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[CHAT] What motivates you?

Ever had one of those days where you just couldn’t be bothered doing anything but eating M&Ms on the couch and watching your favourite TV show? You’re only human. It can sometimes be really hard to get up and get moving even when there’s a bunch of really important things we have to get done. 


This morning, I was told to get my shit together by someone that I’ve been working with for the past few months. Have faith, he said. For me, it can sometimes take other people with fresh eyes who inspire and motivate me to keep going.




You see this word everywhere! From gyms to schools to how to live your life to the max, becoming motivated and experiencing everything is hard to miss. At times, this can be overwhelming.


Being motivated to stay motivated is challenging. What (or who) makes us motivated can also be different for different people. Whether this is getting out of bed in the morning or trying to finish a task or project, following through can be super easy or rather difficult. It should never be a contest between who can do the most stuff or who can “keep up” for the longest time.


Keeping up with the Kardashians is hard enough.




So, how do you handle the overwhelming ride of motivation, being busy, and being surrounded by others who are go-getters?


It's seriously ok to take a break - we all need it. Taking breaks and doing self-care can help us bounce back, being more motivated than ever. It also lets us slow down to reflect on how to better look after ourselves. Motivation is what drives us to make the things we want happen – but staying motivated isn’t always easy. But you know what? 





Stay tuned on how to find (and keep!) motivation, and suggestions for what to do if you just can’t get into gear this Monday 3rd August at 8pm! 

NutellaBusterPosted 31-07-2015 01:55 PM

Comments (7 pages)

NutellaBusterPosted 03-08-2015 08:02 PM
  1. Do you feel a lack of motivation/CEEBZ often? What can we attribute that to?

Yes i do feel unmotivated very often and being honest with myself, it's because i tend to take the easy way out. It's easy to do nothing. It's not good 😞

NutellaBusterPosted 03-08-2015 08:01 PM

Welcome everyone to tonight’s Getting Real Session the topic: MOTIVATION!


Everything starts with motivation. Having the motivation to get up out of bed, to get fit, to do our work… but frankly sometimes like losing a sock we just don’t have it, we can’t seem to find it and even when it’s on; it’s slipping down and coming off in our shoe.




Also remember safety first so please keep our community guidelines in mind when posting and please visit our emergency help page if you start feeling distressed at any point.


  1. Do you feel a lack of motivation/CEEBZ often? What can you attribute that to? (Can't be bothered = CBB = Ceebz.)
stonepixiePosted 03-08-2015 08:25 PM
  1. Do you feel a lack of motivation/CEEBZ often? What can you attribute that to? (Can't be bothered = CBB = Ceebz.)

I feel the lack of motivation all the time. For me at the moment it is due to me going through a tough time with a family illness. I find that I am motivated by stress, as it oh crap it is due in 2 days, I better start that assignment.

I think what attributes to lack of motivation is that people have lack of goals or what they are currently doing does not link in with their long term goal. For me, my long term goal changed whilst I was down really bad with my MH and it took me a while to realise this, but now I am motivated for what I am studying, and I'm motivated to get better. 🙂

MyvoPosted 03-08-2015 08:29 PM

Hey @stonepixie! Thanks for joining us!


Long term goals definitely change, that's for sure. So proud that you took a bad situation and turned it into a great one Smiley Happy It's usually going through tough times where we learn more about ourselves and improve on that. 

stonepixiePosted 03-08-2015 08:32 PM
So true @Myvo

Sometimes you just need to be steered in the right direction to what would make you more happy and such. Sometimes that steering puts you through a hard time. But it definitely makes you a stronger person for it.
NutellaBusterPosted 03-08-2015 08:27 PM

Hey @stonepixie welcome to tonight's chat! Sorry to hear about the family stress, hope things are okay!



FootyFan26Posted 03-08-2015 08:06 PM

Do you feel a lack of motivation/CEEBZ often? What can you attribute that to? (Can't be bothered = CBB = Ceebz.)



If you ever want a procrasting champ I'm your guy.  I put things  I don't want to do off constantly and leave it until just before the due date or I don't do it at all.  This is probably because it's the easy way out.  I just need to teach myself that the easy way isn't the best way and see the positives that can come from doing the work.  If I have a reward at the end or if I won't be able to do something I like then I'll be more likely to do it.

MyvoPosted 03-08-2015 08:10 PM

Welcome to our chat @FootyFan26!



chandelierPosted 03-08-2015 08:14 PM

@Myvo wrote:



MyvoPosted 03-08-2015 08:13 PM

Rightio, here's our next question!


2. How do you stay motivated for longer?

stonepixiePosted 03-08-2015 08:27 PM

How do you stay motivated for longer?


Work out what my goals are, short and long term. 


I am guitly of trying to bribe myself, but I have also learnt that I cannot be bribed. Hahaha.


Taking regular time outs also helps. But if I have a planned time out but I am totally in the zone for what I am doing, I will miss the timeout as I would probably not get back in the groove of things afterwards.

NutellaBusterPosted 03-08-2015 08:16 PM

2. How do you stay motivated for longer?


Positive reinforcement! Rewarding ourselves when we have achieved the set goal for the day. A snickers bar for every 100 words on the essay yummmmmm 🙂

MyvoPosted 03-08-2015 08:21 PM

@NutellaBuster I like the idea of giving yourself small rewards as you continue to reach a goal. Essay writing can be the pits sometimes Smiley Indifferent On a related note, the Snickers ad makes sense now - you really aren't yourself  (your motivated self) when you're hungry! And...


eating errythang.jpg



NutellaBusterPosted 03-08-2015 08:23 PM

@Myvo Unmotivated you + Snickers = MOTIVATED YOU 


That should be the commercial hahaha

Cheeselover85Posted 03-08-2015 08:18 PM

2. How do you stay motivated for longer?


As others have said, little rewards along the way... like I can watch this TV show if I finish this uni reading, or whatever. Also try and have some longer-term ones- like maybe a nice holiday after a full-on year- and try and keep the long-term aim in mind (e.g. picturing yourself in your dream career, and seeing each little bit of work as a step towards that)

MyvoPosted 03-08-2015 08:26 PM

@Cheeselover85 Long-term dreams Heart Love the idea of taking it all a bit at a time to get to a better tomorrow!

chandelierPosted 03-08-2015 08:23 PM
I just found this good advice on RO about hwo to stay motivated on something that doesn't particularly interest you

"Find things that interest you within goals that don’t. Sometimes other people set goals or tasks for us that we don’t find interesting or want to do. So, try and find something within that task that does motivate you. E.g. ‘I hate maths, but it’s going to help me become a builder, which I want more than anything.’ "
FootyFan26Posted 03-08-2015 08:26 PM

2. How do you stay motivated for longer?



I only really stay motivated with things I like.  I tend to have random bursts of motivation that come out from nowhere where I'll do a ton of homework or clean my room.  It's really weird but also frustrating because other times I can't get myself to do anything.

MyvoPosted 03-08-2015 08:31 PM

@FootyFan26 Same here! Haha, the other day, I was feeling real keen to clean my room. 1/4 clean at the moment, haha. But progress is progress Smiley Tongue

stonepixiePosted 03-08-2015 08:36 PM
OMG! The only reason why my room is getting cleaned at the moment is because I can't find something! @Myvo and @FootyFan26
FootyFan26Posted 03-08-2015 08:38 PM
That is the only other reason I clean my room as well @stonepixie!

I hate it when you think you know where in the mountain of stuff your shoes are and then once you go through it all you realise they weren't there.

The kick is when you actually put your shoes away in the right place but didn't bother to check.
FootyFan26Posted 03-08-2015 08:32 PM
I've just realised that most of things I said I should do I don't do except for the burst of work. I barely have any motivation. I just act like I do!
stonepixiePosted 03-08-2015 08:34 PM
I think we all can relate @FootyFan26 😄
NutellaBusterPosted 03-08-2015 08:36 PM

@stonepixie @FootyFan26 LOL that's the funny thing with motivation. We all know better, just gotta do it hahaha ^^"

NutellaBusterPosted 03-08-2015 08:26 PM

@chandelier That's awesome advice. It would make some daunting tasks alot easier lol


The next question is:


3. how do you remain self-motivated when you encounter setbacks?

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