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CassiePosted 19-07-2012 06:20 PM

Comments (339 pages)

N1ghtW1ngPosted 10-04-2016 08:44 PM
If you don't mind it @redhead, I'd suggest seeing it in 3D. I didn't, but it'd look so cool and I've heard the 3D is amazing.
redheadPosted 10-04-2016 07:07 PM
@N1ghtW1ng I'll have to go see it.
redheadPosted 10-04-2016 09:04 AM
@N1ghtW1ng let us know how it is.
N1ghtW1ngPosted 10-04-2016 02:08 PM
@redhead I really enjoyed it. It looked so cool! 😄
j95Posted 08-04-2016 12:40 PM
Yeah I'm going to try and book one in this afternoon. Chatting online to them has helped in the past, I did it for ages, but now I've finished up with them so I'm basically not allowed to contact them anymore, everytime I log in they tell me to leave because I'be finished up with them. It's so unfair.
I'll be ok. Thanks @Stealth_ninja
I'm not sure what I'd suggest, I'm real busy and out and about at the moment so when I have time to reply to that properly I will
N1ghtW1ngPosted 10-04-2016 08:34 AM
Going to see the Jungle Book today. It looks really good and I hope it is!
N1ghtW1ngPosted 07-04-2016 11:08 PM
Sometimes I forget how helpful taking deep breaths can be. I find them more helpful when I don't force it, I'm just taking in a large breath and it becomes deep and relaxing.
j95Posted 07-04-2016 07:58 PM

I just hate being me I'm so messed up and stupid, so unfair
j95Posted 07-04-2016 08:51 PM
and the thing is nobody understands, they say they do idk
ElleBellePosted 07-04-2016 09:02 PM

You're right in a way @j95 nobody will ever know exactly what it's like to be you or what's going on inside. But we do care, and we have all had points in our lives where we feel like breaking. It's hard for us to see you talk badly about yourself, because we know what a kind, generous person you are, so we want to cheer you up. But totally understand if that's not what you need right now. If there's any way we can help, just say the word.

j95Posted 07-04-2016 09:17 PM
I need help because I can't get out of this on own
ElleBellePosted 07-04-2016 09:43 PM

You've been stuck like this before right @j95? Can you think back to what helped in those times? When is your next Headspace appointment btw?

j95Posted 07-04-2016 09:51 PM

I don't have a next one @ElleBelle


Usually my dogs help me, or listening or writing music, going for walk.

I just can't do it though. I want to but i just can't tonight. 

ElleBellePosted 07-04-2016 09:53 PM

Have you used all my sessions for the year @j95, or you just haven't booked in another one?


Alright, let's start with the thing that takes the least amount of effort - listening to music. Whatever you're already doing, you can just put music on behind it. What's your fave album, or one that always gives you shivers cos it's so frikkin good?

j95Posted 07-04-2016 10:00 PM

I just haven't been going, haven't been able to fit  it in  cause i've been busy I stopped going like 5 or 6 weeks ago, but i've been doing fine without it up until the last week. @ElleBelle

I've been listening to Big Scary heaps lately
I've also been listening to a lot of this guy called Ziggy Alberts lately

ElleBellePosted 07-04-2016 10:27 PM

Ooh I like that Big Scary song @j95, I'd never heard of them before. Might have to check it out.


So perhaps the next move tomorrow is to make an appointment?

j95Posted 07-04-2016 10:31 PM
I don't have time though that's the problem @ElleBelle or when I do have time they can't fit me in. I know I need to, but it's so hard to find a space to add it in.
Stealth_ninjaPosted 08-04-2016 11:12 AM

Maybe making an appointment for the future when you can, even if it isn't right now just so that you know it's there and it's coming? Even if things get better between now and then it'll be a chance to reflect. Just an idea! Has chatting to them online helped at all in the past?


It's really hard seeing you like this @j95 and I know we can never truly know all the things that you're going through and what you've faced but we are all 100% behind you in whatever you choose to do. The very fact that you know you need help and you can't and dont have to do it alone is great and tells me you're going to get through this. 



What would you suggest to someone else if they came to you with these feelings? I find that sometimes helps me figure out what I need.

j95Posted 07-04-2016 09:05 PM
Sorry for being so rejecting @ElleBelle and i do want help and I do appreciate it
I just stuck, I don't HOW you can help me
N1ghtW1ngPosted 07-04-2016 05:34 PM
@j95 you don't need to say anything back. Just take care of yourself. Maybe a cuddle with the dogs tonight and a doona cave?
j95Posted 07-04-2016 05:50 PM
Im just so sick of this
ElleBellePosted 07-04-2016 07:51 PM

I hear you @j95. I just responded in the other thread but it seems like you've feeling pretty down on yourself for a few days now. I understand the frustration and I know this too will pass, as it has before. In the meantime you'll ride it out the best you can, until you can get a bit of perspective on the situation. Hang in there mate, we all think the world of ya.

j95Posted 07-04-2016 12:41 PM
i just don't feel adequate or worth anything at the moment
j95Posted 07-04-2016 12:38 PM
Yeah but the minute I take steps forward I fuck everything up for myself, every time
khaleesi_18Posted 07-04-2016 10:57 AM

Hey @j95 sounds like last night was pretty rough... how are you feeling today?

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