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Dealing with self-harm/suicidal thoughts

@Bree-RO I made another thread

lokifishPosted 14-02-2017 07:32 PM


lokifishPosted 16-02-2017 09:19 PM

@Bree-RO yeah I figure they're healthy so it doesn't matter 😛 I guess I'm just worried that I won't be able to cope with it, or won't enjoy it (which is ridiculous because I'm the most kid-like adult ever haha) or that I'll enjoy it too much and will never go back to nursing, meaning I've 'wasted' the last two years. At the end of year 12 it was a toss up of whether to do nursing or early childhood teaching at uni, and it wouldn't have mattered which one I picked I'd still be questioning if it was the right decision.

Bree-ROPosted 16-02-2017 09:26 PM

Oh I see @lokifish - well you can totally try/chop/change/do whatever you want in terms of jobs and vocations! That's the beauty of being a young person in this era 🙂 I am up to my third career - it's good fun, don't worry so much about the end result. If you can try and enjoy the journey a little more and not so much the pressure of decision making. Heart


Weetbix crew.


lokifishPosted 16-02-2017 08:48 PM

@Bree-RO nah they were just trying to get me to do simple grounding stuff but I couldn't do it and so it just made me more frustrated. Nothing crazy has really happened but I'm stressed about this whole uni/TAFE situation and it's all so hard I just want to give up and die

lokifishPosted 16-02-2017 08:26 PM

I know I'm just a stupid idiot who gets triggered by everything and should just stop inconveniencing everyone. I tried SCBS but they didn't help and now everything hurts even more why won't it stop

lokifishPosted 16-02-2017 07:54 PM

... fuck this shit, nothing is helping

roseisnotaplantPosted 15-02-2017 09:59 PM

That sounds like a good plan for tonight @lokifish ðŸ™‚ How's it working out?

redheadPosted 14-02-2017 08:33 PM
@lokifish how's it going. I hope you can get through this,
if you wanted to talk about what's triggering these thoughts or just talk about random things we are here.
redheadPosted 14-02-2017 07:42 PM
Another thing. It's really brave of you to be dealing with so much. I think you're an incredibly nice person and you definitely don't deserve to die or hurt yourself. Your kind and talented and you have a caring nature that not only comes out in your nursing but here on the forums. I'm glad I've got to know you and I want you to make it through this
redheadPosted 14-02-2017 07:40 PM
@lokifish have you ever heard of wisemind ACCEPTS? I found its pretty good for coping with things, I can explain it if you want
lokifishPosted 14-02-2017 07:44 PM

@redhead ah yeah I've heard of it but don't remember what it is - acronyms aren't really my thing 😛

redheadPosted 14-02-2017 07:52 PM

images (1).jpg


This is the basics of it.

This site goes into a bit more detail (sorry if the link is a breach of guidelines, I don't know how to explain this properly. 

Bree-ROPosted 14-02-2017 07:45 PM

@lokifish hopefully @redhead gives us a rundown! I am keen to learn 🙂 

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