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Traumas dealt with...Accessed helpful support...Learning Journey...Positive Future

Hi there! I am looking for an awesome psychologist or psychotherapist who can walk me through the rough trauma stuff and talk me through my goals and dreams, be there as a support, and someone i can TRUST. I was brought up with good values and manners, and since I love people I'm affectionate and warm - esp with my friends and people I trust. I'll always give you the benfit of hte doubt, and have strong work ethic.


People think I am super happy/friendly/soft - but if you get ot know the REAL ME, you will love me for all my darkness/weirdness/drive/passion!!! I am sick of BULL. I STAND UP FOR MY FRIENDS. I don't expect anyone else to be perfect. I would love them to be comfortable being human themselves. I want someone I can confide in and talk to. I've been to psychs and counsellors before.

bushtakkaPosted 21-08-2015 08:53 PM


safari93Posted 22-08-2015 09:40 AM

Hey @bushtakka, it's great to see that you're so enthusiastic about finding a mental health professional! Like @ElleBelle said, we can't really give you personal recommendations without violating our community guidelines, but you are welcome to talk to people on here about how they managed to find a good psychologist/psychotherapist, or just find out about the different ways to get in touch with one Smiley Happy

bushtakkaPosted 25-08-2015 10:32 PM

Thank you @safari93!


I am glad that my enthusiasm burst through in my ad above. Sometimes it feels good to STATE what it is you want/need/like.

It kinda crosses over into personal relationships too, I reckon.


I see why you can't give personal recommendations, and I appreciate your invitation to continue to sound ideas out on RO.


Hope you have a good rest of the week, and talk to you again soon. Smiley Happy


By the way, lately been so busy, no time to go to GP for referral - but you know, things have picked up a nice new momentum, and I'm really finding my feet with these new projects that came up since last weekend!


Plus I'm more aware of what things I want to build around me, and hoping opportunities will open up for me to explore and extend myself. â™¥



bushtakkaPosted 26-08-2015 06:34 PM

Something helpful I found on the 'net: an awesome pic relating to some good coping strategies out of Stephen Covey's "7 habits of highly effective people" - Smiley Very Happy



moonwalkPosted 26-08-2015 10:00 PM

Hey @bushtakka, thanks for opening up and sharing your story with Reach Out! Smiley Happy


It seems like you're in a really positive place at the moment, which is great to hear! I'm so happy that you're finding your feet with these new projects and that you have such a great outlook on possible opportunities that may arise in the future. I hope some awesome things come your way.


I'll be sending some positive vibes back to you too! 

bushtakkaPosted 31-08-2015 10:26 PM

Thank you for your kind comments, @moonwalk!


Gotta keep believing in all the good things opening up!!! Man Very Happy


Mermaidgirl6Posted 06-09-2015 05:14 AM

Ah I love that song by Lenny Kravitz!

It sure is good when things are looking better after a sleep and letting the grief out and processing it!

Remember we did that VIA strengths test on this forum ages ago? I think it's a good tool to use to reflect on.



ZekkPosted 06-09-2015 10:31 PM

Hey @Mermaidgirl6 sounds like you are in a really good spot which is great! Sometimes its just great to speak to someone and let it all out. It's really encouraging to hear the positive strategies you are taking and you should be proud 🙂

Mermaidgirl6Posted 07-09-2015 05:30 AM

Thank you, @Zekk , I appreciate it. Right now I am sitting on the balcony in my new place and glad i made this move too. Its a dream come true to have a place near the water! I truly feel lucky and blessed in life! All things will turn out well. x


Peace all! 


have a super week ahead @Zekk




bushtakkaPosted 24-08-2015 09:09 AM


Thanks very much for the replies. I appreciate your support. I am going to get a referral from my GP see if he knows anyone - otherwise seek out online see what comes up. Everything comes to you at the right time. Cat Wink


Looking back, I would have handled things differently. I’m very happy these past two months!


As I said, I am stronger and determined now. But can i just PUT it behind me already now, please? I have decided to draw the line and never want to mention this situation again. Our friendship is worth more to me than that..... It simply was a difficult time.

bushtakkaPosted 24-08-2015 09:19 AM

So, if my actions made my friend feel insecure about me, It  makes me feel very sad. I didnt' want to approach him about my trials, even though I wanted so much to confide in him. And that hurt, too.... But then i get all this support from my bunch of friends, or i just go somewhere really relaxing or a bit of solitude and i know some things just are what they are. ♥

Is my relationship worth fighting for? I believe it is. Having said all that, I'm definitely going to look after myself , And shower myself with the good stuff. Yum. Heart

bushtakkaPosted 24-08-2015 09:21 AM

So how would i wrap this up?..

Keep smiling and BE CONTENT! Be who you are. Honey, I am SO SORRY!! 

Well, Thank you RO for letting me talk out my thoughts here - and for support on what I need. I will handle things a lot better next time round. Hugs!


Have a great day! Cat Very Happy xo

Ben-ROPosted 25-08-2015 04:26 PM

Hey @bushtakka

Thanks for the message! Took me a little while to get through, but i got there! There seems to be a lot to process and it seems like it might take a lot of energy to process it!


Have you thought about breaking up some of the things you're thinking about and sorting through them a little? 


Is this article on goals helpful for you? Could goals become useful in the future as things change?



bushtakkaPosted 25-08-2015 10:07 PM

Hi @Ben-RO !


Looking back, I wanted to express my side of the story and feel validated and understood in an anonymous environment. Thank you for reading.  And thanks for your response.


I agree with what you said - that setting some goals would help focus things a lot more, with all the obligations and such going on. I had a look at that fact sheet, and it had some good reminders. I started writing out five things I enjoy most out of life. I like the headings as well for different areas.


Today was a good but such a busy day!


Will get back to answer a bit more later on.







ElleBellePosted 21-08-2015 10:11 PM

Hi there @bushtakka - welcome to Reach Out! Sorry to hear you haven't had much luck finding good professional support. It's pretty common for people not to connect or "click" with the first, second or even third counsellor they meet. It's understandable you want to find a psycholost you can relate to on a personal level. I think a good way to proceed would be to tell them up front in the first session what you're hoping to gain from them, and what you will have difficulty tolerating.


To get a bit of an idea what Reach Out is about, have a read through our community guidelines. Due to the rules about anonymity and medical advice, plus the fact that we don't have a private messaging system, we won't be able to personally recommend a therapist for you. What we can do is refer you to the Beyond Blue 'Find A Professional' search tool so you can find someone in your area. We're also here any time you want to cht about what's on your mind, ask questions about our experiences with professionals (no names, though) or get support from peeps who understand what you're going through.

bushtakkaPosted 25-08-2015 10:26 PM

Thanks @ElleBelle ! How are you?


Well, in all fairness, most all the support I have accessed over the years has been spot-on! The right things and people always come to you at the right time, it seems. It's true you connect more with some than others - that goes for personal relationships as well, doesn't it. Smiley Happy


Personally, I think all of us benefit at times from having someone to talk things through with - someone impartial, who can give that objectivity. Yeah, and I would have preferred to talk in an informal setting, which suits me so much more.....


I like being unconventional and helping people in new and unorthodox ways - but in real life, not online much. Maybe I have just outgrown the need for the clinician, and I crave the civilian connection, the social connections.


I'll get back to this post later again. Thanks for the heads up, ElleBelle. I appreciate it. x



bushtakkaPosted 21-08-2015 09:22 PM

PS. If you can help can you please let me know asap? The coucellors at Uni might be a go-er but I prefer a private one or a bulk billing one is okay too.


Thank you very much.

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