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Hey @justkeepswimming 


Well done for being able to talk to your GP about your suicidal thoughts. That is not something that is easy to do. It is okay that you didn't get to talk about the possibility of medication, maybe you can make this a goal for your next appointment 😊 You did really well today so you should be proud of yourself for what you did manage to talk about. In general, tracking your own moods and being able to communicate feelings is tricky and if your concentration and memory has been bad lately then this would be a huge challenge. Its your doctors job though to ask you the right questions to get the information they need to help you and I would hope they are understanding towards people displaying symptoms of their mental illness in their appointments as it is their job to! 


It would be so good for you to finally have some clarification on exactly what is going on for you like you mentioned, it must be so hard not being given the information you really need. I cant believe Sydney is going into another week of lockdown. 😓 How have you been trying to make yourself feel better today? Is there something nice and calming you could do at home to help you switch off from everything that happened in the appointment?





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