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Ugh, I can totally relate to that sleep cycle. It sucks hey?! I'm not sure there's much to really do when it's like that either cause it's like your body is just fighting against you hey? I'm really sorry to hear about the treatment order. It explains why you were so nervous about the appointment. I can't imagine it is much fun being on one. Do you feel like you could understand some of the rationale behind their decision to keep you on one? I'm sorry there's not much you can do about it. That really does suck!! Do you think you'll be able to comply with it? Cause surely if they see you doing that then it can be re-evaluated again later? I'm sure it's not the outcome you were hoping for, but I'm hoping they've only put it in place for your safety. What do you think? 


It sounds like today was a bit of an odd one for you. Its such a weird feeling when we're so tired and sleepy yet so agitated at the same time. Like who would have even thought that was possible? Lol I always feel strange when I feel like that cause it's like everything in me is conflicting. Do you feel the same? 


Has it calmed down at all for you tonight? 

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