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Are you a multipotentialite?

So I spent forever wondering why I seem to be in many professions and want to learn so many things and never seem to specialise in anything. It made me feel like a jack of all trades and like I wasn't moving forward in life. Until I discovered the term "multipotentiality". If you're new to the concept, it seems like a big word isn't it? But if you break it down to multi-potential-ality, it seems way less intimidating!Smiley Tongue


A multipotentialite is someone with many interests and creative pursuits. If you find yourself with many hobbies, want to work or volunteer in many areas, or looking to learn 3-4 languages, chances are you're part of this awesome group! But no matter if you are or you're not, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this!Heart


If you're a multipotentialite, what are the things that you enjoy doing or want to learn next? Do you think it's a superpower or a setback to be a multipotentialite?

I like to paint, sing, read, write, craft and crochet. I've learned 5 languages out of curiosity but I wouldn't say I speak them lol. I study many things at uni and I want to have multiple part-time jobs in the future instead of having 1 full-time job. I think my multiple interests benefit me lots because they teach me to adapt easily!


And if you prefer to specialise in one thing, that's great too! What is it that you specialise in and why do you love it? It could be anything, professional or recreational (drawing, music, writing, planning, being a vet etc.)


Here's a great TED talk on multipotentiality if you're interested!



November13Posted 20-08-2020 12:33 PM


AkinnaPosted 21-09-2021 02:12 PM

This sounds so much like me! I have so many things I'm interested in. And as I'm deciding what to do with my life, the thought of choosing just one field scares me. Because I'd I chose one thing to become an expert in, it feels like I'm losing the opportunity to do everything else I'm interested in

Taylor-ROPosted 21-09-2021 11:02 PM

Glad that you have really resonated with this post @Akinna - it is nice to find something that finally explains how you have been feeling and how you see yourself 😃 What do you think would be the things that you enjoy or want to do next? 

Wolfie_Posted 21-08-2020 09:18 AM
Hi @November13, what an unreal post and a term I have never heard of before!! What a great idea to share - chefs kiss haha.

If you're a multipotentialite, what are the things that you enjoy doing or want to learn next? Do you think it's a superpower or a setback to be a multipotentialite?
I definitely think its a superpower - I love psychology, art, reading and writing, crafts and sports. I have dabbled in MANY pursuits and I am so grateful that I am this way, we are never board thats for sure.

So a bit of a back story - I always knew psychology and art were my two biggest passions and so I started my university journey doing a double degree with secondary teaching with a major in psych and a minor in visual arts so I could teach both and get the best of both worlds. but this left be super unsatisfied and so I decided to pursue being a clinical psychologist and have my art as a side hobby.

Now, I am pursuing my masters in clinical psych and just launched my own website and business selling my art and I love it. My biggest piece of advice being a multipotentialite is to dabble in EVERYTHING you have interest in and GO FOR IT. Try it all and dont worry about what anyone thinks or says. you will love the entire process I promise you.

Im excited for you, @Hannah-RO, Lost_Space_Explorer5 and every other multipotentialite. its an exciting life
Hannah-ROPosted 20-08-2020 01:05 PM

Oh my goodness you know when you watch a Ted talk and you think "Wow i have to show this to everyone i know"?! I am having that momenttttt! 

That was so great, I have never heard of this concept thank you so much for introducing it here @November13, I can think of a number of people in my life who would be interested in this.


If you're a multipotentialite, what are the things that you enjoy doing or want to learn next? Do you think it's a superpower or a setback to be a multipotentialite?

I enjoy theatre, music, animals, working with communities - and newly crochet as well! (how cute is crochet?!). That is awesome you learned 5 languages Cat Surprised - and i think you're right about adapting easily. Something this post and the Ted made me think about was how so many people in my life asked "Oh so that part of your life is over?" (about my creative pursuits) when I went back to uni to study something else and I was sort of like "Oh um no, not necessarily, I just like multiple things" And I thought I was heaps odd!


Have you had that experience too? Where people assume you're not interested in something anymore because you're doing something else?

November13Posted 21-08-2020 03:03 PM

Wow it's great to see people can relate to this! Thank you everyone!


@Hannah-RO yes I definitely sent this video to about a million people after I first watched this! And yes, crochet is the best thing ever! I may or may have not spent this whole morning crocheting instead of doing my assignment haha. What do you like to crochet? And the "Oh so that part of your life is over?" thing is sooo relatable! I went back to uni to study something else as well and people keep asking me if I'll chuck my whole other degree lol.


@Lost_Space_Explorer5 sounds like you're gonna know so many different things and will be a unique addition to any team! And who said you have to stick with one thing forever Smiley Wink? With your broad skillset you can move on to the next thing in 1 sec!


@Wolfie_ Of course you can never be bored with all those awesome interests! Psych and art are cool, I love them both as well! Sounds like you're having the best of both worlds! And that's the best advice ever. I'm excited for you too, good luck with your businessHeart What kind of art do you do?

StormySeas17Posted 22-08-2020 06:33 PM

Omg, you know the ted talk is good when you think of someone to send it to within a minute of starting it! @November13 I love the idea of having many jobs and being able to do something new everyday. I think you'll really enjoy it!


@Hannah-RO that's so odd people thinking that your creative career was over because you're starting uni, I assume that isn't the case! I think that multitasking makes me feel more positive about all of my pursuits honestly Smiley Very Happy Good luck with your crochet, I found out last year that it's harder than it looks!

@Lost_Space_Explorer5 you remind me of my friend, she loves to jump hobbies and her mum is constantly on her back hoping she settles on one thing! What kind of things are you interested in doing?


@Wolfie_ I love that you've been able to turn your hobby into a business! Maybe one day you could synthesise and become an art therapist Smiley Wink


I'm definitely a multipotentialite! Specialising has never given me the same excitement as being able to study and learn about many things at once. I'm doing law and psychology with no interest in being a lawyer, and I don't even know if I want to be a clinical psych and have to specialise in one thing! I also do tutoring and coaching on the side but don't want to be a teacher Smiley LOL I think the thing she said about adaptability is super true, I want a job where I can think on my feet more than anything else, plus I find that having many different areas of experience makes me much more confident than just being perfect at one thing. It's so nice to hear about the multipotentialite experience because my two degrees are very streamlined and I'm excited to do both at different times in my life!


I think my main interests are in refugee and indigenous law, dispute resolution and mediation,  relationship counselling, working in a high school as a counsellor or psychologist, and being a university tutor or lecturer. My current idea is that I'm going to start in the psychology and counselling area and move into law later since law scares me a lot more, but who knows, maybe I'll find some work in legal research or policy!


The main downside of this passion to learn I think will be being in debt from all the courses unfortunately! I also have resigned myself to the fact I'll be at uni or studying forever so I'm thinking of doing a PhD as a meme now, may as well Smiley LOL Another detriment is that I feel like all of my friends who are specialising are starting to chase their careers and I'm stuck in the casual work world still Smiley Sad It's important to remember that how much you make and how prestigious your work position is isn't always a sign of how happy and fulfilled you feel with your life.

Hannah-ROPosted 24-08-2020 03:51 PM

Absolute chefs kiss is right @Wolfie_ ! And i agree, i think it is an exciting life indeed. That is so cool that you are selling your art with a website you launched! I think there is something about "Multipotentiality" where peeps are just happy to be like .. Yeah I'll try that, why not?! 


Hahah @November13 I can definitely get lost in crochet too! I am honestly still pretty crap at crochet so I just sort of do squares, but I want to make something (something simple, I am V much a novice!) for a new baby in my life, any suggestions on a simple, cute crochet project? 

Also love how people are like "you just gonna chuck your other degree?" and it's like "Um.. no? It was quite a lot of work actually...not heaps keen to throw it completely out the window!"


Thank you for your support @StormySeas17 ! I FEEEEL what you're saying about the good old debt! And also about friends careers. I found it comforting that when I was doing my most recent degree, that the age range of the cohort was from about 21 - 65 and i was like wow this is cool, peeps are just going at their own pace Heart And all your potential career paths sound amazing! It's exciting to be interested in lots of things Smiley Very Happy


Making books sounds so lovely @Lost_Space_Explorer5 ! I get what you're saying about being interested in something then not ever revisiting it though, I used to do this with musicals, like I would get obsessed with a musical for like a week then be like whatevs about it Cat LOL




November13Posted 25-08-2020 05:36 PM

@StormySeas17 I think lots of multipotentialites feel behind on their career at first because we grow horizontally rather than vertically like specialists. But my careers consultant said everyone grows both ways and we'll all meet at some point, when the specialists start to gain a wider skillset like we do. It's just a matter of which way you grow first!



@Lost_Space_Explorer5 haha I feel personally attacked about the "when it's finished you move onto the next thing" stuff. I'm nervously looking at my felt craft stash right now!



@Hannah-RO Awww babies are the best thing ever! This was the first hat I ever made. Lots of people in the comments said they're beginners and they nailed it so I think it's a great start!


Of course we wanna change the number of foundation chains and total number of rows so it fits a baby's head (the starting chain will be how tall the hat is, and number of rows is how wide). And of course use the cutest sooooftest baby yarn lol, it makes the process so much more enjoyable Smiley Happy


I hope I made sense, or if you love making squares just do the same thing but bigger and voila, you got a blankie or blanket (depends on how patient you are lol). Good luck and do tell me how you went!

Hannah-ROPosted 01-09-2020 11:27 AM

Thank you so much for this @November13 ! I am so keen to give this a go! I'm going to try and get some heaps cute and soft baby yarn and just crochet my lil heart out Heart


I would LOVE to make a blanket but I think I need to get some much thicker yarn or it will take me 10 millions years Cat LOL

StormySeas17Posted 11-09-2020 02:57 PM

@November13 It's so true! I've been taking my uni slowly so that I can get good marks while also work and maintain my mental health and I've been beating myself up about it. But recently I found out that my university likely offers a combined Masters of Clinical Psychology as well as a Doctorate of Psychology! I honestly got so excited about it, the prospect of being able to focus on my study towards getting to be a practising psychologist but also qualifying myself so I can work at a uni research and even intervention programs is so enticing to me! It's also nice because I wouldn't have to specialise by doing a Masters of Research Smiley LOL funny how so many more opportunities come up when you take the time to think outside the box.

November13Posted 11-09-2020 08:52 PM

@StormySeas17  I think taking uni slowly is a great idea! Your work experience and the skills you get from it will make your resume look wayyy better. You're doing a great job balancing work, uni, maintaining your mental health and volunteering. That's a lot of work!


And omg your uni is hands down the best! One of my biggest dreams is to do a PsyD just because it also offers both a research and a clinical component Smiley LOL I don't know how or when I'll get there though, but being able to do both research and practice would sure be awesome!

StormySeas17Posted 08-10-2020 10:58 PM

@November13 Thank you so much, you're making me feel very empowered! I do struggle with worrying about how long it's taking. I think realising that my work is actually quite fulfilling to me and making the decision to increase my volunteering to prepare for my masters is making me feel a bit more hopeful about the future and improving my self worth.


I think we're in the same boat, I would love to do something like research into intervention programs for mental illness which my university does! The only problem is I did my first research report this semester and I think it's the most stressful thing I've ever done Smiley LOL Although apparently the rest of my class agreed when I brought it up. I think even if it takes a while as long as you're happy with the process you take to get there it'll all be worth it!

November13Posted 09-10-2020 03:25 PM

@StormySeas17 yay for you being so proactive in preparing for your masters! I think one of the great things about the psych field is that being a bit older can be a great thing. Lots of clients prefer to see someone older than them, and they see you as someone with more life experience!


And I think most people would agree with us on how hard research reports are Smiley LOL. I have friends doing PhDs and trust me, they're still figuring it out. And you're right, it's much better being happy in the process than trying to get "there" as soon as possible (and feeling like a zombie while you're at it) Smiley Frustrated

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 22-08-2020 10:23 PM
@StormySeas17 Hehe, yup I get super focused on one hobby for a while then give up on it it's kinda strange 😂 Idk I like to dabble in random things.. but then get bored of them quickly. Some things last longer than others but atm I've been drawing and animating stuff but I'm actually starting to get bored of that. I used to do ice skating and piano before covid but I just haven't been able to motivate myself to get back into them.

Now that I think of it this even happens with music. Like at one time I'm really into a certain genre then suddenly go completely off it but it comes back around eventually

Does anyone else get utterly obsessed with something for like three days to a week, spending most of your day on the hobby or task or whatever it is, and then like when it's finished you move onto the next thing? I once did this with making my own books (by sewing them together), happily made two books (and some prototypes) and then never picked up the skill again?
Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 20-08-2020 06:44 PM
Woah, that's a cool video! 😮 I always wondered why I just focus on one thing until I get bored of it and move on! This is why figuring out what I want to do with my life is so stressful! Cause I don't want to pick that one thing and be stuck with it forever

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