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TW Not doing so great

Today's been... kinda terrible.

Tomorrow will probably be the same.

And the next day.

And the day after that.


I'm tired of always struggling with one thing or another.

I'm tired of everything honestly.

Tiny_leafPosted 11-02-2020 07:31 PM

Comments (8 pages)

Tiny_leafPosted 25-02-2020 05:49 PM

@xXLexi_Lou122Xx I'm too tired right now sorry...

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 25-02-2020 05:43 PM
Do you wanna talk about it?
Tiny_leafPosted 25-02-2020 04:11 PM

I feel really shit.

Janine-ROPosted 25-02-2020 01:51 PM

Haha @Tiny_leaf  well if you ever decide to make one, please let us know how it is! I am so intrigued by the whole idea! 

Tiny_leafPosted 25-02-2020 01:48 PM

@Janine-RO yum!! I want one now..

Janine-ROPosted 25-02-2020 01:24 PM

Hey @Tiny_leaf , how are you doing today? 


Boo to the hip problems, but yay to getting a good night's sleep! 


If you and @Bananatime04  are fairy bread fans, you may appreciate this very weird thing I came across on social media a little while ago, so weird I had to save it! 


Image result for fairy bread cob loaf


It's fairy bread cob loaf dip...!!! Personally I think it would be WAY too sweet for me (and I do have a sweet tooth) but part of me feels like this may be a massive hit at a birthday party?!  It did make me kind of happy to see something that combines two Aussie birthday party classics in such a weird and wonderful way 😉 



Tiny_leafPosted 25-02-2020 12:47 PM

@Bananatime04 that was after hydrotherapy Smiley Sad

It feels like something in my hip is slightly out of place..

I did get a good sleep though luckily!

How about you?

Bananatime04Posted 25-02-2020 08:01 AM
I’m sorry you feel that way @Tiny_leaf 😞 are you still doing the hydrotherapy? And did you manage to get a good sleep last night?

I feel for you Heart
Tiny_leafPosted 25-02-2020 12:06 AM

@Bananatime04 really tired and sore Smiley Sad

My body hates me...

Bananatime04Posted 24-02-2020 10:36 PM
Hey @Tiny_leaf 🙂
How are you feeling today? Thinking of you Heart
Tiny_leafPosted 23-02-2020 09:40 PM

@Bananatime04 could you try doing something nice and see how it goes?

Bananatime04Posted 23-02-2020 09:33 PM
Doing something nice for myself is the opposite to what I want to do right now though 😞 self harm is on my mind.

I’m glad it helped a bit. I know it can’t fix it but small things do make a difference Heart
Tiny_leafPosted 23-02-2020 09:29 PM

@Bananatime04 will you give it a shot?


And yeah it helped a bit.

Bananatime04Posted 23-02-2020 09:26 PM
@Tiny_leaf it’s okay just don’t be hard on yourself and get some rest Heart
I haven’t had fairy bread in ages! It’s so good! Did that cheer you up a little?

I am currently not doing nice things for myself.. I’m doing the opposite. But thank you for checking x
Tiny_leafPosted 23-02-2020 09:20 PM

@Bananatime04 I want to but don't have the energy.

Though dad just brought me fairy bread!

Will you do anything for yourself? I know you're having a hard time atm.

Bananatime04Posted 23-02-2020 09:14 PM
@Tiny_leaf sorry for leaving! I had work 😞

Are you able to do something nice for yourself for me? Heart
Tiny_leafPosted 23-02-2020 09:03 PM

@TOM-RO it did for a bit but I'm back to how it was before.

TOM-ROPosted 23-02-2020 06:43 PM

Hey @Tiny_leaf ,


Sorry to hear you're feeling so drained.  Did the nap help at all?  I know when I'm wrecked a wee nap can really help. Heart


Hope you're feeling better Smiley Happy

Tiny_leafPosted 23-02-2020 06:10 PM

@Bananatime04 I don't really know I'm sorry..

I got to have a nap at least.

Bananatime04Posted 23-02-2020 04:30 PM
Naw @Tiny_leaf I’m sorry Heart
Would you like to talk about what’s going on for you or would you like some help coming up with things you could do for yourself?

Here for you Heart
Tiny_leafPosted 23-02-2020 04:24 PM

@Bananatime04 I didn't see your post when I posted but I think that would kinda answer your question...

Just not doing well for some reason.

Tiny_leafPosted 23-02-2020 04:22 PM

I feel really terrible, physically and emotionally. Idk what to do.

Bananatime04Posted 23-02-2020 04:22 PM
That’s alright (I think??)
How are you today? 🙂

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