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Hi @Anonymous I just read this and relate to how you're feeling. It's incredibly frustrating because on one hand I know that I honestly am doing well, my best is pretty good, but then I'm always frustrated at myself. For me it's more about stopping myself from trying new things because I feel inferior and also feeling like I'm going to be judged by other people as inferior so I don't even try. This is something I'm trying to work on right now by taking baby steps and trying to be happy with making progress rather than just booing myself offstage before I've started.


For uni, I ended up taking less classes per semester so I knew I could do functionally and well and have some time off, and that really helped keep up my motivation. Even though I beat myself up for not racing through I'm happier with myself and feel like I'm able to do really well which is more rewarding than burning out. I also remember being incredibly anxious at work to the point I was having anxiety and panic attacks before walking in the door and couldn't sleep the night before. Honestly, I ended up getting therapy and ultimately medication from my doctor for my anxiety and now I'm able to do my job with no issues.

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