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5 random things about you!

It's time for 5 random things! Man Very Happy

Let's try and make it as random as possible.


1. Peppermint icecream is the best! I wish I could eat peppermint icecream for breakfast lunch and dinner

2. While my hair is boring-brown now, over the years my hair has been blonde, black, red, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, pink.

3. I love walruses!!!!!

4. Being at the beach makes me the happiest

5. I love fantasy books (and movies) Tolkien and Ursula Le Guin are my favs


Sophie-ROPosted 19-07-2012 05:36 PM

Comments (41 pages)

Jess1-ROPosted 21-11-2019 10:03 AM

Hi @NR2045 

Just letting you know that I have responded to your post over here Heart

trying_to_find_my_good_placePosted 29-06-2019 01:49 PM

Hi I'm new here.

  1. I like The Good Place and Brooklyn Nine Nine (both TV shows that can be found on Netflix)
  2. I am VERY particular when it comes to food. I don't like a lot of foods.
  3. I'm a dancer. I danced competitively for 3 years and have been dancing since I was 4 years old.
  4. I looove chocolate. Like love!
  5. I really enjoy musical theatre. Some of my favourite musicals are Kinky Boots, Wicked, Mamma Mia and The Sound of Music!
CpcakeFreyrPosted 02-01-2020 09:23 AM
1. 4. And 5. I agree so much!!
Claire-ROPosted 02-01-2020 04:11 PM

Such a great thread, thought I would get amongst it!!


1. I am obsessed with hot sauce 

2.  I lived in New York to pursue songwriting 

3. I once won a sumo wrestling competition 

4. I have swam with a 200 year old turtle 

5. Cows let me pat them 


xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 02-01-2020 04:13 PM
Thats pretty cool @Claire-RO!
Swimming with a 200 year old turtle seems interesting... 😉
Claire-ROPosted 06-01-2020 11:46 AM

Hey @xXLexi_Lou122Xx 

It was when I visited Sri Lanka in 2018, I went snorkeling it was truly amazing! We made sure to not upset it and kept our distance, it was breathtaking!

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 06-01-2020 08:56 PM
That sounds so cool @Claire-RO!
I get to go to Bondi tomorrow! I can't wait!
Janine-ROPosted 07-01-2020 04:00 PM

@Claire-RO  I am super impressed that you won a sumo wrestling competition!!! And living in NY as a songwriter sounds like my actual dream as a teenager. Shame I can't actually sing 😉 


Loving this activity, here's some of mine


1. I was in the Sydney 2000 Olympics... but not for sport. 

2. I was in the world's biggest marching band, and so spent several weeks on a giant band camp in bathurst with band geeks from all over the world (see above, it was for the olympics We played in the Opening and Closing cermonies, televised to millions of people. Crazy, and definitely something I NEVER thought I would do!). 

3. I am obsessed with succulents. 

4. I have always wanted to go snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef, and have promised myself I will book a trip sometime in the next 2 years

5. I have a really bad sense of direction, and before GPS was a thing I used to get lost CONSTANTLY. 

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 02-01-2020 04:07 PM
1. I now wear glasses, and they are pretty funky!
2. I have a fitbit, and my family and I all love doing competitions to see who can get more steps than the others.
3. I have a new phone, ready for school.
4. I have all new iPad accessories, including a Bluetooth keyboard and Apple pencil!
5. My hair has just been dyed a dark redish pink, and it suits me so well!
Puppies026Posted 02-07-2019 04:24 PM
Hi @trying_to_find_my_good_place and welcome to ReachOut!! 😄
The Good Place is so good, I'm trying to catch up again! I've always wanted to go to a a proper musical, still something I definitely want to see 🙂

1. Always wanted to watch a musical
2. Especially Lion King
3. Rewatching the Harry Potter series right now, forgot how good it was! (Up to 5 next)
4. Drinking pepsi max vanilla rn
5. I eat too many lollies
Jazzy_FizzlePosted 29-06-2019 03:24 PM

I am also and love Brooklyn Nine Nine it is beast

SaltwaterdreamtimePosted 22-06-2019 08:22 PM
- I used to like ice cream but now I don’t, even the thought of it actually makes me feel sick 🤢
- I could eat pumpkin soup every meal for a week and not get sick of it
- I wear number 26 for my football club
- I like all different types of music but I’m listening to heaps of chill LoFi stuff at moment
- I run my own business
Fb0134Posted 09-06-2019 03:30 PM
1. I'm vegan (I don't eat animal products including meat, dairy, eggs, honey or fish) and I'm happy to be.
2. I am non-binary, I identify with being a male more than female, though.
3. I love watching Doctor Who, Stranger Things, Marvel movies, The Bold Type, Degrassi Next Class and Derry Girls.
4. I am TERRIFIED of heights, I have tried so many things to get over my fear, such as: high ropes courses, abseiling, rock-climbing and giant swings but I'm still scared!
5. I have two Maine coon cats that are HUGE named Jimi and Carlos, they are so cute and I love them.
businessinspoPosted 06-06-2019 12:50 AM

1. I hit my all-time low two years ago which had forced me to be in reality and learn everything around me independently 😞

2. I ran a Friends fan page and a few of my posts hit over 400 likes which was insane to me! (not a popular gal here so it's understandable!)

3. I have a youtube channel 'dotimesix' (please check it out, my goal is to hit 1000 subscribers!)

4. I tend to grow emotionally attached to people as I get to know them more which is both good and bad 

5. I can't fit into jeans nicely wahhhh

MisoBearPosted 06-06-2019 03:51 PM

Hey @businessinspo, Sending you a virtual hug! Sounds like you went through a pretty tough time, I'm glad to hear you're doing better now. 
I love Friends, what's your favourite episode? I find it's a really comforting show to have on in the background sometimes, it makes me feel super calm. That's so great that you're able to have close connections with people. Why do you say it can be a bad thing sometimes?
It's all good, sometimes jeans can be a bit overrated! There're so many different styles of pants out there, do you have any other styles that you like?

businessinspoPosted 07-06-2019 10:39 AM
Hi, thank you! I'm so glad you love friends omg! There is no way I can choose a favourite episode cause they are all special and memorable in their own way hehe. It makes me feel happy and calm, too.
I tend to get a little clingy and 'depend' on people for my happiness which is lowkey toxic, but I've learnt to stop that habit and depend on myself for my own happiness. And when they leave your life, your heart immediately and silently crumbles into pieces because you've become so emotionally attached to them, you know what I mean? Haha.
They are overrated but they are absolute classic pieces of clothing! My hips are bigger than average which makes it difficult to fit into a slim pair of jeans 😞 I've been loving 'bell', straight, and mum jeans!
Thank you for replying ❤️
MisoBearPosted 07-06-2019 11:29 AM

Honestly, it's pretty hard for me to choose between this one: and this one:

Image result for ross tanning gif

But I'm a sucker for the emotional ones too! I definitely can never watch the final episodes without crying. 

I have definitely been there. I think that's really awesome that you're taking charge of your own happiness. It's definitely hard to say goodbye to people you really care about. I know it's super cheesy, but I always think of that song from the musical Wicked, 'For Good' (musical theatre nerd over here!). I really like that I can form close connections with others, because even when they leave my life I know that they've taught me something or I've grown a bit as a person (cheesy but true). 

As a gal with larger hips I feel ya. Mum jeans are the best (see picture below)!
Image result for mom jeans rachel friends

businessinspoPosted 08-06-2019 01:31 PM
OMG, TOW Ross' Tan! What a classic 👍🏼I will check out Wicked's 'For Good' soon and it's cute how you're a musical nerd hehe 🙂 And yes, that's absolutely true, when they leave your life they teach you something that you learn or you've grown as a person! Thank you for this, I'm glad you know what I'm talking about. Hey, we have to be cheesy when it's the right time 🙂
And I will check out mum jeans when I head to the stores later today; thank you for the inspo photo above 🙂
You're a kind gem, thank you!
MisoBearPosted 08-06-2019 07:45 PM

@businessinspo Totally, glad it resonated with you lovely ❤️

Vivian13Posted 07-06-2019 02:58 PM


2. I have 19 siblings

3. I have never been to the circus

4. I had cancer for 2 years

5. I have some issues with my personality

MisoBearPosted 07-06-2019 07:45 PM

Hey @Vivian13 , nice to meet you! Wow...that is a lot of siblings :0 Ah, I've watched some anime in the past, any good ones to recommend? I'm so sorry that you had cancer, that's awful, I can imagine that would have been very difficult. I'm sorry if I don't understand, but what do you mean by your 5th answer?

Vivian13Posted 11-06-2019 09:35 AM

When I was younger I had a lot of stuff happen and I was bullied really badly so I made a fake personality but by the time I realised It didn’t help with the bullying I had forgotten who I really was.

morika90Posted 09-05-2019 06:20 PM

I like going to gym everyday. 

My friends find me childish. 

I like to go out in the city as often as I can.

I like to make many friends.

filme porno

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 09-05-2019 06:27 PM
Hmm.... time to update my random things!
1. I'm currently in a Musical Production.
2. I absolutely ADORE fluffy blankets in the cold weather.
3. I love boots and black.
4. Ice cream is the best food ever invented.
5. I invented the internet while I was drunk.

I am a crazy unicorn lover.
Puppies026Posted 19-05-2019 05:05 PM
@xXLexi_Lou122Xx omg that's awesome!! What musical production are you currently in?? 😄 And yes I have waayy too man blankets and pillows on my bed it's hard for me to fit sometimes

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