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Hi @Jardin


I hope your processing of moving has been getting along well! In terms of when you should tell your friends, how have your past experiences played out? Did you find it easier or harder to tell them sooner or later? and when you did - what was your friend's reaction?


I don't think there is a right or wrong answer since it's up to preference, but I personally would tell my friends sooner so that they can take time to process it and make the most of the time that my friends and I would have. Doing this allows for last plans, memories, proper goodbyes, and all that to be made. Letting close friends know later may make them feel unimportant in some cases as it can come off as a "last-minute - I forgot to tell you" kind of thing. Again this is just my perspective, however, if you choose to do it later, I'm sure that if you explain to them how you were feeling they will understand. After all, it can be a big change for some people to be going through and it's understandable to feel uncertain, not ready, or even scared and that's okay. 

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