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Uber contributor

Hey everyone

Great thread and love the ideas so far! 


One thing i found quite helpful was to actually have a big cleanup. during the first lockdown that lasted months i ended up buying brand new furniture and redesigning my room. slowly ive been working through the house and updating new furniture or just destashing things. 

During this lockdown-we are up to week 2 going on 3 very soon but so far ive redone my front yard, even replanted a few things to make my front yard cleaner and done a massive cleanup. heaps of stuff went to the tip or out on the kerbside for free. i am currently working on the backyard now. destashing and making things tidy has kept me busy plus also makes me feel like ive accomplished something rather then just sitting around. 


i also have taken up a sport so whilst there arent any competitions or socialising allowed i can practice some things at home.



**NEVER be afraid to ask for help because you're WORTH it!**
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