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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING THIS @BerdNurd!!! You have just put exactly how i have been feeling about it into words so damn well. Like holey shit!! THANK YOU 💙 


You're so not wrong about it feeling like more of a kick in the guts this year. I feel like unless people know how to respond or what to do in situations where someone says no then its really not a question that should be asked. Exactly like you have said, dumping my shit onto others makes me feel absolutely terrible, especially when they have no clue what to do with it. I feel like I am even more of a burden by telling them so I have learnt not to tell people anymore because the few times I have they haven't known what to do and just never asked me again or drifted out of my life completely. And that's fine, its not their fault but like it also does not help us guys who are really struggling with complex issues because asking and then not helping is just as damaging as the fucking illnesses themselves. Idk. Tokenistic is definitely a word for it!! I think that if people are going to ask that question they need to be prepared and know what to do when the answer is no because they could be the first and quite possibly the only or last person they will ever open up to and I just feel like days like today don't appreciate or understand that. Idk. There is just so much more to it than asking R U OK? And I don't think people realise that unless they have experienced their own MH concerns and I personally find that quite scary because the question can ultimately do so much more harm than it can good. 


I don't know about you but I also hear people jokingly reply 'nah mate, I'm a bit depressed hey' or 'nah, I think I could have schizophrenia' (when clearly they fucking don't) and like they turn it into a joke and laugh about it and that just makes me so fucking angry and want to punch them in the face so fucking hard!!! Sorry. I just hate days like today so much because people just do not get it. I understand some people try, and I shouldn't generalise this but sadly too many just don't and are not genuine in their questions. 


I will stop ranting about it now. I am just so relieved I am not the only one that is left feeling more alone and burdensome on days like today. So thank you so much for sharing, I REALLY appreciate it!! 💙

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