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everyday struggles

Hi guys, I've never posted on here before but I thought since I'm struggling, I'll give it a go.

So basically, I am so sad a lot of the time and I don't really have any reason to be. I know both my nana's and my dad have struggled with depression which could be part of too but I hate showing people my sadness, I just smile and pretend to be happy as best as I can and get on with it but its got to a point where I need to do something. I feel so alone all the time like Im drowning in my life and no one can see so no one can help. I broke up with my boyfriend around 6 months ago and back then I had a reason and I thought as soon as I'm over him I'll be fine and now its been so long and I am over him but I'm still sad and I don't know what to name it on or how to get over it. I guess this is a good start.  


jenita2007Posted 23-04-2017 12:44 AM


ivoryPosted 24-04-2017 10:59 AM

hey @jenita2007 welcome to RO! 


Acknow;edging the problem is very brave and very important; well done! 

And it's important to remember that there is a reason youre feeling sad - your brain chemistry is set up that way. I feel the same way a lot too, and knowing that I have a family history of mental illness helps a bit. There is a reason, but you just cant see it. 


youre right, this is a very good start. I'm not going to repeat everything everyone in this thread said, but yeah. seeing a counsellor or psych is a good place to start. 


I find in terms of asking people for help and telling people how i feel, writing letters used to help me a lot. I also hide how i feel a lot so finding alternative ways really helped me. i also drew pictures to show how i felt - like i was being crushed or how i felt blank. 


Heart Heart

jenita2007Posted 03-05-2017 06:36 PM
thank you so much! I never expected so many people to reply. I have started opening up to one of my close friends which has helped heaps! thanks for your advice. You honestly have made my day (:
lokifishPosted 27-04-2017 02:40 PM

@jenita2007 just wondering how you're going? It looks like a few other users have already made some suggestions - how would you feel about trying one of them out? Thinking of you 🙂

jenita2007Posted 03-05-2017 06:37 PM
I'm feeling a bit better thanks to all your advice and help in everything. I am so grateful! x

safari93Posted 23-04-2017 11:34 AM

Hey @jenita2007, welcome to RO! 


It's a big leap to post here for the first time with something your struggling with, so go you!! It seems like you have a lot of insight into the different reasons why you might be feeling sad, which also is a great start. There is definitely evidence to suggest that depression has a genetic component, but you've also been through a breakup, which can be difficult to cope with so it's perfectly valid to feel this way.


Have you ever considered talking to someone about it (aside from posting here, of course)? It can be useful to talk to a mental health professional or just someone in your life that you trust, but if you're not too keen on talking to someone in person you can always give eheadspace a go.


What do you think? Let us know how things go Smiley Happy


P.S. We have an Intros thread if you keen to meet other people on RO 

jenita2007Posted 03-05-2017 06:35 PM
thank you so much! I never expected so many people to reply. I have started opening up to one of my close friends which has helped heaps! thanks for your advice xx
ryvb3Posted 23-04-2017 12:40 PM

Hi @jenita2007


As @safari93 as said, talking to someone about your feelings is a good step to take. 


The thing about negative feelings, like sadness, is that it alerts us that something isn't right in our lives. And what we need to do is find out why we are feeling this way so we can change it. Maybe you could also read this ReachOut fact sheet to identify why you might be feeling sad. 


Let us know if this factsheet has helped. 🙂

jenita2007Posted 03-05-2017 06:36 PM
thank you so much! I never expected so many people to reply. I have started opening up to one of my close friends which has helped heaps! thanks for your advice! the factsheet actually helped me! thank you!!
letitgoPosted 23-04-2017 02:27 PM

Hey @jenita2007 - welcome to Reach Out! It's very brave of you to come on here and discuss how you're feeling. Well done! Do you think maybe you could extend that bravery and talk to a counsellor or someone in your life about what's going on for you?

Welcome back!

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