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Sometimes I just wish I had someone to talk to without feeling like a burden

Hey is there anyone out there I could chat too?

sunshine2Posted 26-06-2021 06:31 PM


scared01Posted 08-07-2021 08:38 PM

hello @sunshine2

how are you going today?

celestialdreamerPosted 08-07-2021 05:47 PM

@sunshine2 definitely here to listen and have a chat. Is there something in particular you would like to talk about? I hope you're going okay ❤️

unicorn123Posted 27-06-2021 01:34 PM

hi @sunshine2 ,

I'm sorry you feel this way. This Reachout community is a place where you can talk to any one of us without feeling like a burden. YOU have so much worth in this world and there are so many people online on here that have already replied to you and don't think you are a burden. If you want to vent to me or open up to me, then please don't hesitate cos I know for sure I DONT think you are a burden and am willing to hear you out however long it takes:)) keep smiling !

AkinnaPosted 27-06-2021 12:29 AM

I'm sorry you feel this way @sunshine2 ! I know from my experiences with depression how awful it is if you feel like a burden, invisible, or a waste of space. 😔


In addition to @TOM-RO 's suggestions... Do you have any family or friends to talk to? School counsellors? Teachers? Adults you trust like a friend's parent?


I think a low self worth has contributed to me feeling like a burden. Please know that thoughts are not facts so even if your brain tells you that you are a burden, it doesn't mean this is true. There are people who care about you, love you, and want to help you. You deserve help, your pain is valid even if others have it worse, and you don't have to be at rock bottom to ask for help. You deserve help.


Just think, if someone approached you for help with a massive problem that wasn't their fault, would you think they are a burden? No! And neither are you ☺️


You are always welcome to vent on here 💕

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 26-06-2021 10:50 PM

Hey @sunshine2 I'm sorry you've been feeling like you can't talk to people without feeling like a burden 😞 That sounds really tough and like you're feeling really down about yourself in general? We're here to listen and chat, the forums are a really safe place. And yeah as @TOM-RO said, you are always welcome to reach out to other more immediate supports if you need


Did you want to talk more about how you've been feeling?

TOM-ROPosted 26-06-2021 08:37 PM

Hi @sunshine2, the forums are a great way to connect and talk with other members that are in a similar situation, but please note these forums are not moderated 24/7. 


A few other potential options that could be worth looking into are services like eheadspace and kidshelpline. Both services provide one-on-one support, phone and webchat counselling if you wanted to have a chat to someone. Is this something you might be interested in doing?


Please let us know if you want to chat through this more, just wanted to let you know of a few other options in case you wanted to explore them.

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