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What does this mean

Hello so there is this person and she has been so horrible to me for most of this year  , I haven’t seen her for a month know , and just this day she tried to talk to me by waving and I said back I would prefer not to talk to you then she laughed at me for saying that what does this mean 

Lonelyboy17Posted 18-12-2019 10:50 PM


ayrc_1904Posted 20-12-2019 05:29 PM

Hi @Lonelyboy17

I'm so sorry you've been treated so badly by her this year! Nobody deserves to be treated horribly. I'm just wondering, when she tried to talk to you and waved, did it seem at all genuine? I guess since she laughed after your response, it might mean it wasn't but I am curious about it. I agree that maybe you should try and talk it out with her as hard as it may be. If you do choose to do that, you can update us and we're here to give advice and support! Maybe if you do, it might clear up why she's been treating you badly, and it might also clear up why she decided she might try and talk to you again after a months time. Maybe there is some chance that she wanted to make things right (hopefully!!!) but I guess that is something that you might have to figure out. I really hope you aren't getting treated badly by others! 


Like @Bre-RO said, if you haven't already, perhaps letting someone know like a teacher or trusted adult might be a better move too. Heart 

Jess1-ROPosted 23-12-2019 03:39 PM
Hi @Lonelyboy17

Just wanted to check in and see how you are going? Have you had a chance to read some of the messages of support from our community?

We are here to listen if you need someone to talk to
Bre-ROPosted 19-12-2019 11:31 AM

Oh @Lonelyboy17 I'm sorry you've been experiencing that. Being spoken to horribly is never acceptable. I'm just wondering if this is something you've spoken to a teacher or trusted person about? 



xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 19-12-2019 09:08 AM
Hey @Lonelyboy17

I'm not entirely sure what that means...
Is it possible to talk to her about it? I know you prefer not to, but sometimes clarifying is better than just being clueless.

I really don't know how to help...
Are there any strategies you have used in the past for this type of situation?

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