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Re: TW- what’s holding me back from suicide?

@Maddy-RO I need help
Bananatime04Posted 29-05-2019 09:27 PM

Comments (50 pages)

Bananatime04Posted 11-07-2019 01:56 PM
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww that’s so adorable!!!!!!!
Tiny_leafPosted 11-07-2019 01:52 PM

@Bananatime04 oooohh difficult question.....

So many....!

Hmm.. tassie tiger because then they wouldn't be extinct and also because they're awesome.

After that, it'd have to be a pallas cat.


Bananatime04Posted 11-07-2019 12:40 PM

Thanks @Claire-RO 😁

Wombats are really cute!!!



Haha I guess this is what they do when they get an itch 😆

Claire-ROPosted 11-07-2019 12:32 PM

Hi @Bananatime04 

That was such great news yesterday that you shared about being out of the dangerous section. It was really great to hear how proud you are Heart 


I agree with everyone about the Emus, and that video was hilarious.


If I could have any animal as a pet it would be a wombat, they are so cute! 

Bananatime04Posted 11-07-2019 12:16 PM
@Tiny_leaf Aw I want a baby emu 😆
Wait no.. it will grow and be evil
I want a monkey soooo bad! If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be?
Tiny_leafPosted 11-07-2019 12:03 PM

@Bananatime04 no, but we did a while ago. They've all found new homes.

They're very stripey and very noisy. And their lil' beaks are soft enough that being bitten doesn't hurt, which is always an advantage with birds. 

Bananatime04Posted 11-07-2019 11:59 AM

@Tiny_leaf Haha I wanna see that 😆
Do you have any baby emus?

Bananatime04Posted 11-07-2019 11:57 AM

@queenP I’m not really sure.. maybe just at coles
Na I’m 14 and 9 months in 2 days.. my birthdays on the 13th of October!
That sounds so cool!
I love seeing my grandparents 😕 my pop isn’t well tho 😔 his heart has started playing up again. I don’t wanna lose him
I’m not really doing anything.. I’m staying with my dad a bit, lots of training because I have comps coming up for gymnastics and hanging out with some of my friends next week for someone’s birthday
What will you do after you finish volunteering?

Tiny_leafPosted 11-07-2019 11:53 AM

@Bananatime04 yeah........ the more wild emus are a lot nicer, but if we leave any of the other animal's food out they'll steal it. It's really funny watching an emu wobble-run away holding a floppy piece of lettuce Smiley LOL


And that's great!!! Smiley Very Happy

queenPPosted 11-07-2019 11:49 AM

That is AWESOME! Do you know what kind of job you'd like? I'm guessing that means it is your birthday in 2 days then??


I don't have much going on besides a lot of work but I really like my job so I don't mind. I am doing a bit of volunteer work as a research assistant for the Black Dog Institute over the next month or so which should be good fun, and my grandparents are coming to visit on the weekend! 


What about you? 

Bananatime04Posted 11-07-2019 11:44 AM
Omg 😨 that makes me scared of them even more! I hate their huge feet and their height and everything!!!!
I’m gooooooooooooood! I feel really good today.. idk why
I’m really feelin it 😆
Tiny_leafPosted 11-07-2019 11:40 AM

@Bananatime04 yeah, they can be a bit intimidating...

A guy I know now has a big scar on his leg from when one accidentally scratched him...

And I'm good, though the Internet isn't cooperating..

How about you? 

Bananatime04Posted 11-07-2019 11:39 AM
I’m so happy your here now @queenP!! Guess what.. I’m getting a job soon! In 2 days I’m old enough to apply for some and I’m so excited because I’ll get MONEYYYYYYYYY!!!!
I’m doing great right now!
Do you have any plans for the holidays?
queenPPosted 11-07-2019 11:32 AM

Hey @Bananatime04 !!!! I am good! I've been super busy - I just finished uni for the semester and have been doing a lot of extra work at my job so I haven't been able to log on for a while. How are you? 

Bananatime04Posted 11-07-2019 11:25 AM
@queenP I haven’t seen you around for ages!!! How are you?
Bananatime04Posted 11-07-2019 11:23 AM
Thanks @WheresMySquishy 🙂
Thank for sharing your story with me. I also had lots of health problems because of how dangerously low my weight got.. I actually still have something wrong with my heart but I don’t wanna see someone about it again because it’s quite scary. I’ll just have to hope that it just goes away one day
I’m still not in the healthy weight range but I’m not close to death anymore.. before I was so weak but now I feel like I’m slowly getting more energy. But I’m scared it’ll just happen again and I’ll go back to normal then die 😞
Bananatime04Posted 11-07-2019 11:17 AM
Thanks @Tiny_leaf 😊
I’m so happy to hear it’s less pain for you!
Lol that’s so funny 😆 I’m kinda scared of them tho..
sorry it took me so long to reply. How are you?
WheresMySquishyPosted 09-07-2019 10:44 PM

@Bananatime04  I'm so proud of you! When I was younger, I used to have similar problems with my weight and I suffered a lot of health problems due to being underweight. Doctors even wanted to put me on growth hormone at one point, which would have meant getting a lot of needles. Smiley Frustrated I have only been at a healthy weight in the last couple of years. It is so hard to get to and maintain a healthy weight, so well done!

@Tiny_leaf  I'm glad that your cane is helping you!

Tiny_leafPosted 09-07-2019 10:39 PM

Oh my gosh @Bananatime04  that's amazing, I'm so proud of you!!! Smiley Very Happy

I'd be giving you a round of applause if I could, that's such a big achievement!!!


And yes, so much less pain and walking's so much easier with it.

And yep, they're huge... Probably around the same height as a tall human man when they stand tall. Plus they're really weird Smiley Tongue Someone slowed down a video of one, they ended up with this:

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Bananatime04Posted 09-07-2019 10:03 PM
I have enough water and sleep but I have something else to say about food..
I am really proud of myself because I’ve pushed myself to start eating more appropriate amounts of food and although I’m still underweight, IM NOW OUT OF THE DANGEROUS SECTION!!!! I have gotten myself to a weight that isn’t life threatening but I still need to increase the amount I eat a bit more but that may take time because this has taken me over a month to get to this point and I’m really happy with myself 🙂

I’m really glad to hear that your thing has been good! Do you have like less pain in your legs since you’ve been using it?
Haha that’s so funny! Emus are pretty cool! Are they really tall ones?
Tiny_leafPosted 08-07-2019 11:54 PM

Sorry for taking so long, something weird happened with my notifications..


And ouch... have you had enough food, water and sleep? When I have a headache it's usually either stress or not getting enough of those three things..


And it's been great! I've got the handle sorted out, so it's comfortable to use now, and it's really been helping my legs. Smiley Happy

The only issue is that it seems to attract the attention of a couple of emus at the place where I volunteer, so they're being extra annoying now...

Bananatime04Posted 08-07-2019 10:39 PM
Yea I don’t usually get them tho and these ones have been lasting ages..

That’s not good about your leg.. how has your cool stick thing been going? Has it been helping?
Tiny_leafPosted 08-07-2019 10:32 PM

Headaches suck... I had a pretty bad one earlier today, it was not fun...

And I'm pretty good, though my leg hates me right now.

Bananatime04Posted 08-07-2019 10:05 PM
Well I have a really bad headache right now which started at training and it’s in the same spot as the one I had on Friday.. it really hurts. It’s like the bottom left just above my neck then all the way up to the middle. It’s basically my whole left side
Anyway I’m fine how are you?
Tiny_leafPosted 08-07-2019 09:44 PM

@Bananatime04 there's no need to apologize, and I'm really glad to hear that it helped and you're both doing better. Smiley Happy

How're you going at the moment?

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