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I've recently come back from an AMAZING holiday in Japan... How I wish i was still there..


I'm wanting to plan another holiday, however there's so many choices, I don't know where to go!


I'd love to hear your travelling stories, or what your dream holiday consist of, and where I should next Smiley Tongue

honkyPosted 07-08-2017 01:26 PM


less123321Posted 10-12-2017 06:06 PM
@honky Probably my favourite memory was when my family and I were in Italy and we all went to a department store. Half of the family went early with us kids expect for one (my cousin) to go get food and the other half stayed in the shop, about 15 minutes later the other half of my family (the ones that stayed in the shop) came to the place where we were getting food from, but we couldn't find my cousin anywhere, he ended up still being in the store so our whole family went back to the store, as we were entering we heard him on the lid speaker asking us to find him, it was the funniest thing ever!!
honkyPosted 11-12-2017 12:04 PM

haha that's hilarious @less123321! It also happened to my little sister once haha, and it was so funny!! How was your Italy holiday? Any recommendations? Smiley Happy


I've always wanted to go Phillipines @melz!! Is there anything you would recommend?Smiley Happy

less123321Posted 11-12-2017 02:02 PM
@honky aha, its scary at the time but it is a funny family memory!! It was amazing, my nonna came to Australia from Italy and her family still has her house they so we were living in that and seeing all the places me nonna used to go to. I think everywhere I have been with my family has been a great time and I just love them!!
N1ghtW1ngPosted 10-12-2017 04:25 PM
@melz I went to Europe for a year when I finished high school 🙂 It was fantastic! What was your favourite part of the Philippines?
melzPosted 10-12-2017 05:13 PM

@N1ghtW1ngEverywhere. It was my first time overseas so I was in awe of everything. I'd love to go to Europe! What were the highlights of your trip? 

SanguinePosted 09-09-2017 09:47 PM

If you're ever looking for somewhere quiet, I'd recommend Hallstatt in Austria! Google it, but it's even more amazing than the pictures show! 

May_Posted 10-09-2017 08:38 PM
@Sanguine wow! That looks like the coolest place ever!!! Definitely going on my Europe bucketlist..... 😄
honkyPosted 12-09-2017 09:25 AM

wow it looks amazing @Sanguine, feels calm and relaxing just looking at the picturesSmiley Happy


oo sounds exciting @rose13, let us know how it goesSmiley Happy Do you guys know what you're going to do there?

rose13Posted 11-09-2017 08:38 AM

I saw this thread and thought I'd live vicariously through all of you with exciting trips planned soon! 


Italy is on my list too @Emsie, I went there with my family back in 2008 but we stuck to most of the bigger cities like Rome, Florence, and Venice, so I'd love to go back and check out some of the smaller towns and coastal villages. Where do you want to go there? Smiley Happy


@Jrt14 I'm actually going to NZ at the end of this year too! My parents are taking my sister and I, it will be our first big family trip in a while so I'm super excited Smiley Very Happy you sound a lot more adventurous than me though, are you going to do all those exciting activities like bungee jumping and zip lining? I don't think I could stomach it! I'm excited for the beautiful nature over there though. 


The next countries on my list are France and Italy, I've been fortunate enough to visit both but I loved them so much and would love to go back and practice my French again. 

Jrt14Posted 12-09-2017 09:46 PM

Haha I am quite adventurous sometimes but I just like to try different things especially when I am already out of my comfort zone! I have done those things before but there is a giant swing when I am dying to try hahah! I am sure your family trip will be awesome 🙂 

rose13Posted 14-09-2017 07:22 AM

@honky I'm not too sure what we'll be doing, we're hiring a car and driving around the North island and are spending Christmas there, so I'm sure we'll find something nice to do! 


@Jrt14 I had some friends go on the giant swing in NZ last year and they LOVED it! Still don't think I could stomach it, but sounds like it is right up your alley 😛 I hope you have a great trip! 

honkyPosted 15-09-2017 04:10 PM

unplanned trips can turn into awesome trips @rose13, let us know what you get up to Smiley Happy

Jrt14Posted 14-09-2017 10:05 AM

that makes me excited!! you too 🙂

KarinaskiiPosted 11-08-2017 11:38 AM

Oh my @honky, how beautiful is Japan?!!! I love Japan so much, I went earlier this year (for the second time) and I fell in love with it all over again. Where did you go? Tokyo?


This year has been a big year for holidays... My parents actually banned me from going on anymore holidays until next year, and I have already booked a trip to Hong Kong next Feb.


This year I went to Queensland (It is so nice up there), Japan and Singapore.


And last week I came back from my month study abroad program in England, and I did a side trip to Italy too!


Time to start saving agin Smiley Tongue

sweet_bakingPosted 09-08-2017 10:52 AM

Oh wow, I am so jealous!! Japan sounds absolutely incredible Smiley Happy - my brother is actually working there at the moment, so I'm hoping I'll get to go visit him soon (as an excuse to see the beautiful country of course Smiley Wink )


If I could make a suggestion for another holiday, I would definitely say Northern UK and Wales. I just got back from there 2 months ago, and truly, it was absolutely beautiful, so lush and green, with history dripping off every building in every quaint little town! There is so much to see and do!

jasper1994Posted 09-08-2017 09:21 AM

@honky i've always wanted to go to Japan, what was your favourite bit?


I just got a working holiday visa for the UK and i have a one way ticket over there, im so excited/nervous!

honkyPosted 09-08-2017 10:20 PM

@jasper1994 OOO that's exciting, I wish you all the best!!

This may sound cliche.. but there wasn't anything I didn't enjoy. However, my favourite part I would have to say was eating their desserts! OH, and disneyland, can't forget that...Smiley Happy


@sweet_baking Thanks for sharing! Is there anything you'd highly recommend doing over there? Smiley Tongue

sweet_bakingPosted 10-08-2017 05:35 PM

Hmm there are a lot of historical sites to visit, and I definitely have a few to recommend! Conwy Castle in Wales (and just driving in their countryside is absolutely gorgeous), and there's a town close to the England/Wales border called Chester - it's still surrounded by 2000 year old Roman walls!

On top of that, there are a lot of great museums, and beautiful old churches and awesome 16th century pubs Smiley Happy

N1ghtW1ngPosted 11-08-2017 01:01 PM
I want to go visit the Underwater world (or whatever it's called) that's near me.

@Karinaskii haha you know you're a big traveller when you're parents say no 😛 I've always wanted to go to Japan, but all I've been to is a few countries in Europe.

@sweet_baking Historical places are always so lovely to go and look at 🙂

@May_ Where did you go?
May_Posted 11-08-2017 01:08 PM
Bali @N1ghtW1ng 🙂
N1ghtW1ngPosted 11-08-2017 01:10 PM
Nice @May_! 😄 I would certainly recommend Europe, if you do end up travelling again 🙂
May_Posted 11-08-2017 02:38 PM
@N1ghtW1ng going to the US at the end of the year and Europe will probably be next on the list 🙂
honkyPosted 11-08-2017 04:36 PM

Oooo sounds very interesting, thank you @sweet_bakingSmiley Happy


 That's exciting, you must've done a lot of partying @May_ Smiley Tongue Where are you planning to go for your next holiday?


I've never heard of underwater world before @N1ghtW1ng, what is it like?

N1ghtW1ngPosted 11-08-2017 07:54 PM
@honky it's a staple for early primary school field trips 😛 It's basically a giant aquarium with all kinds of marine animals. I really love animals, especially marine animals like sharks, whales, dolphins, turtles oh and octopi! 😄

@May_ haha yeah forget partying, all the good stuff's at the places 😉 (not that I've ever been :P)

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