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Trying to form healthy habits

Hey everyone! 

I've been trying to get into meditation lately. and when I do practice it, it really helps me de-stress, but I've found that it's sometimes hard to keep a habit going for a long period of time. I find that I'm often inconsistent whoops! But what are some healthy habits you guys are trying to practice? Journaling? Yoga? And are you able to do them consistently?


Curious to know!

goldwing03Posted 13-11-2021 06:44 PM


Squishy12456Posted 18-01-2022 02:27 AM

I used to really struggle with keeping habits as well, I'm a huge procrastinator and I cannot keep my attention on one thing for more than two minutes. Something that really helped me start my habits of yoga and journaling everyday was (I keep a diary because I suck at checking my phone calendar) I put my goals into my diary and then set aside a time where I force myself to do it. Eventually it became not a task but something I know that I enjoy and that I know I want to do every day. I now make sure to be very direct when I have a thought and act on it immediately, for example if I'm sitting at home and I think 'I could do some yoga right now' I get up straight away and act on it or otherwise I know I won't do shit haha. Hope this helps :))

WinterCalvinoPosted 11-01-2022 09:02 AM

My healthy habits for 2022 that I want to focus on are: 

  • Yoga 
  • Meditation 
  • Self-Help podcasts 
  • Exercise 
  • Sleeping 8 hours 
Andre9Posted 28-12-2021 10:51 AM

Hi @goldwing03 !

Really love this post ❤️ One habit that I have been trying to foster the past few years is to draw/paint more frequently. For me taking some quite time to do art is so healing, and the idea of creating something by yourself is so satisfying, but it can also get drawn out and sometimes frustrating - which I think may be one of the reasons why I don't do art as much as I used to 😅 When there are so many other things that are more exciting and more rewarding in the short-term like television and games, it can get quite distracting as to choosing what activity you would want to do in your spare time.

But lately I have been trying to draw croquis sketches which are fast sketches completed under short amount of time, and this has made doing art more accessible for me and take less of the perfectionist attitude on board 😊 Also I have gifted myself a drawing tablet for this Christmas, so hopefully doing some digital art would allow me to try different types of art without the troubles of getting preparing the materials needed 😄

goldwing03Posted 28-12-2021 11:55 PM

Thanks @Andre9 !

It's so lovely you've bought a christmas present for yourself, such a cute way to self-care if you ask me!


AnzelmoPosted 11-12-2021 10:52 AM

Hi @goldwing03


This is all too familiar with a lot of people. I would go as far as saying that being consistent in anything is one of the hardest parts but also the most important.


For me, it's pretty basic, but just exercising and being active. I've been really stagnant during lockdown since I'm stuck doing uni and have been sitting at my desk for what feels like 24/7. Now that lockdown has lifted I've been working more and have other commitments like my internship - I often feel physically or emotionally too tired to exercise, and in my spare time id rather relax than be exhausted constantly. I know I'm probably just making excuses, but that is where I'm currently at. 😬

StormySeas17Posted 11-12-2021 02:06 PM

@Anzelmo I totally relate to the end-of-lockdown lack of energy/motivation. I was exercising heaps in lockdown and have only now been able to get back to it on a similar level! Is your internship full-time/longer than you usually work for? I know that my friends who have started working full-time have really struggled to adapt to the constant energy and structure needed, particularly if it involves a long commute. 

One weird paradox that I've found is that exercise actually helps me feel less tired overall because my body is becoming stronger and can endure more. But it really depends on the exercise too. Have you considered starting with a lower-intensity workout like walking, or stretching and yoga? Or are there other activities that don't 'feel' like exercise you could do, like sport or swimming? I guess another thing could be if you're eating nutritious food that gives you energy, or enough water and sleep. I'm starting to sound like a doctor here so I'll stop 😆

AnzelmoPosted 19-12-2021 01:39 PM

My internship is not full time and hopefully when next year comes around and it's no longer as busy with celebrations, I can commit more to being more active. But small steps go a long way and I really like how you mentioned feeling more energetic after exercising regularly which actually makes total sense since you are building up your wellbeing and staying fit. That gives me even more hope and less fearful of being constantly tired. 

goldwing03Posted 11-12-2021 12:10 PM

Hi @Anzelmo

It's perfectly okay to be physically and emotionally tired...don't beat yourself up for not excercising as consisently as you would like! As long as you are aware of it, and are working towards keeping yourself happy and healthy, everything else is okay 🙂

AnzelmoPosted 19-12-2021 01:40 PM

That's true! and it's around that time of the year where everyone is busy and so I'm aware I can bounce back once the season is over!


How has your progress gone with developing new habbits? 

goldwing03Posted 28-12-2021 11:56 PM

It's going okay...keeping falling off the wagon but then remind myself that it's okay and normal and try to get back into it 🙂

StormySeas17Posted 04-12-2021 01:32 PM

@goldwing03 I do yoga consistently because I set myself dates, times and classes to do! A lot of it is figuring out when you're most active. For example, I try to exercise in the morning because I know that geting tired or eating a heavy meal by accident might undermine my schedule if I do it at night, unless I've booked myself into a class. Some people like to do things just before bed or at lunchtime. I think it's more about leaning into your natural preferences 😊

goldwing03Posted 04-12-2021 01:38 PM

Yoga is cool! Yeah I'm trying to work out when my  natural preferences are

StormySeas17Posted 04-12-2021 05:12 PM

That's fair! I found that I usually don't do anything in the mornings- it's a vaccum in my schedule, whereas I like to work on projects/chill in the afternoon and evening. So adding an extra activity in the morning worked perfectly because it didn't interfere with the rest of my schedule 😃 

Tulip_SquidPosted 29-11-2021 02:12 AM

i've started journaling and it's been really good to actually get thoughts out! i'm also not very consistent however i'm trying and that the main thing!!

delevsPosted 02-12-2021 01:53 PM

I'm also a massive fan of journaling! Such a great habit to get into so congrats! Consistency can be hard, I've found that journaling when it comes to you helps a lot rather than forcing yourself to write! 

November13Posted 02-12-2021 11:27 AM

Omg I second that! It's so nice to pour your heart out, and I love the feeling of pen on paper!

HappyApplesPosted 13-11-2021 08:47 PM

Oo I've been trying to get into meditation too lately! But I'm also finding it a bit hard to be consistent hahaha


I have kept a gratitude journal for the last year and a half though (and for the most part done an entry everyday)! I think it's just really nice to not only be appreciative & show gratitude while you're writing your entries, but it's also super lovely to be able to read back over your previous entries & just smile at all the good things that have happened to you (even if you have been going through some stressful times). I think knowing that this journal will also document some really good memories that I want to remember motivates me to be consistent with it 💛


Have you tried any other healthy habits that you've found to be helpful?

goldwing03Posted 11-12-2021 12:11 PM

I know this sounds weird..but lately cleaning? Has been super therapeutic LOL

Iona-ROPosted 24-12-2021 11:26 AM

Same! I love putting on a good playlist and popping on my headphones and just zoning out whilst cleaning. And so satisfying when it's all done! Sometimes I even take a photo beforehand to get the full satisfaction of how much better it looks afterwards 😂

goldwing03Posted 04-12-2021 01:36 PM

omg a gratitude journa is such a good idea! Good on you xx

goldwing03Posted 16-11-2021 08:06 PM

It's so good that you've been doing it for a year and a half! I wish I had the patience for that because I agree, it would be really nice to smile at your old self. Good on you 🙂

Recently, I've been having little dance parties in my room with the music blasting. IT'S SO THERAPEUTIC lol! 



HappyApplesPosted 21-11-2021 10:18 PM

Oooooo that does sound super fun! Blasting music is 100% so therapeutic - I've been doing that in the car when I'm driving hahahaha; Taylor Swift's 10 minute version of All Too Well has been on repeat all week hahaha


Are there any artists/songs in particular that you've been liking dancing to?

goldwing03Posted 04-12-2021 01:38 PM

So excited that your'e a swiftie too! All too well has been on repeat for me too LOL. I like listening to AJR, and 5SOS and also Taylor Swift haha

HappyApplesPosted 07-12-2021 02:40 PM

Oooo yes I love them too! I'm so excited for the rest of Taylor's re-recordings hahaha, especially Speak Now!

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