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You don't need to be okay

It's the norm to always be "well", to always be "okay" but in all honesty, who is? Is there anyone who is okay, all the time? 


Bevause you don't need to be. 

You really don't. 


You are allowed to have a bad day, or week. There doesn't need to be a reason.

Sometimes there is, sometimes bad things happen and you are allowed to be upset for as long as you need to be. And sometimes, you just feel upset for no reason and guess what? That's okay! 


It's important to let yourself feel things, even when they're bad feelings. Give yourself time to feel, to reflect on the bad. Give yourself time to figure out what you're going to do. When you're feeling well, find some strategies that might help during the downs. You don't need to be alone either, it's okay to talk about your feelings, good and bad. 


It's okay to not be okay. 

N1ghtW1ngPosted 03-01-2020 11:36 AM


Bananatime04Posted 23-01-2020 03:37 PM
@N1ghtW1ng thank you for making this post Heart (sorry for my reply being so late)

Just checking in to see how you’re going? I haven’t seen much of you around the forums lately 😞 I hope you’re ok!
Bananatime04Posted 23-01-2020 03:38 PM
Oh I also thought I’d let you know.. I watched the LEGO movie Smiley Tongue
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 26-01-2020 06:00 AM
Completely relatable! Thank you for making this post @N1ghtW1ng!
Tiny_leafPosted 03-01-2020 01:45 PM

@N1ghtW1ng I kinda needed to read that.

Thank you.

Jess1-ROPosted 03-01-2020 02:00 PM

Hi @N1ghtW1ng and a huge, huge thank you for making this post! 


Such an powerful message: "it's okay to not be okay" Heart


Giving ourselves permission to not be okay, to feel how we feel, and know that going through big feelings is a very human, very natural experience... That acceptance is priceless Heart 


WheresMySquishyPosted 06-01-2020 05:16 PM

What a great message @N1ghtW1ng! I can relate to it so much. Heart

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