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Introduce Yourself Here - OCTOBER 2020

Hello forum peeps 🙂

Would you believe its OCTOBER!? Where has the year gone!?


What do you love most about October?

October Hello Gif Find Share On Giphy Hello Elaine Word GIF - LowGif


What's your favourite sweet treat?


If you had to wear a mask, what would it be?


What's your favourite cryptic or supernatural creature? 


What is your favourite pumpkin recipe?

Post a fact about bats?


How do you feel about Halloween? 

Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 3 Episode 5 | screenranks


Do you have a spooky story to share with us? It could be a personal story, a creepy place, a part of history, a book, TV show or film.


BeePosted 06-10-2020 07:08 PM


lcstdkPosted 27-11-2020 02:58 PM

Hi, I'm new here. Wish I can get along with you all.

sunnygirl606Posted 27-11-2020 03:23 PM

Hello @lcstdk and @RM welcome to ReachOut! We love having you here! Heart

RMPosted 27-11-2020 03:08 PM
how are you?
RMPosted 05-11-2020 12:31 PM

Hello ! Im RM

babqgirl96Posted 04-11-2020 11:29 AM


What do you love most about October?

Probably that schools almost over XD


What's your favourite sweet treat?

Chocolate heheh


If you had to wear a mask, what would it be?

Probably a cute little bunny mask


What's your favourite cryptic or supernatural creature? 

I LOVE faeries or elves


What is your favourite pumpkin recipe?



Post a fact about bats?

They're adorable


How do you feel about Halloween? 

I'd love to dress up but I've never been allowed to because my family are super against it 😞


Do you have a spooky story to share with us? It could be a personal story, a creepy place, a part of history, a book, TV show or film.


Chanty12Posted 27-10-2020 11:03 AM

What do you love most about October?

the sweets and spooky movie nights

What's your favourite sweet treat?

chocolate and sour worms all the way

If you had to wear a mask, what would it be?

I'd wear a masquerade mask

What's your favourite cryptic or supernatural creature? 

I loveeee harry potter and magical movies so i'd say witches. (Where mah hufflepuffs at?)

What is your favourite pumpkin recipe?

Theres a chilean dish called sopapillia which uses pumpkin and its soooo good!

Post a fact about bats?

When i was 6 a bat got stuck in my bicycle and we had to get aniaml control to help get it out and heal the bat. I named him gary.

How do you feel about Halloween? 

I think its cool

Do you have a spooky story to share with us? It could be a personal story, a creepy place, a part of history, a book, TV show or film.

When my mum just had me and i was a newborn, she was at home with me at night and when she was walking down the hallway she felt someone tug her hair and then the lightbulb shattered. She was home alone.

Also when i was little apparently i would random play with my dolls as if someone else was there and i would talk and laugh at the wall......



Maybel9595Posted 22-10-2020 02:07 PM

What do you love most about October?

The weather starts to get a little warmer, but the nights are still cool for sleeping! Daylight savings starts, I feel excited for summer and Christmas!

What's your favourite sweet treat?

Nutella and banana crepes!


If you had to wear a mask, what would it be?


Probably a nice relaxing face mask Smiley LOL

What's your favourite cryptic or supernatural creature? 

Definitely a mermaid


What is your favourite pumpkin recipe?

Definitely the sweet and salty caramelised pumpkin my mum makes for salads!


 Post a fact about bats?

They can eat up to 1200 mosquitos in 1 hour! Smiley Indifferent


How do you feel about Halloween? 

We don't really celebrate it at home, but I love watching Halloween themed cooking videos.


Do you have a spooky story to share with us? It could be a personal story, a creepy place, a part of history, a book, TV show or film.

For years there was an old abandoned house near where I live and it had a big skull and cross bones on the door! We always thought it was creepy when we were younger. They knocked it down recently to build a real-estate office, and probably for the best!

SunnybearPosted 20-10-2020 05:04 PM

What do you love most about October?

I love the longer days, warmer weather, and all the blooming flowers Heart


What's your favourite sweet treat? 

Gummy bears!!! 


If you had to wear a mask, what would it be? 

Japanese fox facemask (the ones you see in anime) 


What's your favourite pumpkin recipe? 

Pumpkin pie 


What's your favourite cryptic or supernatural creature? 

Dragons! I love how they're apart of a lot of fictional stories and often represent strength 


Post a fact about bats?

Bats can consume up to around 1,200 mosquitoes an hour! 


How do you feel about Halloween? 

I personally don't celebrate Halloween but I do appreciate all the new thriller/ horror movies that get released around this time. I also like that a lot of sweets go on sale around this time too Smiley Tongue


Do you have a spooky story to share with us? It could be a personal story, a creepy place, a part of history, a book, TV show or film.

This story is an experience my grandma had. When she was younger she worked in an old factory which had 2 stories. The first floor was used to pack clothes into boxes and the second floor was used for storage. The shifts at the factory would usually end pretty late, so one night they heard that there were footsteps coming from upstairs (which is unusual because no one goes up there), so everyone including my grandma went upstairs together to see what's happening, and as a joke one of the other workers knocked on the door, not expecting anything to come from it but they ended up hearing knocking back. Can't remember how it ended but I think everyone just left and refused to work late, as for the authenticity of this story I'm not really sure! I believe in it because I'm someone that believes in the supernatural Smiley Embarassed

SkyleePosted 16-10-2020 12:58 PM


What do you love most about October?

Personally, I got to admite that in Australia halloween is nothing special. Yes, we do get candy sells, kids go to people's houses to get candy and that pretty much it. I wish it was more like America's. However, I do like October as a month itself. It so peaceful at this time of year!


What's your favourite sweet treat?

I like popping candy! The noises it makes are so cool and I also like how it feels in my mouth.


If you had to wear a mask, what would it be?

Personally, I would like to have a spooky ghost one! Simple but people still know what I am!

What's your favourite cryptic or supernatural creature? 

Favourite supernatural creature gotta be ghosts! They are so spookyy. Also they can fly which is pretty epic.


What is your favourite pumpkin recipe?

Probably just a classic pumpkin pie recipe! Personally, don't eat much pumpkin around spooky month.
Post a fact about bats?

Bats can eat up to 1,200 mosquitoes an hour. !!!

How do you feel about Halloween? 

I really really love Halloween! It's legit a whole excuse to dress up and go out with friends. Very fun1


Do you have a spooky story to share with us? It could be a personal story, a creepy place, a part of history, a book, TV show or film.

Hm, there's a lot of topics I can refer to for this question. However, i got to answer with a spooky film! To be honest, I think 'Cassie' 1976, is pretty scary. Not scary in terms of jump scares but scay in terms how much it reflects us as humans. I guess it is scary to the term of how similar it is to our reality. Like how because the main character (Cassie), is an outcast and everyone hates her. But, she gets her sweet revenge. In conclusion, Cassie is a great watch!!

hungincPosted 15-10-2020 11:10 AM

Hi everyone, 


What do you love most about October?

A sign that my period of "hibernation" is close


What's your favourite sweet treat?

Tim Tams 


If you had to wear a mask, what would it be?

The Joker mask


What's your favourite cryptic or supernatural creature? 

Maybe a unicorn?


What is your favourite pumpkin recipe?

Boiled pumpkin


Post a fact about bats

Bats have few natural predators


How do you feel about Halloween? 

Why do I have to give people treats that I can eat myself? Haha


Do you have a spooky story to share with us? It could be a personal story, a creepy place, a part of history, a book, TV show or film.




BeePosted 08-11-2020 11:45 AM

@hunginc wrote:

How do you feel about Halloween? 

Why do I have to give people treats that I can eat myself? Haha


Haha I love this thought @hunginc 😍😀


Welcome @RM , what do you like about October?

RMPosted 09-11-2020 06:35 PM
Hello I love seeing kids wearing their best halloween custome.
TRUE3000000000DPosted 19-11-2020 07:36 PM


My name is Andreana.

I like art and music and branded clothes and modded cars. lol

I'm also autistic and hear voices and I currently get support for both.

also would like to know Are there people on here only in Australia or is this forum more broad?

And am I allowed to share social media accounts?.







Taylor-ROPosted 19-11-2020 09:36 PM

Welcome @TRUE3000000000D! We are so happy to have you on board. If you'd like to introduce yourself, please feel welcome to answer the questions below on this thread Heart

RMPosted 20-11-2020 11:45 AM
Hello Reach out! How's everyone?
I hope youre great! ... Lets chat on hang-out.
BeePosted 12-10-2020 06:49 PM

@Anonymous @November13 @sunnygirl606 @Bella2 @Blurryphaced welcome, and thank you for responding 🙂

hellofriend - they're called masquerade masks, I think they look really neat 🙂 

Bella2 masquerade masks have always intrigued me, I think I still have a couple somewhere 😛 I had a black metal one hanging in my room before I moved earlier this year, no idea where it is now though 😂

Absolutely November13 & blurryphaced - keep safe!

sunnygirl606 How awesome are all the patterns on the masks!! I have a patterned reusable mask with PM2.5 filters. I haven't felt the need to wear it yet - and only because I'm in a small town and we've had no Covid cases 🙂 But I have it with me in case



What do you love most about October?

It's warming up, flowers are blooming, it's my birthday month 😛


What's your favourite sweet treat?

Anything sweet 😛 I am a little too addicted to chocolate though haha


If you had to wear a mask, what would it be?

pre-covid: Masquerade mask

But with covid and in extreme bushfires, I'd opt for the safety of a face mask to help protect my airways


What's your favourite cryptic or supernatural creature?

I've always liked faries - and a couple artists I like draw fairies and fairy houses which is sooo awesome! Oh and pegasus' - because they can fly!


What is your favourite pumpkin recipe?

Hellofiend sunnygirl606 Bella2 pumpkin lovers unite!

@Anonymous @sunnygirl606 @Bella2 pumpkin lovers unite! I love me some roast pumpkin, and pumpkin soup hmmm so yummmy! Now I wish I had pumpkin!

Post a fact about bats?

I actually don't know a lot about bats 😛 


How do you feel about Halloween?

I don't really understand it or the hype, but I'm not about to stop those who do celebrate and take part in Halloween 🙂


Do you have a spooky story to share with us? It could be a personal story, a creepy place, a part of history, a book, TV show or film.

I've recently watched season 1 of Stranger Things on netflix, it was really intriguing and captured my attention. Keen to watch the next 1 or 2 series they have on netflix 🙂

BlurryphacedPosted 11-10-2020 12:22 AM

What do you love most about October?

The weather starting to get warmer Smiley Very Happy


What's your favourite sweet treat?



If you had to wear a mask, what would it be?

A CDC-approved face mask. Stay safe everyone!


What's your favourite cryptic or supernatural creature? 

Why have a favourite fake creature when you can have a favourite real one! I seriously recommend searching up the leaf sheep, they're a type of sea slug that over their lifetime eat so many algae that they absorb their chloroplasts and gain the ability to photosynthesize!


What is your favourite pumpkin recipe?

Pumpkin risotto, I eat it all the timeeee.


 Post a fact about bats?

John A. 'Bud' Hillerich invented the Louisville Slugger when Pete Browning broke his bat during a match and Bud offered to make him a new one. 


How do you feel about Halloween? 

I love dressing up, but hate trick-or-treating Smiley LOL I prefer to play the animal crossing Halloween activities than go out and annoy people for lollies. 


Do you have a spooky story to share with us? It could be a personal story, a creepy place, a part of history, a book, TV show or film.

Spooky story: My school goes back in two days. 

Bella2Posted 10-10-2020 04:17 PM

What do you love most about October?

I love the warmer weather and that its still day at 7:30pm

What's your favourite sweet treat?

Chocolate pancakes, soooo fluffy.

If you had to wear a mask, what would it be?

masquerade mask. Don't know why just love the old vibes.

What's your favourite cryptic or supernatural creature?


What is your favourite pumpkin recipe?

Pumpkin soup 

Post a fact about bats?

Bats can live up to 30 years.

How do you feel about Halloween?

not really interested but love the sweets.

Do you have a spooky story to share with us? It could be a personal story, a creepy place, a part of history, a book, TV show or film.

I don"t like anything creepy I'm a afraid of everything haha 

sunnygirl606Posted 09-10-2020 07:38 PM

What do you love most about October?

That uni is almost done! Been waiting for this month ever since the uni year started Smiley Very Happy


What's your favourite sweet treat?

I LOVE monte carlo biscuits (i hope these count) but if not, i really love anything chocolate


If you had to wear a mask, what would it be?

hmmm, i immediately thought of all the cool face masks i've been seeing people wear out in public! I saw someone with a cute mask with little bumble bees pattern on it!


What's your favourite cryptic or supernatural creature? 

I really love mermaids! Loved em since i was H2O; just add water when i was little.


What is your favourite pumpkin recipe?

I love roasted pumpkin!


Post a fact about bats?

Bats can find their food in total darkness


How do you feel about Halloween? 

I've never been allowed to celebrate halloween and as i've gotten older i just haven't had an interest in it. Although i did sneak behind my parents back and played club penguin to find all the cool halloween stickers and backgrounds!


Do you have a spooky story to share with us? It could be a personal story, a creepy place, a part of history, a book, TV show or film.

oooh! One time my cousins and i explored an abandoned place that no one had been in 20 years (to our knowledge) and i was so young that my older cousins convinced me of spooky things like ghosts! Still feel some fear about that to this day ahah

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