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Weekly Wellbeing: Oh, The Places You'll Go!

This year has undeniably been a tough one. While many of us have been negatively affected in numerous ways, with our hopes and plans dashed, lately I've been thinking about how unfortunate it is that we haven't been able to travel and explore the world. I have many happy memories of past holidays and I would always look forward to going on a trip, especially around the holiday season. I'd love to see more of this huge world in the future. 🙂


Something I have been doing to cope with this year is thinking about all of the amazing places I'd like to visit once restrictions are eased. Some of them are just simple things I can do nearby, such as going to a museum, visiting a shopping centre, exploring a garden or going to an indoor sports centre. And some of them are really ambitious, such as going on a cruise in Europe or the Caribbean, re-visiting a country I have good memories of, going on overseas tours and checking out world-renowned landmarks. Planning my dream trips has given me something to look forward to despite everything that's happened this year. 🙂

So tell me, what is a dream trip that you'd like to go on in the future? What are some of the reasons you'd like to visit those destinations?
I'd love to hear everyone's ideas and find some inspiration! Remember, it doesn't have to be anything big. 🙂



WheresMySquishyPosted 02-12-2020 12:00 AM


WinterCalvinoPosted 31-01-2021 10:55 AM

what is a dream trip that you'd like to go on in the future?

My plan is to solo travel around Japan! I want to go to Kyoto, Tokyo, Osaka etc! 


What are some of the reasons you'd like to visit those destinations?

I have alwaaaysss been fascinated with Japan, the culture is so beautiful and something that I have loved learning about as it’s so different to my own. The gorgeous landscapes and nature just looks so amazing too! 

Going solo travelling is very important for me to tick of - I want to get out of my comfort zone, be comfortable with myself, trust myself, be more grateful, do things on my own terms, be free and independent - the list goes on! 

MacariaPosted 07-12-2020 12:02 AM
I was planning to travel around some European countries in this summer vacation but COVID just break my plan and my university mentor told me not to travel out of Australia (cry). But anyways, I'm gonna answer the questions 🙂

What is a dream trip that you'd like to go on in the future?
There are soo many places I would like to go, particularly those countries with their unique and strong cultures, like Japan, European countries etc.
What are some of the reasons you'd like to visit those destinations?
Well I love countries with their own cultures and I want to experience those cultures. It's happy for me to see those buildings and environment with cultural features.
AmazingPUMPPosted 06-12-2020 11:41 AM

Though I've been in Australia for two years, to be accurate, in Victoria, I couldn't make time for travelling to another state. Even the restriction eased, I had to be busy with my sales job. It is no point to think about it. Hope my friends who are planning to do some road trip could tell me a little bit more about their interesting journey along the way.  

hungincPosted 05-12-2020 09:28 AM

What is a dream trip that you'd like to go on in the future?

India, New Zealand or one of those Scandinavian countries like Norway


What are some of the reasons you'd like to visit those destinations?

India for its food. New Zealand, Norway etc. for its scenery

celestialdreamerPosted 04-12-2020 07:06 PM

@WheresMySquishy Such an awesome thread, there are so many beautiful places in the world I wish we could see them all. I'm so jealous you've been to Egypt that's literally my #1 place to visit, I hope I make it there one day. I would also love to go on a tropical holiday to somewhere like the Maldives or a ski trip in Japan, I honestly am not fussy any travel is amazing to me. Oh there are also the places I went when I was a lot younger with my family, I wish I had more memories, from trips like New Zealand when I was 4 years old, so I hope to visit those places again one day too!


@WheresMySquishy @Kaylee-RO @sunnygirl606 those places sound amazing, I just added them to my to visit list hehe Smiley Happy 


@WheresMySquishy where did you go on a cruise?

@sunnygirl606 I've also been to London I loved it one of my favourite places ever, what did you do when you were over there?

@Kaylee-RO my friends are looking into going to Byron Bay, any recommendations? 

Kaylee-ROPosted 07-12-2020 10:31 AM

@celestialdreamer Hi There! Oo that is exciting, are you planning on going with them? 

I definitely recommend staying in near town, everything is in walking distance and saves Uber trips, saves money etc! I definitely recommend heading down to the Beach Hotel, they usually have live music and it's so nice for a hang out! The balcony bar and oyster co ($1 oysters for seafood fans)! And another fav of mine was the Beef and Reef Restaurant for some Good STEAK! I've got so many recommendations so I will wrap it up haha but stop into Slice Pizza for the best pizza you'll ever eat Smiley LOL


WheresMySquishyPosted 05-12-2020 09:57 PM

@celestialdreamer  It's so cool that you're also interested in going to Egypt! It can take a long time to see everything. I honestly think that going at the time we did was the best time to go. Speaking as someone with Egyptian background, I think that traveling there has become harder in recent years.
I've been on cruises to the Pacific and New Zealand. I would go to some of the countries I visited again but I'd also like to embark on a cruise from another country in the future. One of my most memorable travel experiences was during a cruise. We went on a tour where the driver drove so fast, we were like hanging on for our lives and we honestly thought we were going to crash. Later on the same day, we were offered a drug which half of us took (I refused). It was actually an amazing day and the place was so beautiful.

celestialdreamerPosted 20-12-2020 01:03 AM

@WheresMySquishy wow you sound like you have some amazing experiences and memories from your cruises!


@Kaylee-RO I'm a bit worried about COVID at the moment especially in Sydney and NSW, I would definitely love to but will just have to see how everything goes over the next few months. Thank you for these recommendations though, I will definitely write them all down and keep them in mind for when I (hopefully) do go!

sunnygirl606Posted 04-12-2020 07:39 PM

@celestialdreamer it was so long ago that i dont remember much but it was all the classic tourist stuff! Seeing Big Ben, shopping, walking around, eating!

sunnygirl606Posted 02-12-2020 08:12 PM

Love this @WheresMySquishy !!

What is a dream trip that you'd like to go on in the future?

- I have soo sooo sooooo many but my top 3 are Hawaii, London (been there once and wanna go again), and Greece!!


What are some of the reasons you'd like to visit those destinations?

- Beaches, architecture, culture, meeting new people! Just anything will get me going there!!

Kaylee-ROPosted 02-12-2020 02:43 PM

Hi! @WheresMySquishy Smiley Happy

This is my first post as part of the team here at RO, and wow what an awesome topic to dive into! It really has been such a crazy year, full of unexpected! 

Ahh how good are the memories of holidays Smiley Tongue What are some cool holidays that you have been on? 

It sounds like you've got a real drive to get out there and see the world, do you have any goals or plans for when this is all over, and what is the first place you would go? Smiley Happy

I was lucky enough to squeeze a little holiday in during this time, I recently just got back from a road trip to Byron Bay, and was able to stop at different towns along the way! Definitely recommend exploring the coast lines of Australia, they have some beautiful things to offer! 


Holiday GIFs | Tenor


Would love to hear about other trips everyone has been on & where you're next step is to go explore! Exciting times coming into the holidays, sending everyone pure happiness coming into the holiday season Heart

WheresMySquishyPosted 02-12-2020 09:31 PM

Welcome @Kaylee-RO. 🙂
I have lots of good memories of cruises I've been on with my whole family. An interesting place I've been to is the world's steepest street. It was crazy! I also went to Egypt for a month when I was younger. I sat on the steps of the Great Pyramid, but I don't think that you can do that now.
I'd like to revisit some of the places I've gone to before and go on other cruises. I would especially like to see more natural wonders, such as caves and forests. I would also like to go to Japan, Europe and the Americas because I haven't been there. I don't have any plans to travel the world at the moment I'd like to go to certain places in my city that I couldn't go to due to the restrictions.
Byron Bay is amazing! I've seen the lighthouse and there were whales in the water below when we went.

@sunnygirl606  It's so cool that you've been to London! I also want to go there one day. Leadenhall Market is on my list of things to see. I also know people who've been to Hawaii and have recommended it and I also want to go to Greece. Greece has a lot of interesting ancient sites and natural wonders. I especially want to go to Melissani Cave.

Kaylee-ROPosted 03-12-2020 10:38 AM

@WheresMySquishy That sounds absolutely awesome! I just looked up the worlds largest street, I have never heard of it, that's extremely interesting Smiley Very Happy

Egypt sounds so beautiful, definitely a place I would love to go to one day! 
It's so nice to hear about all your future goals, you have some amazing countries on your list, I would love to visit Japan as well, I have heard some amazing things about it. 

Hopefully when restrictions ease up it can provide you the opportunity to tick off some of your goals. I can definitely say that I am looking forward to Cruises coming back as well. 

Cruise GIFs | Tenor

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 02-12-2020 02:50 PM
Hi @Kaylee-RO! 🙂 Nice to meet you! The road trip sounds awesome!
Kaylee-ROPosted 02-12-2020 03:23 PM

Hey @Lost_Space_Explorer5 

It definitely was! So nice to see part of our country Smiley Happy I have wanted to do a road trip for a while, so it was nice getting the opportunity 

Have you got any plans for future holidays or trips you would like to do? 

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 02-12-2020 05:46 PM
I haven't really thought about it much @Kaylee-RO

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