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TW Not doing so great

Today's been... kinda terrible.

Tomorrow will probably be the same.

And the next day.

And the day after that.


I'm tired of always struggling with one thing or another.

I'm tired of everything honestly.

Tiny_leafPosted 11-02-2020 07:31 PM

Comments (8 pages)

Bananatime04Posted 11-02-2020 08:22 PM
@Tiny_leaf I’m so sorry you’re struggling so much 😞 it literally breaks my heart and I’d do anything to take your suffering away so that you could be happy Heart

It sounds like everything has been so exhausting! For me, when this happens I like to do things that make me happy in between the scheduled things for the day. This could be as simple as a face mask, drawing, listening to my favourite music, watching Netflix, eating my favourite food or anything that you find takes your mind off things. I know this is hard for you as your room is being renovated but could you talk to your parents about giving you you’re own space in the meantime?

Also would you feel comfortable sharing what things are making you so tired? I’d love to offer my best advice but with such little detail, I could be saying the wrong thing is all.

I’m here for you and I really care about you Heart please know that we’ve always got your back through anything and we’re just a post away! Xx
Tiny_leafPosted 11-02-2020 08:35 PM

@Bananatime04 I don't think that there's anything that will make me happy rn... Smiley Sad

And just tired of everything.

Bananatime04Posted 11-02-2020 08:42 PM
Hey it’s ok @Tiny_leaf Heart I know how this feels but trust me, it won’t last forever!
Can we have a little chat on chit chat about some positive things to take your mind off what’s happening for you right now?
Tiny_leafPosted 11-02-2020 11:02 PM

@Bananatime04 Sorry it took me a while to respond, my brain kinda went offline for a bit.

Um... My fish tank is nearly ready for fish..!

Bananatime04Posted 11-02-2020 11:06 PM
@Tiny_leaf it’s alright, don’t stress!
Are you okay now? Heart

That’s great! I used to have fish.. what kind of fish do you wanna get?

Tiny_leafPosted 12-02-2020 11:57 AM

@Bananatime04 lambchop rasboras and a betta!

Image result for lambchop rasboraImage result for betta


I should be getting the some of the fish tomorrow so long as the water stays good.

Tiny_leafPosted 12-02-2020 12:06 PM

So um... I had a nightmare.

About hallucinations and hospital and the stuff that I've learnt to be scared of.

And it was just... it's shaken me up a lot.

I'm scared. 

Eden1717Posted 12-02-2020 01:26 PM

@Tiny_leaf  Very cute fish I hope you can add them to the tank soon. I am sorry you had a nightmare I always find I feel off after having them is there anything that you do to help when you are scared? Or do you want to talk about it? Hope you feel better soon. 

Tiny_leafPosted 12-02-2020 01:58 PM

@Eden1717 not really...

Janine-ROPosted 12-02-2020 12:48 PM

Hi @Tiny_leaf , 


I'm so sorry to hear that, nightmares and re-living trauma in that way can be really draining. It sounds really exhausting, and I'm sorry to hear that you're going through that today. 


You say you're scared, do you mind talking a bit more about what that looks like for you? 


We are all here for you Heart Heart 

Tiny_leafPosted 12-02-2020 01:57 PM

@Janine-RO idk how to describe it sorry...

Janine-ROPosted 12-02-2020 03:14 PM

That's OK @Tiny_leaf , it can be really hard to talk about this stuff. We are always here if you want to talk more about it all. 


Getting new fish sounds really exciting, the pictures that you posted are beautiful! Do you already have fish at home or will these be your first? 

Tiny_leafPosted 12-02-2020 03:47 PM

@Janine-RO these will be my first ever. I'm nervous but excited.

Hopefully I'll be a good fish parent..

Janine-ROPosted 12-02-2020 03:50 PM

@Tiny_leaf  I'm sure you'l be great! I love fish, but I've never had any myself because I've pretty much always had cats. 


I have some friends who have gorgeous fish tanks, there's so much info out there now about how to take care of them, and I find it so soothing to watch them swimming around. 


Tiny_leafPosted 12-02-2020 07:43 PM

I wish people would stop lying to me Smiley Sad

I should probably stop trusting people so much..

Tiny_leafPosted 12-02-2020 10:36 PM

And I'm sad because even though everyone's really nice to me on here if I met anyone irl they'd  probably just treat me like everyone else does. 

It feels like everyone's just decided that I only deserve kindness when I'm online.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong

Bananatime04Posted 13-02-2020 10:15 AM
Omg @Tiny_leaf (replying to the post where you said if anyone on here met you we’d treat you like everyone else)! Firstly, HELL NO I WOULDNT! I’d probably pass out of excitement! You mean so much to me and if I had a chance to meet you, I would take it in a heartbeat! I love you and over the past year you have helped me so much and saved my life. There is no way that I would ever turn you down or treat you like other people do after everything you’ve done for me Heart I would offer you all the kindness, support and everything else that I could offer you in person and more than I could on here! You’re still the same person behind your screen and in person so please don’t think that I would treat you differently because.. oh man I don’t know how I’d react! But I’m telling you, it wouldn’t be shit!

Please keep your head up Heart (ya never know, we could meet at a mod workshop thing because I wanna go every year that I can after I’m 18!)
Tiny_leafPosted 13-02-2020 10:26 AM

@Eden1717 idk.. i hope so though..

And thank you @Bananatime04.

Tiny_leafPosted 13-02-2020 10:38 AM

TW for stuff on disordered eating

Just yeah.. please be aware of that before continuing. 


So I'd been working really hard on it and putting heaps of effort into paying attention to my hunger cues and eating when I'm hungry and eating enough. Like even with a really tough couple of days where I could barely eat no matter how hungry I got I still somehow got through it.

And obviously eating enough has meant that I've gained some weight.

And I had no problem with that, because like... it was a reminder that I'd been working on looking after myself.


But then dad decided to take me aside and talk about how I'd gained weight and "had to be careful" and all that stuff and like...

He wants me to look after myself but doesn't like the results?

I'm really upset. Like I had to fight for that. And apparently "that" is unacceptable. Idk why I bother.

I feel like it's really going to send me backwards. But then I'm not sure I know what backwards even is. 

Not applicable

Taylor-ROPosted 13-02-2020 10:54 PM

Hey @Tiny_leaf,

How did today end up going for you? It sounds like your dad doesn't really understand what is going on for you. Sometimes no matter how much you explain, people may be unable to truly understand. I am sorry that you feel like this is going to undo the progress that you have made. It is such a crappy feeling and can really impact your mood. It is difficult because we can't always anticipate these comments and often have little control over what people might say. In these cases, it can be helpful to focus on what we can do about the situation. Would you feel comfortable telling your dad how you feel about his comments? Or that you would prefer he does not make any comments about your appearance? Totally understand if it is something you feel uncomfortable in doing Smiley Happy I hope you feel back on track soon. We are all so proud of you and we know how challenging it was for you.


P.S I love your new picture! It.. suits... you Smiley LOL

Tiny_leafPosted 14-02-2020 03:48 PM

@Taylor-RO yesterday ended up being pretty bad for the first big part of it...

I couldn't eat for ages but I eventually got myself to which was good.


And then I got my fish children!!! I've posted a photo of them in the chit chat thread if you want to see.


And thank you, I drew it myself and put a bit too much effort into that tiny picture.

If you look at it closely (and in the bigger form) it actually has patterns all over it.

I have too much time... Smiley Tongue

Tiny_leafPosted 17-02-2020 10:47 AM

I'm tired and sad today. Smiley Sad

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