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Hey @MB95 I really wish there was something I could say that would help 😞 I can't even imagine how much you are hurting right now.. It sounds like taking a break for your health from uni could be helpful if it meant you were able to get some support? What do you think?


Haha I just got reminded of this meme when I was reading over my post cause I read it wrong in my head




Anyway I just got distracted sorry


😞I'm really worried about some of the stuff you've been saying like it sounds like you're not feeling like you're going to be safe? 😞 Do you think there's anything that we can do to keep you safe when you graduate from here? Are there any other supports you could reach out to? Your GP? Anyone? I'm really worried about you (don't worry about me worrying though!)


I might watch wanderlust with you guys! Is this the 2012 movie? I haven't seen it, what's it about?


You never ever have to apologise for having emotions okay?

penguin hug GIF

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