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CassiePosted 19-07-2012 06:20 PM

Comments (339 pages)

j95Posted 01-11-2015 05:54 PM
Bought mint golden gaytime Icecream to make me feel a little better after such a dreadful 4 days, nearly eaten the whole tub, oops.
j95Posted 12-10-2015 09:40 PM
House Husbands stopppp you're going to make me cry, why do tv shows do this
N1ghtW1ngPosted 13-10-2015 05:08 AM
@redhead glad to hear it works out with extra meds and that some of the strategies are working. How are you feeling now.

@j95 a moment of silence for all the TV show moments that make you want to cry.
j95Posted 06-10-2015 02:37 PM
Hot days like this make me thankful I am no longer a Sparky working on top of rooves (or crawling through them)
j95Posted 26-09-2015 07:42 AM
I haven't actually voluntarily gotten up this early in a long time, such a nice morning to go for a run
j95Posted 23-06-2015 10:44 PM
ugh stuffed this thread up when i accidentally edited the title early and changed it back... oops...
j95Posted 21-10-2015 05:23 PM
went back into my email and found the links to my posts on RO for this time a year ago... things were different but i have learnt a lot!
stonepixiePosted 21-10-2015 09:58 PM
@j95 I love it when I compare things. It really puts things in perspective with how far I've come in terms of my recovery.

You must feel so pleased with the progress you have made. 🙂
j95Posted 21-10-2015 09:52 PM
im 20 years old and i've only just found out i've been singing the wrong lyrics to a song i've been singing my entire life....
j95Posted 13-09-2015 10:31 PM

Thanks @hartley_ i guess i value relationships so much because i want a positive one so much because i've never had that... especially between mum and i. does that even make sense haha? 😕 yeah mum didnt show the first time a couple of weeks ago, after she offered to see me, and then i just went out of my way to organise something again but im the bottom of her priority list as usual. 

i have a mate from work who i didn't expect to go out of his way to make sure i'm doing ok and I think I value him a lot, almost like family and i've got my brother too.

i dont think i can talk to those friends about today... no way, they will just think im taking things way way too seriously so i'm going to just pretend everythings all good. some friends i can talk to about how i feel about things (like my work friend), others not so much.

hartley_Posted 13-09-2015 10:42 PM

yeah i understand @j95 i feel the same about some of my friends. like they are on different levels - some that i can talk to about certain serious things and some i cant/wouldnt even go there


maybe they just arent as mature and switched on as you about things in that way and its not personal?

either way it still sucks when its happening to you. maybe removing yourself from the sitch is easier? 


im glad you have made a new friend in work 🙂 thats really great. would you ask them if they want to hang or go to the footy or something on the weekend?it could be the start of something awesome 😄 

and your new housemate sounds cool? (from last i read about him?) 


Sometimes good friends come out of unsuspecting places 🙂

j95Posted 13-09-2015 10:50 PM
yeah thats true about friends @hartley_ i know that this friend at work, i never really gave him a chance and thought he was a bit simple but he is the greatest and cares so much. i might ask him about the weekend, see what happens 🙂
and yeah my new housemate is awesome - so much fun, we went out last night and although i cant remember much haha 🙂

thanks for your help too 🙂
N1ghtW1ngPosted 23-06-2015 10:54 PM
@j95 it's cool. Still has the same name 🙂
j95Posted 11-11-2015 10:40 AM
Saw Matt Corby live last night and it was so special, loved it so much
j95Posted 29-03-2015 06:17 PM

When you try and take a panorama and this happens (its my dog)


LightuptheworldPosted 19-07-2012 08:35 PM

@Cassie: Yay for driving to uni! 🙂 Pity about the parking issues.

@Atma: Hope you got your call that you were waiting for. 🙂
@FlorenceForever: Hope you're feeling better soon! 🙂 


Lightuptheworld: Should be studying but instead I'm on ReachOut. How unusual... 😛 

AtmaPosted 19-07-2012 06:44 PM

Patiently waiting for Mum to ring me like she said she would

j95Posted 11-01-2016 10:44 PM

Neko Atsume friends LOOK 

this is a really good thing yeah? Is this cat rare? 


j95Posted 21-05-2015 10:24 PM
A night time walk with friends is a good type of walk😊

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