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Has anyone seen an Art Therapist?

Hey, so I've seen CBT psychologists and recently I've been working with an EMDR psychologist but I was really curious into the therapeutic benefits of art therapy?


I've been watching a few videos and the idea of creatively and visually processing some problems appeals to me. Wondering if anyone's had any experience with art therapy and can offer some notes on their experience?


I'm interested in seeing an art therapist after corona is over (maybe next year). Thanks!!

wanderingwaspPosted 14-09-2020 02:46 PM


jamijamPosted 21-09-2020 03:12 PM
Hey @wanderingwasp,

I saw an art therapist when I was younger. From what I remember it was a lot more relaxing than the typical CBT appointments I was used to. I felt there was less pressure, and actually found myself opening up more.

If you're interested I say go for it!
Tay100Posted 18-09-2020 04:33 PM

@wanderingwasp I haven't seen one myself, but to I want to echo what @WheresMySquishy  has said, I think it's a good idea. I hear it is useful for processing things using our senses and certainly could be a useful addition to your current therapies. Let us know how you go!


wanderingwaspPosted 19-09-2020 02:55 PM

amazing thank u!!

WheresMySquishyPosted 14-09-2020 09:06 PM

@wanderingwasp  I personally don't have experience with art therapy, but my sister has.
I've heard that a lot of mental health professionals encourage creative interests. I think they can encourage people to express themselves, provide distraction and give people a sense of fulfillment. I don't really do arts and crafts with my nursing home residents (many of them do some form of it though), but I have participated in some music-related activities.
My sister really enjoyed art therapy. When she is creating something and is distracted, her symptoms are reduced. I think they made a shirt and a teatowel as a group. They also painted a rock and made stickers. Another thing she has done is sand therapy, where she makes a scene with dolls and decorations and uses it to tell a story.
I've heard that art therapists often start off with something easy, such as scrapbooking or collage-making.

wanderingwaspPosted 14-09-2020 10:50 PM
amazing! thanks for the info 🙂 glad to hear your sister enjoyed it. this makes me more enthusiastic

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