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[CHAT] Holiday boredom. It's a thing??

We’ve all experienced it at some point in our school lives. We get on the home stretch for the year and absolutely crave being on holidays. Next thing we know, we’ve been on holidays for five weeks and have achieved absolutely nothing. Sound familiar? Yep, thought so. You’re experiencing holiday boredom!




It’s understandable too. The summer holidays are really long. For years 11s, 12s and uni students, holidays started over a month ago. The holidays are also often spent with the people you live with working part or full time.


For me, the boredom really sets in after New Years. I work in retail, so December is always very busy and my hours triple. In about the second week of January, I notice that I tend to be a bit lazy. I wake up later than usual, I mope around watching tv, eating whatever and whenever I feel like. Sure, this can be great for a day or two, but after a while you start to think ‘I am really wasting my time.’ Because before you know it, school or uni starts again, and you feel like those three months were a missed opportunity. Don't get me wrong though - doing nothing can be a great use of time if you're purposeful and mindful about it.




I remember the end of year 6 and end of year 7 holidays were actually not good for me. I was incredibly bored and in turn felt really low. I overate, didn’t exercise and spent all day every day on the internet. I basically wasted all my time, just waiting for the next school year to start. My Dad ended up taking me on a trip to Melbourne near the end of one of the holidays, just so that I had done something during the 10 week period.


I know that myself and my friends sometimes go through phases during the long summer holidays. One summer holidays I got really into photography and editing, another I got into running and getting super fit. I think it’s really great when this happens. To actually find an interest during the holidays gives you purpose, which gives you motivation to get up and do things!


The summer holidays are a wonderful time to explore our interests and have fun, let’s not waste this precious time by being bored! Join us on December 15th from 8pm to talk about how we can combat holiday boredom, and really make the most of our free time.


Sophie-ROPosted 10-12-2014 03:47 PM

Comments (7 pages)

florenceforeverPosted 15-12-2014 08:42 PM

Oh and for people like me who are always doing something, being bored makes me stop and think 'I should be doing something right now, I don't like not doing anything, this doesn't feel right...'

ryvb3Posted 15-12-2014 08:51 PM

I was just thinking that. I recall a person I know at work who does something and then moves on to doing something else because they were bored of doing the first task.

In that sense, perhaps people dislike boredom because they don't want to be inside their heads thinking.
florenceforeverPosted 15-12-2014 08:53 PM

Definitely agree @ryvb3!

I know I don't like getting inside my head too much. It can really get me down 

EloiseRosePosted 15-12-2014 08:32 PM
now thats a cool idea.... freedom to think!!
Being bored might mean your brain is free to just do whatever thinkings it wants too. i like it
EloiseRosePosted 15-12-2014 08:13 PM

oh i totally agree...


florenceforeverPosted 15-12-2014 08:16 PM

2. What is the difference between boredom and relaxation, how are they the same and how are they different?

Relaxation for me is a state of mind that I often have to consciously decide to work towards. I feel a sense of calm and often have more energy after I am in a relaxed state.


Whereas I never actually choose to be bored. It negatively affects my mood and makes me pretty inactive.

Definitely @EloiseRose 
My kitchen is spotless after swot vac!

EloiseRosePosted 15-12-2014 08:18 PM

 What is the difference between boredom and relaxation, how are they the same and how are they different?

OK so to me they look the same right??

Boredom and relaxation can look like reading, wathcing crappy tv, cleaning as mentioned and doing simple tasks...

So maybe its all just a state of mind !

 So next time im bored if i tell myself im relaxed maybe that wil chagne my perspective



florenceforeverPosted 15-12-2014 08:20 PM

That's a very interesting way to think about boredom @EloiseRose!

It would probably actually make you feel better if you told yourself you were relaxing as opposed to being bored. 

EloiseRosePosted 15-12-2014 08:21 PM



yeh i reckon next time i feel bored ill try that. 

Because relaxation is soooo much better than feeling bored. 

florenceforeverPosted 15-12-2014 08:17 PM

Definitely @Student94  - it's all about the balance - regardless of whether you're on holidays! (for the most part that is 😉

EloiseRosePosted 15-12-2014 08:02 PM

Sorry for the delay guys !!! 




Tonight's chat will be moderated by myself (of course) and the famous @florenceforever, and before we dive right in have a look at our community guidelines and follow them, just so we can keep this space as safe and accessible as possible!! If at any time you feel like things are getting a bit intense, feel free to check out emergency help


Lets keep it real, first question 

What does being bored actually mean? how does it feel? how would you describe it?

kittycat23Posted 15-12-2014 08:17 PM

Being bored for me is having a negative feeling when a) I'm not interested in the activity before me or I'm supposed to be participating in or b) there is no activity to take part in. I tend to find I get tired & sometimes yeah it does get me down, especially when I could be out with friends but aren't so I feel lonely.

florenceforeverPosted 15-12-2014 08:19 PM

Welcome @kittycat23  🙂

I definitely agree with you. I often lack interested when I'm bored with something. And it can really get me down

kittycat23Posted 15-12-2014 08:26 PM

What is the difference between boredom and relaxation, how are they the same and how are they different?


First things first, relaxation is a good feeling, boredom is a bad feeling (I think anyway). I think when we are relaxed we are doing things we enjoy, although that's not always the case, as sometimes we may be doing things we enjoy but may not be relaxed. If you think about things like relaxation exercises maybe you could say that our brain is focussed on something whereas in boredom it isn't focussed on something - could explain the bad feelings maybe, if our brain isn't occupied when we're bored then maybe the negative feelings & thoughts have a chance to muliply? I dunno, these are just my musings lol

florenceforeverPosted 15-12-2014 08:29 PM

I definitely agree @kittycat23 
Relaxation DOES feel good! I think that's a really insightful answer 🙂

So if holidays are filled with all this down time and time off, whats so good about ‘empty’ time or time when you have nothing to do? Why might being bored be a good sign?


Sometimes I just crave being bored/lazy. After a 30-40 hour working week, plus 20 hours of volunteering on top, sometimes all I feel like is lounging around and doing absolutely nothing. And afterwards, after feeling as though I've gotten all that boredom of doing nothing out of my system, I start to feel good again! After that I might do some self care activities - ie have a bubble bath or play my guitar. And then get back into my busy life schedule 🙂

EloiseRosePosted 15-12-2014 08:29 PM
it seems to be the common thread ... the idea of focussing on things. I like your musings... continue sharing your musings!!!!
delicatedreamerPosted 15-12-2014 08:06 PM
Hi everyone! Glad I've finally been able to make it to a GR again tonight - I've missed them! Looking forward to the chat as always 🙂

What does being bored actually mean? how does it feel? how would you describe it?

That is actually a really good question. I think being bored means that you've got nothing meaningful to do - different to having nothing to do. I think that if you're bored you're not interested in the activity options that are available to you and you don't do anything, or you do something that has no meaning and is 'boring'. A bit in-depth I know! I'm coming at from a theoretical perspective because it's something we've discussed in my uni course. It feels very frustrating and like it will never end! I hate being bored.
Student94Posted 15-12-2014 08:10 PM

I really agree with @delicatedreamer 

having nothing "meaningful" to do is different from having nothing to do. Even if I experience holiday boredom, I'm still doing things like housework or grocery shopping.

EloiseRosePosted 15-12-2014 08:09 PM
nothing meaingful thats a great point !! like you can watch TV if your bored but sometimes thats just not enough. Thats interesting you discussed it at uni i can imagine that would have been very insightful
florenceforeverPosted 15-12-2014 08:11 PM

I agree @EloiseRose  and @delicatedreamer 

Things like watching TV seem SO important and interesting whilst I'm on swot vac. But then holidays hit and I get bored watching TV for more than an hour...

Student94Posted 15-12-2014 08:14 PM

I agree with @florenceforever 

That's why I think it's important to be consistent throughout the year. Even if we're on holidays, we should still find something that challenges us and maintain a balance between work, play and rest

florenceforeverPosted 15-12-2014 08:13 PM

Wow, great insightful answers guys!

Next question:


2. What is the difference between boredom and relaxation, how are they the same and how are they different?

delicatedreamerPosted 15-12-2014 08:18 PM
Yeah, it was definitely an interesting discussion @EloiseRose. We talked about balance of activities and how that affects boredom. There is definitely an imbalance on holidays (lots more leisure time) so I can see how that would create more opportunities for boredom.

What is the difference between boredom and relaxation, how are they the same and how are they different?

They are different because you generally choose to relax but you don't choose to be bored, and because relaxation is good for your mental well being and being bored is not so good for it. Similarities hmmm... Both involve not doing too much, but apart from that I can't really think of any...
EloiseRosePosted 15-12-2014 08:23 PM

its weird the overall feeling is that no one chooses to be bored!! I'm just trying to get my head around ... i have never thought about it before
florenceforeverPosted 15-12-2014 08:21 PM

I agree, there is a HUGE imbalance during the holidays @delicatedreamer 

I think it is so empowering to decide that I'm going to relax, as opposed to just being bored.

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