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confused on what to do

ive been really confused on whats going on in my head and i havent been able to find anything online that applies to what ive been experiencing. any idea on how to find information on what could be going on? definitely not going to talk to my family or friends about it, theyd just get angry at me or say im just going insane or something. maybe want to talk to my gp about it but if i did id have to have a member of my family there and i really dont want that. i could tell my school but theyd definitely tell my family which is basically worst case scenario for me. thinking maybe its just better to wait a few more years and hope everything goes away on its own, been better than a few months ago so im hoping it cant get worse from here

mkovjrchPosted 30-01-2020 05:04 PM


Tiny_leafPosted 30-01-2020 05:43 PM

Hi @mkovjrch 

That sounds really difficult... I've had really similar problems with finding things that relate to my experiences.

Are you able to tell us a bit more about what's been happening? 

I might be able to find you some resources specific to what's going on.

mkovjrchPosted 30-01-2020 06:08 PM

thanks for replying @Tiny_leaf 
its kinda really complex and hard to explain and if i did try to explain itd be really long and im not good at staying on topic with things. very basically, theres just a lot of different things going on and its confusing me because i have absolutely no clue as to whats going on, which is weird for me because my friends and family usually know me as knowing stuff about psychology, aha

Tiny_leafPosted 31-01-2020 02:35 PM

@mkovjrch like @Bre-RO said, I'm totally open to reading long posts.

Even short dot points would help me find some resources.


If you don't want to explain the whole situation (which is completely fine), perhaps you could tell us how it's making you feel?

Bre-ROPosted 31-01-2020 11:11 AM

Hey @mkovjrch 


I'm really happy you decided to come here and start unpacking something that sounds really confusing for you. There has been some really good advice here already and you mentioned that online help could work best for you. 


You mentioned that if you tried to explain what's happening that it would be a long post. We want you to know that this is a space where you can write as much (or as little) as you like. We are open to reading those long posts. Actually, the more information you give, the more support we can provide you. When you have the energy and if you feel up to it, I'm sure the community would be more than happy to read about what is happening for you. 


Well done for making the first steps towards understanding the complex feelings you're experiencing. It's not easy to do that Heart 

WheresMySquishyPosted 30-01-2020 05:42 PM

Hi @mkovjrch! Welcome to the forums!

I'm really sorry about what you've been experiencing. It sounds pretty overwhelming and stressful for you. 😞
I have a few other ideas other than telling your GP and school. An online or telephone counselling service, such as Kids Helpline, Lifeline, or eheadspace could help. I believe that some headspace centres also have a drop-in service. You can find a list of headspace centres here. 
If you're still thinking of telling your school, you could ask whether they have a counsellor or psychologist, and ask them about the limits of confidentiality.

Of course, we're also here to support you if you feel like sharing what's been going in your head in more detail. Heart

mkovjrchPosted 30-01-2020 05:58 PM

thank you for replying @WheresMySquishy 
not going to go with a phone service, i scared of talking on the phone and my family would be able to hear me. an online service sounds alright though
we have a counsellor at school, a friend of mine went to them and said they werent really good, same with another friend of mine. and i dont think i really trust the school anyway

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