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What are some things that you can control?

  • When I sleep and wake up - to help control this I try to plan or leave something out for myself the night before so I have something to look forward to in the morning (e.g. pre-planning a good breakfast)
  • Overthinking - I know this is not true for everyone, and that it can be really difficult. For me I got around this when I realized that overthinking before things actually happen, is just putting me through twice as much stress. I've found ways to distract myself when I can't keep my mind of things like playing games or listening to music, and I've also trained myself to block out my own negative thoughts
  • Getting started - I use to be a really really bad procrastinator. I was lucky enough to have my GF teach me how to get things started in advance. It all starts with just making the smallest steps just so you get yourself in the mindset of making some progress. Any progress is good progress.


What are some things that you can't control?

  • What other people think of you - Learning to love yourself and basing your self-worth on what you know and not on the opinion of others is really important. Self-love is key.
  • Having bad days - Not every day is going to be good, and that's okay. Tackle things one day at a time and don't beat yourself up for having a bad day and not being the best. 


Can you think of some examples of things that are both within your control and shaped by factors that you can't help?

  • How you feel - I think this is a really big one, because whilst yes there are so many factors that shape how we feel and a lot of it we cannot control - I am a firm believer that we can still find ways to help ourselves guide our feelings and keeping ourself in check. (e.g. We don't have to always enact being upset, instead, we can choose to be calm and find a better solution. Not saying you don't have the right to be upset if someone did something to you, but is always getting externally upset the best course of action?) 
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