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There's skateboarding, there's football, there's books and now there is drawing! 😄


So, I need to draw daily and I need inspiration. Similarly to my other goals thread (wherever that went :P), this thread I am asking you to give me something to draw and I shall try and then I will share it here. Whether it's terrible or not, whether I scribbled over it or not. I think this is what I need, to share what I draw with people and build myself up. 🙂 Also, if you want to draw something suggested here and share it too, please do! We can never have enough art 🙂


Got any ideas? 

N1ghtW1ngPosted 25-07-2017 09:27 AM

Comments (9 pages)

mspaceKPosted 03-08-2017 11:04 AM

This is fantastic!!! @scared01 ðŸ™‚ 


I'm super impressed at how quick you got it done. 

scared01Posted 03-08-2017 11:10 AM

Thanks @mspaceK@N1ghtW1ng 

It took me a good few hours to do. I probably wouldnt have finished yet except i was having a rough night so decided to keep drawing. I think it was about 2am this morning i finished and started it early yesterday so it took me a long while. 

mspaceKPosted 03-08-2017 11:12 AM

Sorry to hear about the rough night. I think it looks good and I'd struggle to draw it haha. I am good at drawing stick people hahaha 

scared01Posted 03-08-2017 12:17 PM

People are so hard @mspaceK i cant draw them for the life of me!!!!

Ben-ROPosted 03-08-2017 11:56 AM

I am really bad at drawing, but i would like to get better at it. Is it worth doing drawing classes? 


Also i have one of those fancy pen tablet thingies because i do a bit of photo editing. Do you guys know if it's worth learning to draw on them? 



scared01Posted 03-08-2017 12:20 PM

@Ben-RO i havent done drawing classes either but if your up for it.... i say go for it! 

Kudoa to you for wanting to improve and findinh ways to do that. 



Its not as fun drawing on tablets as it is on paper. You can get apps for tablets but its not too acurate when your drawing. 

Plus you need away from screen stuff Smiley Tongue


Ben-ROPosted 03-08-2017 01:07 PM

Whoa that's a really good point @scared01 i really don't need any more screentime! 


Hmm, maybe i'll get a little moleskin or something and practice a drawing each day 🙂

Also i really just love all the art and drawing out there, but then the concepts and things i can draw are SOOOO far off that, that i kind of get discouraged 😞 

scared01Posted 03-08-2017 06:42 PM


everyone has to start somewhere.

i use to only draw stick figures, and look at mine now im being able to draw a few landscape pictures.


youll get there also.

you could try getting those step-by-step drawing books as well or looking up a few youtube how to dos

just give it a go, youll never know until you try 🙂

N1ghtW1ngPosted 03-08-2017 12:11 PM
Why not @Ben-RO? 😛 I myself have never taken drawing classes (probably because I'd have to find them and organise them and nope not ready for responsibility :P). I know that a lot of people like drawing on tablets because of digital drawing and all that. You can always try to look up some tutorials online first and see if they help 🙂

I'm slightly biased and think you should because drawing is fun, and it would be pretty awesome to be good! 🙂
N1ghtW1ngPosted 02-08-2017 08:52 AM
@scared01 so organised!! :D:D:D

I haven't drawn anything since the neopets 😞
mspaceKPosted 01-08-2017 08:17 PM

I love looking at that organisation @scared01!!! Hahaha that is awesome. Now you'll be able to do lots of stuff! 🙂

scared01Posted 01-08-2017 09:12 PM

thanks @mspaceK it took me forever!

mspaceKPosted 01-08-2017 09:30 PM

It's so worth it though @scared01. I feel accomplished when I get to organise all my school supplies and stationary. It is a nice feeling. 


Are you going to start a project? What do you think you may like to work on drawing next?

scared01Posted 01-08-2017 09:37 PM

Yes it sure is @mspaceK i hate being unorganised but with very limited space. That being whatever fits in my cupboard. This is what i could come up with. 


My next drawing im hoping to start on is stepping stones in water. Ill see if i can find a pic for you of the idea thats in my head

mspaceKPosted 01-08-2017 09:53 PM

Oh that sounds impressive! I'm looking forward to seeing that @scared01 ðŸ™‚ 

scared01Posted 01-08-2017 10:21 PM




Some thing like this @mspaceK


Wbu? Any projects?

mspaceKPosted 01-08-2017 11:21 PM

Oh wow! That looks difficult @scared01.


I don't have any drawing projects at the moment. I've been directing alot of my attention to uni and work recently and in my spare time I've been reading books. I'm in a book reading challenge with some people and I've fallen behind schedule. I do enjoy reading. 


But yeah,  no drawing projects yet.

scared01Posted 25-07-2017 06:49 PM

hi @N1ghtW1ng 

i have a drawing thread too!

what sort of things do you like to draw?

nature? animals? people?

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