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Weekly wellbeing: What's your superhero?

Inspired by this old thread, this weekly wellbeing activity is about having fun and being creative! There are two options to choose from here (or if you're feeling really productive you can always do both)!




  • First, you should come up with your own superhero. If you need prompts you're welcome to use the old thread!
  • Next, bring your hero to life by either writing/outlining a story or making a comic about an adventure your hero goes on! Perhaps you rescue a cat from a tree! Or stand up to a bully! Whatever it is we'd love you to share it here if your comfortable!
  • Pro tip: There are heaps of free comic makers on the internet if you'd prefer to use them than drawing




  • Alternatively, you could choose your favourite superhero from fiction who you wish you could be 🙂
  • Pick and describe your favourite story that this hero has been apart of! E.g. Maybe you pick Spider-Man and your favourite story is when he faces venom 😛 


Some extra ideas

  • If you aren't into superheroes you can always pick a magical being you would like to be!
  • Maybe you'd like to add a twist to this activity and pick a hero from real life and describe their story. It doesn't have to be someone famous, it could be the story of a family member who helped you out
  • If you do make up a story it can be as simple or a detailed as you like. E.g. if I decided my superhero had the ability to fly the story could be as simple as 'my hero flies around and saves people who are in danger' 🙂


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