 9:44 PM

Hey Everyone! 


I'm super late so I'm sorry. My computer froze for what felt like the longest time. I am too lazy to go through all the questions tonight but boy this topic hits close to home. I feel much better knowing that everyone who is a student or living out of home is in the same boat. My number 1 strategy is to do a  monthly budget and put whatver is left in the saving. I guess that's standard but I also try not to stress about it and just to my best because I feel like this is a time for us to grow and learn as we embark on our 20s. some of us are a bit past that but thats ok too. I do spend most of my money with my friends, I guess it's a good idea to figure out that pattern and strategically socialise. you don't have to apologise for anything ! 

Star contributor

originally posted on 16-05-2016 9:21 PM

Yeah, I agree with @Lahna. Just tell your friend you don't have much at the moment but you would really like to hang out.

Being upfront is the way.
Uber contributor

originally posted on 16-05-2016 9:25 PM

How would you tell someone that you need to stick to your budget instead of blowing hundreds on an extravagant night out?

I would probably just be honest, they are less likely to pressure you compared to if you just say you don't want to.
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Uber contributor

originally posted on 16-05-2016 8:57 PM

3. Living on a budget can be restricting. How can we spend some money, and also save the amount that we have aimed to? How do you make sure that you stick to your budget?

putting money aside and into savings, like an inaccessible account, so if theres an emergency its there but you can't just use it whenever you like. Saving $20 a week is enough to get you saved up for a holiday within a year!
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//

originally posted on 16-05-2016 9:01 PM

Oh man so many challenges!


I struggle with this a lot, agree with what you guys have said @ClCl and @j95. I have issue with inconsistent income and also making sure there enough money accesible and im paying all my bills on time. Also, i want to do everything! and I like eating delicious food and a lot of the time i'm just driven my impluse which just causes me stress later so sticking to a budget is actually really important for me. Before i got the app I was really just eating into my savings but now things have gotten better and I'm a little more careful. 

Star contributor

originally posted on 16-05-2016 8:56 PM

What are some challenges that you might face when budgeting?


Not earning enough to cover everything, or if you can cover everything, not really having enough left over to save or spend money on luxuries or fun things.


It can also be overwhelming dealing with al the numbers and dividing things up. Then staying on top of it and sticking to it.


What I find the hardest though is not earning an consistent income. I cannot actually make a budget at the moment because I dont know how much Ill be earning each fortnight/month.

|| Life runs in cycles, the wheel never stops turning, no matter how dark the night morning comes, no matter how cold the winter, spring comes. When you feel despair know that the wheel is turning, joy will come. ||
Star contributor

originally posted on 16-05-2016 9:03 PM

What are some challenges that you might face when budgeting?


Hey @ClCl


I totally empathise with you. I think being in casual work can limit your budgeting capacity. Sticking to it is also really hard, especially if your a casual employee (like me) and have random influxes of money. 


I think it's also important to strike a balance and not to overwork yourself, which I'm truly bad at. I work way too much just to meet my budgets - but I love my jobs which makes it harder... Ahhh why money huh?


@j95, I think you've got a really great attitude torwards this. Just save a little bit at a time, even if it's a small amount and keep it for emergencies and to add to overall savings. 

Uber contributor

originally posted on 16-05-2016 8:39 PM

@Lahna I'm on my phone so I can't find gif. Boo me
Trying to make my misery
just a piece of my history
A little less victim a little more victory
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originally posted on 16-05-2016 8:40 PM

That's okay @redhead I'll find one for you ! 😄

Uber contributor

originally posted on 16-05-2016 8:44 PM



//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//

originally posted on 16-05-2016 8:46 PM

Haha i love those!


Yeah my bank does that too @j95! Makes me die a little inside too since most of my "Recreational" spending is on food and coffee haha. 



Star contributor

originally posted on 16-05-2016 8:38 PM

Okays.... something more fun now 😛


Post your best money/budget related gif!!



Star contributor

originally posted on 16-05-2016 8:45 PM




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originally posted on 16-05-2016 8:44 PM

Post your best money/budget related gif!!


Uber contributor

originally posted on 16-05-2016 8:27 PM

What are some situations where a budget is really important? How might we go about creating one?

When going on a holiday.
Or when you first move out of home to gauge expenses and things.
Create one by seeing what you have to spend money on, what you like spending money on vs how much money you get.
Trying to make my misery
just a piece of my history
A little less victim a little more victory
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Uber contributor

originally posted on 16-05-2016 8:06 PM

Budgeting can be a pretty confusing and overwhelming thing, so I thought we should begin by working out: what "budget" means to you?

Budget for me is how I plan to spend my money. Things like rent, food, internet phone, power, savings, treats, self care items etc.
Trying to make my misery
just a piece of my history
A little less victim a little more victory
-Icon for Hire
Star contributor

originally posted on 16-05-2016 8:03 PM


