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really need some company

Right now id really like some company, jsut to sit with me.

i dont like asking for help but tonight i really need it

all of yesterday i spent with a sick horse trying to save her  (tvet treatements, mum ringing around for a vet yesterday, me ringing today and in less than 24 hr ive done over 7 hours walking- the condition she had can sometimes cure it) and today all morning since 5am until 12 today i was trying to save her again but despite the best efforts of myself, mum and the vets she sadly had to be put to sleep today. my mother couldnt handle it so i watched my horse be put to sleep stayed with her until the angels came for her and then get buried.

im completely heartbroken

and right now i really could use some company

scared01Posted 05-08-2017 07:08 PM
scared01Posted 07-08-2017 08:37 PM

im jsut worried about what my ultrasound results will be and if im going to have to go for an MRI @honky

and then my stupid family situation im in thats casuing me arguments between them and friends over my birthday.

honkyPosted 07-08-2017 08:49 PM

Oh no, I'm sorry to hear what you're going through. Smiley Sad

Are you feeling unwell @scared01?


scared01Posted 07-08-2017 08:58 PM

Ive got an old injury @honky that never lets up but cant figure out why as yet. Ive har numerous ultrasounds a few xrays and cant figure it out. So the next step if this comes up inconclusive itll be an mri. But theres a catch. Medicare doesnt cover all of it

 I have to pay a gap fee of 200 minimum 

And im on Arthritis tablets to help with the pain and inflammation which actually helps. 

letitgoPosted 08-08-2017 07:55 AM

Oh, is your birthday coming up @scared01? I want to remember so I can send you lots of birthday love! Smiley Very Happy

scared01Posted 08-08-2017 08:41 AM

Yes @letitgo its coming up not for a few weeks yet though

honkyPosted 07-08-2017 09:16 PM

oh no, that must be very frustrating for you @scared01


Thank you for sharing Heart

scared01Posted 07-08-2017 09:26 PM

It is very frustrating @honky and right now is causing me waayyy more pain than i would like esp right now even after taking meds

honkyPosted 07-08-2017 09:43 PM

that's the worst, I totally understand the pain you're feeling @scared01

scared01Posted 07-08-2017 09:45 PM

It really sucks @honky and night time is always worse! 😞

honkyPosted 07-08-2017 09:47 PM

oh no, have you found any possible remedies to ease the pain?


I find that if i ever feel any pain anywhere, I apply heat to the area, and it does wonders ! Smiley Happy

scared01Posted 07-08-2017 10:06 PM

I get too hot with heat @honky ive tried those gels like voltaren and those sorts but they dont do anything. The most effective thing is the meds as much as i dont like relying on them 


Nights are always worse for me esp for overwhelming thoughts and nightmares too. So ive got my headphones in and won't turn them off until im almost dead tired. 

honkyPosted 08-08-2017 08:28 AM

@scared01 music can really do wonders! What music are you into?



scared01Posted 08-08-2017 08:45 AM

Im in to heaps of sorts @honky hmm i like eminem evanescence  country style music ed sheeran nickel back  uhhhh thats all i can think of off the top of my head

honkyPosted 08-08-2017 08:49 AM

That's awesome @scared01 Smiley Happy 

I love a bit of ed sheeran and nickel back Smiley Happy

scared01Posted 08-08-2017 06:37 PM

awesome @honky what songs of theirs do you like?

LadyMacbeth00Posted 08-08-2017 06:49 PM
Hey @scared01, how are you doing today?
scared01Posted 08-08-2017 06:54 PM

not so great @LadyMacbeth00 more frustrated really

LadyMacbeth00Posted 08-08-2017 06:57 PM
What's going on for you at the moment? Feeling frustrated can be overwhelming at times... do you want to talk about it?
honkyPosted 08-08-2017 09:03 PM

Hi @scared01,

How did you go in feeding the horses today?


I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling frustrated. @LadyMacbeth00 and I, are here if you need or want to talk about anything xx


scared01Posted 08-08-2017 09:20 PM

I  can tag you to my other thread @honky we are chatting there. Well sort of its gone quiet now. 

I didnt do my horses today i was too busy doing everyone elses

honkyPosted 08-08-2017 09:24 PM

awesome, @scared01. I'll be waiting for my tag Smiley Happy

Bree-ROPosted 06-08-2017 08:55 PM

@scared01 hey, how are you? What's happening tonight?

scared01Posted 06-08-2017 09:04 PM

Hi @Bree-RO 

Im struggling

Theres so much emotion that i dont know how to deal with and im stressed out my ears. Im sure the stress is literally pouring out of me the only problem is it gets sucked back up my feet. 

Im worried to turn my music off cause then itll be quiet and ill be left with my own thoughts 

And im worried about tomorrow and what the results will be 


Bree-ROPosted 06-08-2017 09:28 PM

Oh @scared01 sounds like a not very nice feeling at all 😞 RO is here to listen even at this hour. Do you have to turn the music off @scared01? Can you put something chill and mellow on to fall asleep to?

scared01Posted 06-08-2017 09:34 PM

@Bree-RO my heart is pounding so hard and fast and i tried deep breathing to settle it but it actually made it worse. 

Its not nice at all and the emotions are making me feel really queasy 

Ive been listening to music since 8 in bed and its not helping. Im over alert and when that happens if it goes quiet i cant handle my thoughts so i have keep noise until im really tired and csnt keep my brain awake.

Im worried about tomorrow too because all day today i kept zoning out even while driving so something to meantion to my gp. 

I think its my new meds making my heart like this but its either that or its unbearable pain and i choose a fast pounding heart 


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