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Favourite YouTube channels!

Hey peeps!

There's probably been one of these threads before but it's been buried, soooo


Who are your favourite YouTubers? These are a few of mine:


Neel Kolhatkar makes some hilarious videos and is also Aussie (Heads up: there's a lot of crude language in his videos so NSFW)



Then there's ASAPScience for my fellow nerds:



CommunityChannel (who you've all hopefully heard of but I had to include her):



And my favourite, VlogBrothers (ever read/seen The Fault In Our Stars? The dude who wrote it is 1/2 of VlogBrothers!)


lokifishPosted 12-11-2014 11:43 AM


benjamin_Posted 16-11-2014 04:24 PM

I'm late to the party but Ijust thought i'd add my fav music channel on youtube, Majestic Casual. Sooooo much good stuff on there, especially if you like electronic stuff 🙂



Actually I have another! JustKiddingFilms.



ruenhonxPosted 13-11-2014 11:57 AM

My Fave Youtubers 🙂 


hartbeat - I couldn't choose a fave video so I put 2 of my faves...hilarious 







lokifishPosted 14-11-2014 05:24 PM

Sweet, plenty of channels I'm gonna check out! 🙂

MyvoPosted 12-11-2014 09:12 PM

Yay! I love ASAPScience and communitychannel Smiley Very Happy


My favourite Youtubers are: 


Wong Fu Productions

These guys are awesome! Their videos are so beautiful and tell great stories ~ Prepare for all the cheese Heart



For musical lovers! 


Bad Lip Reading

Maybe a bit NSFW because of the language. But hey, it's bad lip reading, right? 
They take popular movies, TV shows, footage from events, and music videos and just put in their own dialogue. HIlarious Smiley Tongue


This guy really likes his true facts and sort of sounds like Morgan Freeman. Quite educational. 

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