A brief intro 😛
I thought we could have a weekly wellbeing that kind of compliments an "Ask A Pro" Live Chat we had last year!
Personally, sometimes I struggle with identifying how I'm feeling and communicating my emotions to others so I thought why not create a weekly wellbeing where we create our own 'emotion wheels'. With a twist! 😛

This is the classic example of an emotion wheel- with sort of more 'core' emotions at the center
The activity 🙂
I want us to get a bit more creative! This should reflect your own unique experiences of emotions- not everyone experiences emotions in a 'wheel', after all! For this wellbeing activity I invite you to create your own emotion wheel OR guide to your emotions! You can use your own emotion descriptors, add drawings, skip the wheel entirely and go for a flowchart or mindmap or literally anything. The point of the task is to create anything that helps you identify your emotions or connect with them better!
Some ideas
- You want to stick with the emotion wheel? That's cool!
e.g. You might like to change up the words or the colours or you could even add sensations like in this example...

- Or maybe you'd like to go a step further and add thoughts that are connected to emotions
- You like to think 'outside the wheel' 😉 (get it, like think outside the box?!)
e.g. you might want to create a powerpoint with a group of memes in each slide that convey how you feel at certain times!

-Or maybe there's a tik tok that perfectly captures a feeling. Or a song! Or a poem! Or a bunch of images!
Or maybe you want to keep it simple and connect emotions to their facial expressions like in Mary and Max

- Prefer to write? That's cool too!
-Words on their own are just as powerful!
e.g. You might like to make a list like this:
- sadness = [description of physical sensations, what I normally do when I am sad, types of sadness]
- happiness = etc.
Summary (TL;DR?)
This activity is about making a guide for yourself to represent how you experience emotions (e.g. happiness, sadness, etc.). It's entirely up to you what you make and how you convey your experience of emotions- It should be useful and unique to you!
e.g. Do you want to use words, describe sensations, use sounds, images, etc? I have included some examples above^ but these aren't the only approaches! Also, there is no limit to how many emotions you cover
I am looking forward to seeing your creations (if you want to share them, no pressure either way!) and/or interpretations of this task! 🙂And I hope you find this fun and useful! 😄I hope it helps you identify your emotions better, observe connections between them, and/or helps you communicate how you're feeling!