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Messed Up Sleep Schedules

Hi guys!


So as you can tell by the time I'm going to post this, it's late. Or really it's early in the morning. 

I've always had trouble sleeping but the past two weeks or so I can't seem to get to sleep before 3am. I can't seem to even be bothered to go to bed and it feels like something is stopping me.

A lot of the time I feel like I end up just sitting around wanting to talk to someone. Sometimes I have friends that are also still awake but they're not the people I want to talk to so I just end up just scrolling through these forums to see how everyone is doing.

Any tips on how I find the will to get up and go to bed or how I can work towards making some changes so it doesn't get worse?

I guess its time for me to get to bed now. Hope whoever reads this is doing well Smiley Very Happy

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