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Hello @MB95 , thank you for replying, I really needed some affirmation this evening and I am tearing up as I type this, haha. DBT was something I was so optimistic for, I am on my fourth type of SSRI and I was hoping that it would finally work when coupled with the therapy after so many years trying different things.


I spoke with my psychologist, psychiatrist and mum on Wednesday and organised my referral for inpatient. I am proud of myself for taking this step, but I am also very anxious and scared as I don't know what to expect. I had a look online and tried to find some testimonies and experiences, but they seem to be few and far between 😞 

I am expecting a reply from the hospital tomorrow and fingers crossed I can find a spot in their inpatient program. I am frightened by my thoughts and struggling so much right now.

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