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I not doing great

anyone have any tips on how to get my mind off school stress? 

Orchid_OstrichPosted 18-06-2021 11:58 PM


StormySeas17Posted 19-06-2021 10:51 AM

@Orchid_Ostrich I'm sorry to hear that school stress is getting you down. For me it helps to find activities where I'm forced not to think about school. Exercise and anything mindful like crafts is good for that because you can't think about two things at once! Also, I find that scheduling time off like I would schedule study time helps me to be more balanced and healthy, and I use my time off more productively which is more rewarding and makes me feel good.

ayrc_1904Posted 19-06-2021 12:18 PM

Hey @Orchid_Ostrich


Sorry to hear that! School can definitely feel overwhelming at times so I can understand how you feel! I'd agree with @StormySeas17 in that scheduling works for me! Breaking things down in your head and then writing that out on a list can really help you feel less overwhelmed. 

I'd also recommend doing some mindfulness exercises! I use an app called smiling mind that helps me. Or even just deep breathing- in for 3, hold for 3, out for 3. Hope it helps! 🥰



AnzelmoPosted 19-06-2021 10:03 AM

Hi @Orchid_Ostrich 


What are your hobbies or interests? 

Maybe you can take time mastering a skill, or watching youtube videos on things you find interesting. If that doesn't work I know a lot of people exercise to get healthy and also to keep their mind off of things. 


Hope everything is going okay with school 🙂 

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