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[CHAT] Holiday boredom. It's a thing??

We’ve all experienced it at some point in our school lives. We get on the home stretch for the year and absolutely crave being on holidays. Next thing we know, we’ve been on holidays for five weeks and have achieved absolutely nothing. Sound familiar? Yep, thought so. You’re experiencing holiday boredom!




It’s understandable too. The summer holidays are really long. For years 11s, 12s and uni students, holidays started over a month ago. The holidays are also often spent with the people you live with working part or full time.


For me, the boredom really sets in after New Years. I work in retail, so December is always very busy and my hours triple. In about the second week of January, I notice that I tend to be a bit lazy. I wake up later than usual, I mope around watching tv, eating whatever and whenever I feel like. Sure, this can be great for a day or two, but after a while you start to think ‘I am really wasting my time.’ Because before you know it, school or uni starts again, and you feel like those three months were a missed opportunity. Don't get me wrong though - doing nothing can be a great use of time if you're purposeful and mindful about it.




I remember the end of year 6 and end of year 7 holidays were actually not good for me. I was incredibly bored and in turn felt really low. I overate, didn’t exercise and spent all day every day on the internet. I basically wasted all my time, just waiting for the next school year to start. My Dad ended up taking me on a trip to Melbourne near the end of one of the holidays, just so that I had done something during the 10 week period.


I know that myself and my friends sometimes go through phases during the long summer holidays. One summer holidays I got really into photography and editing, another I got into running and getting super fit. I think it’s really great when this happens. To actually find an interest during the holidays gives you purpose, which gives you motivation to get up and do things!


The summer holidays are a wonderful time to explore our interests and have fun, let’s not waste this precious time by being bored! Join us on December 15th from 8pm to talk about how we can combat holiday boredom, and really make the most of our free time.


Sophie-ROPosted 10-12-2014 03:47 PM

Comments (7 pages)

EloiseRosePosted 15-12-2014 09:40 PM
@florenceforever wow so there are really a lot of foot fetish people
stonepixiePosted 15-12-2014 09:41 PM
That's gross! Hahaha.
florenceforeverPosted 15-12-2014 09:40 PM

Oh goodness, I passionately dislike vegemite, this would not work for me!

I do that too @j95!
Good way to cure boredom though  

florenceforeverPosted 15-12-2014 09:41 PM

We're coming down the home straight guys! Next question...

Is there something new you want to try these holidays to combat your boredom?' ie a new hobby/learning a new skill, etc.

stonepixiePosted 15-12-2014 09:44 PM
Is there something new you want to try these holidays to combat your boredom?' ie a new hobby/learning a new skill, etc.

Not really, but I should probably knit myself another beanie considering I lost the last one I knitted on a train in Sydney.
florenceforeverPosted 15-12-2014 09:46 PM

I would love to be able to knit well @stonepixie!
I can technically 'knit' but I am awful at it and give up really easily

I definitely encourage learning how to play guitar @Randomness!
I'm self taught and love it!  

florenceforeverPosted 15-12-2014 09:43 PM

@EloiseRose  - Yep!
Even worse - I have the opposite to a foot fetish. I extremely dislike feet!

Is there something new you want to try these holidays to combat your boredom?' ie a new hobby/learning a new skill, etc.

Because I am moving out of home soon, I want to learn to cook as many new dishes as possible before I move interstate!

I also want to get better at playing piano - I need to practice more!

And I would LOVE to learn a new language in 4 days. I don't think I have the brain capacity to do it though!

RandomnessPosted 15-12-2014 09:45 PM
Is there something new you want to try these holidays to combat your boredom? ie a new hobby/learning a new skill etc.

Well I haven't got around to it yet but I've really been wanting to learn guitar for ages.
EloiseRosePosted 15-12-2014 09:44 PM

yes COOK i need to learn to COOK
florenceforeverPosted 15-12-2014 09:36 PM

Haha I hope you like Vegemite @stonepixie

stonepixiePosted 15-12-2014 09:38 PM
@florenceforever I LOVE it! I forgot how great it was and from that day on, I've put it on thickly.
EloiseRosePosted 15-12-2014 09:23 PM

How do you stop yourself from being bored/ getting bored for extended periods of time like weeks or months??

the key here is to find something that will take a long time or that you can improve on...

like your running time .... or learning to knitt or.... fixing your itunes library haha ... organise something ilek a party or dinner to the very last detail 


and you need to plan ahead... prevent the boredom 

florenceforeverPosted 15-12-2014 09:25 PM

Great answer @EloiseRose!

So important to prevent the boredom. I know that I am very competitive, and love to improve - so something like my running time would be an excellent way to combat boredom! 

delicatedreamerPosted 15-12-2014 09:28 PM
How do you stop yourself from being bored/ getting bored for extended periods of time like weeks or months?

Studying, work, setting long-term goals, taking up a new hobbies, catching up with friends and travel are the main ones for me I think.
florenceforeverPosted 15-12-2014 09:30 PM

Working and traveling are my two main ones as well @delicatedreamer!

I've been overseas three times in the past two years to avoid holiday boredom! 

kittycat23Posted 15-12-2014 09:14 PM

How do you stop yourself from being bored in the short term like hours or a day?


Tbh I'm not really good at this, if I'm on the computer or my phone I'll just switch to a different program/website or app lololol 😛

I will say though, I think I had some boredom issues after I graduated from uni & started work (I didn't have any assignments to occupy my free time), so I started getting into a few new hobbies like knitting & drawing. Unfortunately it is these activites I do when I'm procrastinating, too!!

EloiseRosePosted 15-12-2014 09:16 PM
@kittycat23 hahah .
now theres a trap!
Doing something out of boredom turning into something your procrasintate with haha
florenceforeverPosted 15-12-2014 09:19 PM

Awesome answers guys!

Next question - similar but in relation to long term bordem:

How do you stop yourself from being bored/ getting bored for extended periods of time like weeks or months??

RandomnessPosted 15-12-2014 09:26 PM
How do you stop yourself from being bored/getting bored for extended periods of time like weeks or months?

Finding things that will occupy bits of your time over extended periods can be good, like joining some sort of sports/music/community team or organisation, getting a job, taking up a new hobby. This is particularly good in the holidays when there's like to be more free time and therefore more potential bored time.
florenceforeverPosted 15-12-2014 09:29 PM

Definitely doing things social are so important @Randomness 
Great tip!

florenceforeverPosted 15-12-2014 09:28 PM

"Develop habits that help you escape short-term boredom like listening to music/reading a magazine etc."

AWESOME answer @Student94! 😄 



Craft is something we haven't covered at all tonight @stonepixie 
Apart from  @EloiseRose's colouring in book

Great idea! 

stonepixiePosted 15-12-2014 09:29 PM
I'm like a big kid, I LOVE colouring in books! Can never find any good ones though.
EloiseRosePosted 15-12-2014 09:30 PM
@stonepixie i think my bfs mum got it online !!!! 🙂 so great
Student94Posted 15-12-2014 09:25 PM

How do you stop yourself from being bored/ getting bored for extended periods of time like weeks or months??


-set long-term goals


-take up a new hobby ie. a sport or join a club/group related to your interests


-develop habits that help you escape short-term boredom like listening to music/reading a magazine etc.

stonepixiePosted 15-12-2014 09:23 PM
How do you stop yourself from being bored/ getting bored for extended periods of time like weeks or months?

Organise to meet up with friends, See what is happening in the area in terms of events, especially free ones!

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