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Wellbeing Activity: Blast from the Past

This week’s activity is a fun way to spend time doing something you loved (and maybe still love) but forgot about overtime! Think about a time from your childhood or just any time years ago, where you felt happy doing something. Can you think of old childhood TV shows? Old movies? Old hobbies? Old books? Old recipes? What were some things that you might have forgotten about that you loved back then?


For me, I was scrolling through TikTok and I came across this video that literally took me back to when I was maybe 5-7 years old! Does anybody remember these TV shows? Please say some of you do 😂


  • “Stoked!”
  • “Prank Patrol”
  • "Adventure time"
  • “Grandpa in my pocket”
  • “Total Drama Island/Action"
  • "Codename: Kids Next Door"
  • “Mortifed”
  • "Powerpuff girls"
  • "Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends"
  • "Courage the cowardly dog"
  • "Ben 10"
  • “Curious George
  • “Horrible histories"
  • “King Arthur’s Disasters”
  • “Lazy Town”








Anyway, this week, take a trip down memory lane and revisit things you loved. Watch an episode of something! Cook something you used to but forgot about! Last week, I made scones. I used to make them with my parents when I was younger, but for some reason, we forgot about it for agesss and it was so enjoyable doing it again recently!


Let me know what things you remember from your past and what you loved to do! Did you still find the activity fun? Did you enjoy taking a trip down memory lane?

AnzelmoPosted 08-09-2021 09:04 AM


WheresMySquishyPosted 14-09-2021 12:03 PM

I remember most of those shows @Anzelmo!

One of the young people at my work loves TV shows, and yesterday we watched an episode of a show from 2006 together. I was surprised it was that long ago!

StormySeas17Posted 10-09-2021 05:52 PM

Oooohhh yep I recognise most of those shows! KND was just the most awesome premise and I miss it. Another few would be the original Pokemon series and Tom and Jerry for me!


One thing I've been doing is playing the new Pokemon Snap game. I used to really enjoy that game as a kid and it's wild playing it with so many new Pokemon! I also have found a whole heap of my old sketchbooks and wow I used to draw a lot! Some of the drawings are... a bit embarrassing 😆 but I definitely can't bear to get rid of them just yet! 

WheresMySquishyPosted 14-09-2021 12:05 PM

I love New Pokemon Snap! I really wanted the original when I was younger but never got the chance to play it, so I was excited when they released this new version.

StormySeas17Posted 18-09-2021 10:05 AM

@WheresMySquishy yes! you have to do that first stage so many bloody times though 😂 but I loved the desert area! Which is your fave?

AnzelmoPosted 12-09-2021 09:55 AM

Pokemon is such a great game and show, I'll never fully grow out of it. Hold onto those memories and drawings!

I haven't had the chance to play the new snap game, but when pokemon go first came out mannn was that a blast 🙌

StormySeas17Posted 18-09-2021 10:07 AM

Haha I had a very long Sonic the Hedgehog phase and I managed to find the very first drawing I did of that 😆 I'll have to find a way to store them all though! I'm so surprised by how much I drew, I have several sketchbooks mostly full!


Omg I feel like that's the closest we'll get to world peace sometimes! It was so fun. I still know people who play it!

rumi1207Posted 10-09-2021 03:30 PM

dont remember all those tv shows, but some of them i love (robbie rotten was hilarious!) 


some other shows that were great, and I still remember: 


- brum 

- girls stuff boys stuff 

- pingu!!!!!

- blue water high 

- martin morning 


just to name a few ... 🙂 

AnzelmoPosted 12-09-2021 09:57 AM



I loved that little penguin, he is my discord profile icon HAHA. Noot noot! 🐧

November13Posted 09-09-2021 12:31 PM

Oh the nostalgia 😱 My favourite show as a kid was Strawberry Shortcake, I can still find it on YouTube with a ton of ads lol. I have also been watching Hannah Montana on Disney+! And I remember loving knitting as a kid (yeah I was an old soul haha). I'm more of a crocheter now but maybe I should pick up my knitting needles this week 💪




AnzelmoPosted 12-09-2021 09:59 AM

Maybe you can combine both of them? Crocheting or Knitting whilst watching some throwback cartoons? Sounds like a chill and relaxing time to me 🙂


OnionPosted 08-09-2021 02:39 PM

OOOOOOOOOf those names bring back memories!! Back when the most important thing in life were watching cartoons, hanging out with friends, holidays and Christmas!! 😁


I remember watching the old-school Barbie movies and Wallace and Grommit when I was a kid (old-school ones are better 😆 might actually watch 1/2/3 today). I also loved going camping with my fam over the summer holidays! 


I definitely still find these activities fun and have watched all the Wallace and Grommit movies (except for the Ware-Rabbit) in the past week! 😄

AnzelmoPosted 12-09-2021 10:01 AM

Ahhhh that first sentence hits hard. Lots of responsibilities now aren't the greatest, but I reckon we can and should still find the time to let our inner kids out and just kick back and destress by watching some old shows and turning off our brains 😅

Emily-ROPosted 08-09-2021 03:13 PM

Wallace and Gromit are the best!! I share their obsession with cheese 😂

Which is your favourite film?



Also, are you going to watch Ware-Rabbit soon? It's a favourite of mine 💙

Janine-ROPosted 14-09-2021 03:25 PM

Ahhh I love Wallace and Gromit @Emily-RO ! I saw a super cool exhibition years and years ago at the powerhouse museum, where they displayed heaps of the models and clay minatures- it was seriously amazing!



@Anzelmo this is such a cute activity - there's something so wholesome and comforting about watching old favourites from when you were a kid. 


One thing that totally blows my mind is seeing my kids discover stuff that I also loved as a kid- and realising how much I remember! 


It turns out I still know almost every word of The Lion King, and it was weirdly fun watching Home Alone and Jurassic Park w the family - it's crazy how I hadn't seen them in years and years but still remembered pretty much every scene haha


AnzelmoPosted 12-09-2021 10:02 AM

This might be unrelated but is the movie "chicken run" part of that universe or made by the same people? 

OnionPosted 09-09-2021 10:56 PM

OHHHHH it's so rare to find someone else who also loves Wallace and Grommit. The franchise was why I tried cheese and crackers (it's fricking delicious!!)


I'll probably rent Were-Rabbit to watch later (if I recall it is a longer movie than the other films). My favourite is 'A Matter of Loaf and Death'. I really love all the food-related puns 😆


Emily-ROPosted 10-09-2021 12:08 PM

Oh absolutely!! I love how much they spread awareness for the amazingness that is cheese and crackers! 😄



Oh my gosh I haven't seen Loaf and Death for so long! I'll have to rewatch it 😊

Emily-ROPosted 08-09-2021 09:38 AM

Oh my gosh some of those gifs gave me happy tears! 🥰 Those TV shows are such a big part of my childhood!


Something that I remember from memory lane was watching Pokemon with my little brother on weekend mornings! We used to pretend we were Pokemon trainers and have imaginary battles!



What was your favourite show growing up, @Anzelmo ?

AnzelmoPosted 12-09-2021 10:04 AM

Glad to hear that I brought back some nostalgia! 

I definitely have pretended to be trainers with my siblings too as a kid!

What's great about Pokemon is that it's going to stick around forever I reckon. Happy to know that everyone growing up will have the chance to explore such an amazing world. 


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