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What do I do

I've been dating this guy for 11 months and I love him so so much he's my everything we spend every single minute together. Lately I've been sad and he feels that he can't make me happy anymore. Recently he's been ditching me for his friends who all hate me, he hasn't Nantes to be around me. He hasn't been as sweet and kind and stuff and he's been talking to other girls a lot more. Last night he told me that he doesn't feel the same way he used to about me and that being with me has been hard for him. We always have heaps of fights and i just feel like he doesn't love me anymore. Last night he was going to break up with me and after he said that I was shattered I cried so much I couldn't breathe anymore and I told him I couldn't live without him and then after that he kept saying that he loved me but I feel like he didn't mean it and was only saying it because if he left me and I suicided or something it would be his fault. I don't want to be with someone who doesn't love me. He deserves better, I don't want to drag him down. I just don't know what to think or feel or do or anything 

Drake123455gggPosted 04-08-2017 07:05 AM


caseyleehsPosted 08-08-2017 05:54 PM

Hey @Drake123455ggg sorry to hear about the current situation. I can understand how that feels from a past relationship for myself. I see you got to have a talk with your partner and things seem to be better. How are you doing today? Feel free to hit me up if you want to chat. Here if you need it xo

KarinaskiiPosted 11-08-2017 11:27 AM

Hey @Drake123455ggg


Heartbreak honestly sucks. Smiley Sad And that is coming from someone who has been on both the receiving end and the breaking it off end. 


From the receiving end it hurts, and it hurts bad... and it does take time to move forward. It feels at times as though you may never get over it. Do you have any friends that can help you through it? Everyone is different, but for me my friends are what helped me through it. They showed me that I could be loved by other people, because they loved me. 


Being on the other end hurts too. I broke it off with my partner after a year and a half. And it was hard, to this day (5 years on and I have been in a different relationship for 4 years) I still think about him and wonder how his life is going and if he is ok. I think if you really loved someone apart of you still cares about them. And that sounds like you a bit. You still care about him quite a bit and having a bit of trouble letting go. And I think that is totally normal. 


I'd love to hear an update of how things are going? Sorry, that that just turned into a history lesson of my past relationships haha! I am always up for a chat. Smiley Happy



Drake123455gggPosted 11-08-2017 06:07 PM

We broke up. But then we got back together cause he realised he loves me but I feel like it could have been that he felt bad to see me so sad I cried non stop for 3 hours 

letitgoPosted 13-08-2017 07:54 PM

Hey @Drake123455ggg, how's everything going today?

Bree-ROPosted 06-08-2017 04:20 PM

Hey @Drake123455ggg how are you feeling today? We are all here to support you if you wanted to give us an update Heart

Drake123455gggPosted 06-08-2017 08:03 PM

Good thanks he wrote me a 2 page note saying how much he loves me and all that but idk it's just hard to forget what he said 

N1ghtW1ngPosted 07-08-2017 08:36 AM
I'm glad to hear things are going well @Drake123455ggg 🙂 Have you tried speaking to him about how what he said made you feel?
Drake123455gggPosted 07-08-2017 05:15 PM

Yeah he told me he rly does love me and didn't know what he was thinking and loves me too much to leave and stuff 

letitgoPosted 08-08-2017 08:02 AM

Hey @Drake123455ggg it's good that you've been able to talk to him about all this. Maybe you could come up with some strategies to make the situation easier for you both?

e.g. schedule in some time for you to hang out together, or let him know what he could do to help when you're not feeling so great.

What do you think? 

someone123Posted 06-08-2017 04:06 PM

Hey, sorry to hear things haven't been going as well. How have you been feeling since then? Have there been any updates regarding your situation?

Ally-Leesh-JanePosted 06-08-2017 08:28 AM

Hey there i just wanted to check in and see how ur doing since Friday? @Drake123455ggg

Ben-ROPosted 04-08-2017 02:15 PM

Hey @Drake123455ggg! I am so sorry to hear about what's happening for you. To feel very very in love with someone and then to find that they aren't feeling the same way is one of the most painful things you can experience 😞 we hear you and how hard things are right now :(.


I am sending some people your way to talk through this a bit more with you, in the mean time. You mentioned that you feel like you couldn't live without him, I am wondering; have you felt like ending your life?

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