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Why Are You Proud of Yourself?

No achievement is too small to celebrate, and I don't think we do that enough (I know I don't). It's easy to get so caught up in everything we don't do, that we forget everything we do actually do.


Share something you did that you are proud of so we can celebrate together! Nothing is too small ☺️


I'll start us off:

1) I got out of bed today even though I didn't want to.

2) I took my medication today

3) Yesterday I went to student services when I wasn't feeling well and was honest about my suicidal thoughts and self harm (I am safe).

4) I've made the decision to leave school and go to TAFE in order to focus on my mental health

AkinnaPosted 27-06-2021 12:35 AM


Janine-ROPosted 28-06-2021 03:17 PM

What a lovely, wholesome thread @Akinna  - I totally agree, it's so easy to forget to celebrate the wins - and every single win is worth celebrating! I hope you can add this post to something that you're proud of ❤️



It can also take heaps of courage to let someone know when you're experiencing those dark thoughts, good on you for being brave and telling someone that you weren't OK. 


How are you feeling today, @Akinna ? 


Today, I'm proud of myself because: 



1. I woke up early, and had a walk outside before I logged on for work, even though it was rainy - it was actually super lovely outside, and I feel so much more calm and in control after having 40 minutes to myself, in the fresh air



2. I made a really tasty dinner last night, so I had yum leftovers for my lunch today. Win win! 


3. I made time to call my brother, who's in Hong Kong at the moment, and had a really lovely Zoom chat yesterday afternoon. I was kind of tired and wasn't going to bother, but we both felt so much better after a catch up. I also did a fun zoom trivia night on the weekend with some friends, we're all in that "wow, so we're suddently in lockdown. Cool cool cool!" headspace, and it was so lovely to chat and have some fun together. 



I am loving reading everyone's answers - @WinterCalvino I'm proud of you for being kind to yourself, and celebrating the amazing things you're doing in challenging times 🙂 

WinterCalvinoPosted 28-06-2021 11:52 AM

I am a person who is usually really hard on myself so this post has reminded me to slow down and look at all I have done, so thank you! 


I am proud of myself for exercising and keeping productive even during lockdown. 

I am proud of myself for continuing to learn and practice Japanese. 

I am proud of myself for choosing to be kind to myself today. 

AnzelmoPosted 27-06-2021 11:28 AM

Really love these kinds of threads! @Akinna


I'm proud of myself for building a computer for my SO, I'm proud of myself for going to my first bank appointment by myself, and I'm proud of myself for pacing out my studies to 3 units instead of 4 units per semester. 

Sophia-ROPosted 27-06-2021 09:22 AM

What a lovely thread idea @Akinna . Those are some really great reasons to be proud of yourself. It is awesome to hear that you reached out to support services and felt comfortable telling them about what has been going on for you lately. I hope you are able to get the support that you are needing at the moment 💙


I am proud of myself for getting some more work done on my uni assignment and it being nearly completed! 


I am also proud of myself for finding a good harness that I can use to make training my puppy easier 😅.

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 27-06-2021 01:55 AM

This is awesome @Akinna- thank you for making this thread!


I'll keep the chain going 😉


  • I'm proud of myself for sitting through some tough emotions this week and staying safe
  • Also I'm proud for reaching out to my friends even though I wanted to isolate myself and hadn't been talking very much to them
Portia_ROPosted 28-06-2021 02:23 PM

What a great thread @Akinna, love it!


Congrats on being able to wade through some difficult times this week @Lost_Space_Explorer5 . It can be really hard to recognise our achievements at the best of times, let alone when things are tough, so good on you!


Here are mine:

  • I'm proud of myself for staying calm in the wake of another lockdown
  • I'm proud of myself for finding other ways to connect with my family and friends while we are apart - FaceTime is a blessing!



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