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Tips for how to fix a dying friendship


Lonelyboy17Posted 02-06-2019 08:50 PM


missepPosted 05-06-2019 04:43 PM
Hi @Lonelyboy17
What's been happening?
That sounds really challenging!
Lonelyboy17Posted 08-06-2019 12:26 PM
well they dont really reply to my texts anymore , our interactions are somedays good somedays bad , idk i can just feel us drifting apart and like were not really friends anymore even though they say we are i really am very depressed cause i really like this friend
missepPosted 14-06-2019 10:46 AM
That's really tough @Lonelyboy17
Like the others have said, sometimes it could be something going on in their life, and so they can isolate themself.
When you have a conversation about your worries what have they been saying?
How have things been since you last posted?
Here for you Heart
MisoBearPosted 13-06-2019 04:50 PM

Hey @Lonelyboy17 , 

I'm sorry you've been going through a rough time at the moment. I just wanted to check in and see how things are going right now?

Tiny_leafPosted 08-06-2019 07:42 PM

@Lonelyboy17 could something be going wrong for them in their life?

Some people tend to isolate themselves when they're struggling. I don't know if this is what's going on with your friend, but it might be worth just checking in with them to see if everything's okay? 

ecla34Posted 07-06-2019 05:32 PM

Hi @Lonelyboy17 , i was just wondering if this was the same friend you mentioned in your other thread? How'd your chat with them go? It sounds like it's been pretty rough for you lately friendship-wise, but i admire the amount of care and effort you clearly put into your relationships with friends. It really shows how much you care Heart

Hope you're doing okay, always here to chat xx

WheresMySquishyPosted 02-06-2019 09:59 PM

Hi @Lonelyboy17! I'm sorry you're having friendship problems. Smiley Sad It can be really hard to keep friendships. Are there any specific issues in the friendship that you'd like to work on or are having the most trouble with?

ReachOut has a lot of useful articles about friendship issues here.

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