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Self-care’s a pretty big word here at ReachOut. The big guys from WHO define it as an activity we undertake with the purpose of “enhancing health, preventing disease, limiting illness and restoring health.” Oooh, fancy!

It might be something that takes a lot of practice, for instance achieving a balanced diet. Or it could be something pretty simple like remembering to brush your teeth everyday.



Many of you shared your impressive self-care skills in this thread a while back. There’s everything from yoga and lighting lavender candles to having a chai latte and wearing your favourite ring!

Now it’s time to give us a VISUAL definition!!!!

It’s as easy as

  1. Draw or take a photo of something you do for self-care. Make sure you show us the awesome activity but don’t give yourself away! We like a little mystery…
  2. Share it here for the rest of us to see and applaud!





Soooo, how do you see yourself practicing self-care today?
















Student94Posted 20-03-2015 12:03 PM


j95Posted 25-03-2015 09:41 AM
I tried all that before I posted it through YouTube, but all good, doesn't matter.
safari93Posted 20-03-2015 04:24 PM



Hmmm I wonder what these pups are doing???

Student94Posted 20-03-2015 08:49 PM

@safari93 awwwww, looks like they're enjoying their Friday afternoon in each other's company

lanejanePosted 20-03-2015 06:10 PM

What an amazing drawing @stonepixie - and doing art is such a great way to look after your mind.


+ @safari93 YAY (welcome + so cute)

lanejanePosted 20-03-2015 06:09 PM

This is somewhere I go when I'm running! It's like my "self care" spot.



Student94Posted 20-03-2015 08:50 PM

@lanejane I like your idea of having a 'self-care spot.' I think it's important that people find their own sanctuary, a place that feels home and empowers them.

j95Posted 20-03-2015 11:00 PM

This is some loop pedal prepation from this afternoon, this for was my gig I did tonight (which was the greatest ever). Hopefully the video works, I had to upload to youtube first. I love doing this, I consider music my self care thing and playing around with different sounds in the lead up to gig really helps me with nerves and feeling anxious. 


(vid removed)

lanejanePosted 25-03-2015 08:17 AM

hey j,


i watched your video and absoloutley loved it. i feel sucky because i had to remove it because it's linked to a social media account. i know that there was no personal details on there at the moment, but it's still against community rules because that could change in the future.


im trying to think about a way we can re post your vid without it being linked to a youtube account. i wonder if you could try uploading it somehow through the image bit? or as add attachment? i'm not really sure because i've never tried it before.


stonepixiePosted 20-03-2015 01:06 PM

*cough cough* Day 6!


I can do one better and show you guys what I have been doing for self-care. I should warn you though that it is no where near finished. 🙂


art challenge 6

Student94Posted 20-03-2015 08:47 PM

@stonepixie yes it is day 6! Thanks for pointing that out!


Your artwork looks finished to me 🙂

Welcome back!

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