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There's skateboarding, there's football, there's books and now there is drawing! 😄


So, I need to draw daily and I need inspiration. Similarly to my other goals thread (wherever that went :P), this thread I am asking you to give me something to draw and I shall try and then I will share it here. Whether it's terrible or not, whether I scribbled over it or not. I think this is what I need, to share what I draw with people and build myself up. 🙂 Also, if you want to draw something suggested here and share it too, please do! We can never have enough art 🙂


Got any ideas? 

N1ghtW1ngPosted 25-07-2017 09:27 AM

Comments (9 pages)

mspaceKPosted 25-07-2017 08:58 PM

I have a challenge 😄 Draw a neopets character. 🙂 Here are some! 




I'll try some too when I get a chance! 🙂 

scared01Posted 26-07-2017 09:46 AM

@mspaceK oh arent they cute!


@N1ghtW1ng are you going to do some drawing today? 


Im going to attempt to start drawing a dream catcher. Not sure how thats going to go though 

N1ghtW1ngPosted 26-07-2017 06:37 PM

@mspaceK Thank you so much for your suggestion. I'm actually really proud of my neopets, I hope I drew one of your favourites! 😄

Coloured Neopets.JPG

My favourite is Krawk (from the drawings I mean :P) Chia looks pretty good too, although it looks like its wearing a wig that's floating above its head 😄


@scared01 I drew some neopets 🙂 I'm excited to see your dreamcatcher 🙂

mspaceKPosted 26-07-2017 07:03 PM

oh my gosh @N1ghtW1ng that is so great! That made my day hahaha 😄 well done!! 

scared01Posted 26-07-2017 07:21 PM

they are awesome @N1ghtW1ng and soo cute! well done on them



scared01Posted 26-07-2017 07:22 PM



this is my very first attempt at a dream catcher

the next one will be in black and white and not coloured

Blue_skyPosted 30-04-2018 02:31 PM

That's so pretty! I actually have my own dreamcatcher

BeePosted 29-10-2018 09:34 PM
who does some drawing? I'm keeen to see some drawing pics! I haven't drawn in forever!
scared01Posted 30-10-2018 12:29 PM
i do some drawing but havent in a while @Bee
BeePosted 30-10-2018 02:25 PM
@scared01 I'd love to see some of your drawings when you do some more 🙂 or any you're happy to share that you've done previously 🙂
scared01Posted 30-10-2018 08:21 PM

this thread here has most of my drawings and artworks on it 🙂 @Bee


do you want to share some of your drawings?

BeePosted 01-11-2018 05:43 PM
They are so good @scared01 !
Oh my I haven't drawn in forever, I wouldn't even know where an art book of mine would be ahaha

Does someone want to give me a suggestion of something to draw and I'll try and draw it?
I have los of free time so after a challenege 😛
scared01Posted 01-11-2018 05:45 PM
thanks @Bee
and lol yes thats the same for me, i havent drawn since pretty much my last posting here.

hmm why dont you give your avatar a go? drawing your little dragon creature?
BeePosted 01-11-2018 05:49 PM
Ooooh challnege accepted! I love that idea @scared01 ! I even have him on my des so I can use him as a reference! Oooh I'm so excited about this!!! I shall start it tonight after tea 🙂
scared01Posted 01-11-2018 05:49 PM
that sounds great @Bee 🙂
BeePosted 02-11-2018 03:28 PM


 My first attempt 😀



 My next attempt and I added some colour




I couldn't get the face right but ah it's alright 😛


scared01Posted 05-11-2018 07:22 PM
aww so cute @Bee
well done!!
N1ghtW1ngPosted 07-11-2018 05:17 PM
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH @Bee it's the CUTEST little dragon dinosaur I've ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BeePosted 07-11-2018 05:32 PM
Thanks @scared01 @N1ghtW1ng ❤❤
mspaceKPosted 30-07-2017 11:49 AM

Hey @scared01 and  @N1ghtW1ng. 🙂


How are the drawings going? Have you done anymore recent ones? I'd love to see them 🙂 I haven't done any drawings myself lately but I have done a little bit of mindfulness colouring in. But mostly book reading and watching netflix. 🙂 


If you're up for another challenge - draw the front cover of your favourite book! 

scared01Posted 31-07-2017 07:13 PM

hi @mspaceK

i havent been drawing either. i want to but im busy or i have too low energy to do it.

the last thing i drew was the dream catcher pictured above.

im drawing stepping stones in water next as my next project

scared01Posted 01-08-2017 07:11 PM

hello everyone

i restocked my art supplies today plus it was really bugging me that i didnt have anything to use and that it wasnt organised and it was scattered everywhere.


so i fixed both problems today.

20170801_125222.jpg4.jpgi restocked all supplies plus brought a heap of pencil cases for different things plus a box to fit everything in there

what do you guys think?


N1ghtW1ngPosted 02-08-2017 08:52 AM
Your next project looks amazing @scared01, what medium are you going to use? (coloured pencils, water colours etc.)
scared01Posted 03-08-2017 10:57 AM

2017-08-03 10.54.26.jpg

 Hi guys i finished the stepping stones drawing early this morning. Took me a a while to do

Hope you guys like it. 

Im not happy with thr bottom 3 stones though so may end updoing  the pic again. Im thinking to make them like tje top 3 stones. 




N1ghtW1ngPosted 03-08-2017 11:07 AM
That looks beautiful @scared01 🙂

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